I had anxiety-shot dreams all night long, mostly along the lines of being at Lily's house and having to get ready for her ultrasound appointment. I hadn't brought the right clothes. Where was my bra? What would I wear? We would be late and it would be my fault, etc., etc., etc.
To add to the fun, the electricity went out in the middle of the night and so what time was it really? What about the alarm?
But of course you know I got up on time and got to town and picked up Lily and Jason and we drove to the doctor's office where the ultrasound was to be done and there we were in the dark room, Jason up by Lily's shoulder and me next to him and the tech named Marie and there he was, that little dickens, that possessor of a heart with four chambers, kidneys, a bladder, a spine, eyes, mouth, nose, hands, feet and yes, a penis.
My grandchild has a penis which generally means we're getting a boy child.
A boy child.
Lily is having a boy.
We all cried. Well. Not the tech named Marie or the doctor. But Marie handed me a box of Kleenex and I doubt seriously I was the first grandmother to cry in that room and probably not the last one today, either.
There are pictures but I don't have my hands on any and you know what? They don't mean squat to me. I do like how one of the ones they printed out has a little arrow pointing to the pee-pee. That's one for the baby book!
We met Granddaddy Moon down at the bank and showed him the pictures and he was mighty happy. We all cried again or hell, I did, anyway. And let me ask you this- why is that Mr. Moon is looking too damn gorgeous and fit and muscle-y these days, way too handsome and young to be a granddaddy (he was wearing his Levi's today and well, DAMN! they look so good on him!) and me? Oh yeah, I look like a grandmother.
And how vain of me is it to be discussing something as ridiculously unimportant as the way I look versus the way my husband looks in the SAME paragraph as I discussed crying about how happy I was to have seen my grandchild's four ventricles working, opening, closing, the blood flowing through them, the very most intricate architecture of his spine and his ribs, his hands, his feet, his head, oval and beautiful like an egg, just laid- the very structure and evidence of life? The life of my own, my very own grandchild, one quarter me, one quarter Mr. Moon, one-entire-half of my daughter, my very own miracle, Lily?
Well, because I am vain and because directly after I took Lily and Jason home and hugged and kissed them and cried a little bit more and told them a million thank-yous for allowing me the honor of being with them in that dark room with Marie and her magic, I went and tried on bathing suits with Jessie.
So that explains THAT and there you have it.
I was telling Kathleen about trying on bathing suits and she said, "Well why didn't you just go and hit your head with a brick?" and she was right. If Jessie hadn't been continuously cracking me up with her shimmy shakes to see how her bosoms worked in each and every suit she tried on, I might have just gone and done that- hit my head with a brick- because it would have been just as effective at making me miserable.
Here it is- no matter what I eat, what exercise I do, and how much I care, I just have to face that fact that I am a little old round woman and that, my friends, is that.
Ah well.
And then Jessie got a call on her phone from a nurse telling her that the MRI she got last week showed multiple tears and cysts in her knee and that yes, she definitely needs to go see an orthopedic guy. "I don't know how you've stood the pain," the nurse said.
Her father and I have been telling her for years that of course her knees hurt- she's a growing girl of almost six feet in height although really, I couldn't figure it out. She's not at all overweight and it's not like she's played basketball since fourth grade, the way her daddy did. And yes, he had both knees repaired by her age so IT'S NOT MY FAULT, do you hear?
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY KNEES! as one of my characters in a play I was in recently said.
And that's a day in the life.
The most ecstatic, ethereal and magic moment of my life as a grandmother (so far) and then the deep bitter grief over my old-lady round body (really- I was walking around Dilliards thinking, I miss the Beatles. I miss the Rolling Stones. I miss MY BODY!) like some fruitcake and then hearing that I've let my baby go on in pain for a very long time due to my negligence in not really taking her complaints seriously. I should have known- she's not a complainer.
Ah well.
And now I'm home and I've mucked out the chicken coops and picked some cucumbers and some bell peppers and Kathleen brought me some extremely lovely and delicious looking nutloaf and I am going to chop up mint and cucumbers in Greek yogurt and eat some of that for my supper. Mr. Moon is out of town and I am alone with all these various joys and bitternessess and self-recrimination and so, you see, life is normal, life is ordinary, life is a miracle, life is good.
We are trying to think of names for our little boy and I like the name Henry. Lily and Jason? Not so much.
"You could ask your blog people," Lily said. And so I shall. What should Lily and Jason name my grandson? Their last name begins with an "H" so there is that, if you, like me, are a fan of alliteration.
I wish I had a picture from the ultrasound. I will get one. Probably the one with his sweet little pee-pee. Sticking straight up.
Of course.
And so it begins.
Rapture. xo
ReplyDeleteMs. Moon, I definitely vote for Henry. It is my oldest sons name and was picked because of how well it goes with his "H" last name. If not that, then perhaps Mercutio?
ReplyDeletecongrats for the penis (: a grandbaby boy - how sweet!
ReplyDeleteAlways thought Harrison was a nice name, invoking cool charm, and graceful wit.
ReplyDeleteDays like these. You know. Enough said.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for everyone! Yippie! Can't wait to meet him.
Sorry to hear about Miss Honeyluna's knees. She is such a sweet woman child.
I am sorry to hear about the bathing suit mission. Kathleen is very funny and right on the nut! I'm not sure if it will help to know that I'm pretty sure it's that way for most all women. I've always felt nekkid in bathing suits and I'm not real comfortable feeling nekkid in public. Don't even get me started on body image stuff. I have to tell you though, despite what you may think or how you feel, you are NOT round! You look great and I'll tell you what, there are dancers that would love to have your legs!
Bad dreams are going around... So I've read on the blogsphere anyway.
Name suggesions: Harley, Hunter, Sebastian, and Enzo.... I know I know, that last one is totally Italian, but I love it and I so wanted it for our "Harley" I just had to include it. (Kind of a joke :-)
xo pf Sweet dreams
Well. What a fucking day! A lovely one, I would say. =)
ReplyDeleteI have a laptop back! I may just blog again tonight.
Names...well, I'm very partial to the names of two out of my four nephews, Luka and Seth. And not just because they're very sweet babies :) I always wanted to name my boy Seth Monroe. And hope he plays the mandolin of course.
I also like Blake, Bryce and Andrew.
Anonymous- Who ARE you? Please tell me. And thank-you.
ReplyDeleteRobin- I didn't realize your son's name was Henry! But I do like Mercutio, too.
CMe- I know!
Laura Lee- Harrison. Hmmmm. Lily- what do you think? And we could call him...HARRY!
Ms. Fleur- I think swimming nude would be less humiliating than wearing a bathing suit. REALLY!
Love the name suggestions. Harley is a GREAT name.
SJ- I'm so glad you're in possession of a laptop again. Yippie!
Good names. I like Luka especially. We have a nephew named Bryce. He got that name because it is the combination of some letters from his aunt's name- Brenda Joyce. Clever, eh?
Aunt Becky. OBVIOUSLY.
ReplyDelete(I love little boys. Many, many congrats)
Aunt Becky- Okay. What a great suggestion! You know, I did have a step-grandmother named Becky. Indeed I did.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the congratulations.
That is very clever! And we also have a Bryce in our family as well. I'm pretty sure I better hurry up and have some babies, because at the rate my family is going, I'm going to be left with no names :)
ReplyDeleteLuka is a great name, and he's such a cool little kid. It fits. I like the more traditional names for boys, but everyone around here keeps naming their kids what I'm calling the "Aidens"...Aiden, Jayden, Kayden, Hayden, Brayden...you get the idea. Although Hayden does at least start with an H!
i miss my body, too. i miss a lot of things.
ReplyDeletei won't suggest any names; he is who he is, and i happen to think that only mam can really feel who exactly it is growing in her belly.
so that is that.
So I just wrote you a whole long comment, but I couldn't figure out how to sign in...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it said many things but most importantly is I had fun with you today, despite the lack of bathing suit finding, and Dillards feeling like a bad trip by the end of it.
Don't feel bad about my knees. Obviously it hasn't been that bad because I can walk without pain, and that's the most important thing.
And to Lily, all I have to say is keep it in the family- Jesse Thomas Hartmann for the win! Hehe, of course she should name him any name she is in love with.
I had such an amazing time this morning! I can not believe how much I love my sweet baby boy. We will find a name somewhere and it will be perfect. I love you. Lily
ReplyDeleteWell...I am partial to Henry because I have one of my own. But I'll think some more...
ReplyDeleteThis post is fantastic. And I know the feeling, even though I'm nowhere near being a grandmother. I like to imagine myself as Gertrude Stein and think surely, surely, she didn't think about how big and ugly she was (not to mention her lover, Miss Alice B. Toklas?). I wish I could be more like Gertrude. In fact, you've inspired a blog post.
YAY for boys! Boys are so much fun!
ReplyDeleteMy sweet nephew is named Harrison!
I like traditional names like Jack or Joshua, or Ben.
First, I'm not sure going bathing suit shopping whith a hot 19 (?) year-old is ever a good idea.
ReplyDeleteSecond, yay! for Lily and Jason and Mr. and Ms. Moon and all the family!
I wanted Austin's name to be John. I also like Isaac and Ben. Apparently I have a thing for bible names.
I know what you mean. My son and daughter-in-law invited me to go to some Lamaze classes with them, and I felt so honored. She had to have a c-section because of his weight and her size, but I was there waiting while he was born. He's 6 now. Grandchildren are amazing!
ReplyDeleteBased on your pictures on here, you look great! No round woman there. That would be me. You look toned and fit and can show your arms!
Choosing names is quite a process! I'm sure the right one will come along.
Oh, and the dream thing? It's the full moon.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! A boy! So wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing the penis and being in shock for a week, because I was sure I was having a girl.
I think there should be a law against trying on swimsuits the same day as an echo. It's just plain wrong. You should have gone to eat some chocolate cake.
I do love your posts every day. Yo seem to just capture life in there.
SJ- Yes. Lily and Jason thought of Aiden, discarded the idea. They know one already.
ReplyDeleteAdrienne- I agree. You're right. Lily gets to name that baby. She DID ask for suggestions, though.
Hey! I missed you!
Lily- You are going to be the best mother EVER! And we are going to love that baby boy like no one has ever loved a baby boy in the history of the universe.
Elizabeth- How do we just stop caring, go into acceptance? Well, you're too young.
Ginger- I'm partial to the traditional names myself.
Steph- Jessie is a gorgeous twenty-year old. And Biblical names can be beautiful.
Joy- It's the middle of me which is round.
Mwa- Thank-you. And you're right, I should have eaten cake.
If they name him Henry, we'll have too many Hanks!
ReplyDeleteDTG- Uh-uh. We'd call him Henry.
ReplyDeleteA boy!! When I was pregnant with L, I was CONVINCED the whole time that he was a girl. When the doctor held him up and said "It's a boy!" the first words out of my mouth were "It's a BOY???" followed by "It's a BOY!!!"...of course, it would feel this way no matter what, but I am so glad he was a boy; that we started with a boy. Prior to having kids, I had pondered more on raising a lil goddess, but I must say that there is something so very special about Mama's lil boy.
ReplyDeleteI think Mr. Moon better look out in Mexico - all that magic and love swirling about, and you getting all RANDY already, you are going to ravish that man ;0)
A boy name. HA! Since my dear W doesn't like any of the boy names that *I* do, I will give you those for ideas: Caleb, Elijah, Lucas, Eliot, Annan...and I like Henry too. Not for my kid, but I like the name :0)
A boy!! How wonderful! I bet DTG will enjoy having some male company with all those sisters.
ReplyDeleteI like the name Henry, too. It sounds very sophisticated, I think. I was also going to suggest Harrison, but I see that someone has already beat me to it. Damn. Harold? Hershel? Horice? Horatio?
Damn, it's hard to think of boys names that start with H.
I want to see the Pic!
Also, trying on bathing suits is hell. I just did it over the weekend, and it nearly did me in. Maybe you should try at Target? They have great suits and suit covers.
ReplyDeleteHenry is wonderful. I also like-no, scratch that, LOVE Tucker. But you kow, they might have three or ten names picked out, maybe even have The One, and he will come out and they will look at him and say, "Oh look, there he is, XX!" Congratulations to ALL of you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to all of you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're entire family (and friends) are going to be so blessed by this boy child. And maybe it will even up the ranks, genderly speaking.
I'm so glad the sonogram went well. Now that my own oven is cold, I look at my children and wonder how it will be when I have grandchildren.
You're not a little round lady. You are a fine dame or a kick-ass broad, take your pick. I personally like broad. It's positively Sinatran.
ReplyDeleteHow about Clint or Nick for your grandson? Clint and Nick are guys you can drink beer with, and they'll even keep your secrets. Nice sturdy manly names.
Love you tons, and I forgot to comment that the spiders are icky and Florida is still SCARY.
Justme- When my first child was born I couldn't believe I'd a baby, much less that it had a sex. It was thrilling!
ReplyDeleteLady Lemon- I did get a suit at Target. I may go reshop for another there.
Kori- I think you're right.
Ms. Trouble- I feel certain your
oven is still warm, just not being used. Now MY oven? She is cold.
Ms. Bastard- Clint and Nick are great Hemingwayish names.
And I seriously doubt that where I live is any less scary, critter-wise, than Savannah is. Don't be afraid!
It's a boy! Congratulations! I have no idea what to name him. I have two unused male names, from my daughter's pregnancy, when she had to pick 2 boy names (well, she didn't have to, but she wanted to) before she found out if she was having two boys, a boy and a girl, or two girls - the boy names are Matthew Tyler and Joey...I forget the middle name. I was really upset about Joey - and asked her why she couldn't name him Joseph or Joe, then call him Joey, but no, she liked Joey. I'll ask what Joey's middle name would have been, if he had been born with a penis! Now I'm wondering myself! Anyway - when's the due date? If they're going to use an 'h' name, I vote for Hayley.
ReplyDeleteHayley's a girl's name, generally speaking. And if she names him Luka, May and I will constantly be singing him that song about the little kid that gets beat by his parents.
ReplyDeleteI'm not offering any names, I need to keep them all.
ReplyDeleteBut I will be taking note of any unused ones lying about!
Congratulations on your daughter growing a penis.
DTG- How do I not know that song?
ReplyDeleteXBox- Why thank you, kind sir! I wonder if your wife is doing the same.
A boy!! Boys are great.
ReplyDeleteI won't go with Henry, because my grandfather was a bad one.
And alliterative names sound like reporters. Lois Lane, etc.
I wanted Bodhi, of course, but that's maybe still a little West Coast for y'all.
If I'd been allowed he would have been Jed, or if I hadn't slept with one my husband didn't like, Jay for Jason.
I liked Shea (Shea), as well, but that's a little Irish.
A boy!!
Congrats to you and your whole family!
ReplyDeleteI was torn between Gavin and Malachi for my little man, but when I saw him on that ultrasound, I knew he was Gavin.
I do really think that I need a Harrison in my life though, and would love to make that happen one day!
Doesn't matter really what his name is, because you won't actually call him that anyway, right? (Gavin=Farty, Ceara=Scrunch, you know how it is:)
Lily is in for so much fun. Boys are a totally different kind of creature. She's in for lots of head shaking, puzzled looks and some downright 'what the fuck?!?' moments. Can't wait to hear about it!
Swimsuit? Ack. That's all I can say. That and 'oh shit.'
I like the name Henry... John is also a nice name. So is Jack and Harrison. I like those older names, I don't know why.
ReplyDeleteUh, I'm a little slow in catching up, but THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the image of HoneyLuna doing shimmy shakes for purposes stated. Really, it will help me get through the day. L7
ReplyDeleteMs. Jo- My brother has a boy named Kian, which I think is Irish. You're right about the Lois Lane thing. We're still pondering.
ReplyDeleteRachel- Yep. I think Lily's going to have a lot of fun.
And bathing suit shopping IS shit.
Meli- The older names are classic and not just trendy fad-names.
L7- You're so welcome. But really- is that appropriate? Oh well.
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