But the blog is such a joy to me. I do it for me and it seems like a perfect fit for me, this putting down of the words and sending them out. And now, it occurs to me that I'm doing the same with pictures, which I would never have thought I'd do. I am no photographer as I have often said and I never will be. I think as a child I was so nearsighted (the first time my vision was tested was in the third grade and I couldn't find the Big E) that I never learned to rely on what I saw. I have always been more apt and inclined to listen and to process what I hear and then to write about it. And thank goodness, my nearsightedness did not affect my ability to read because without books and the words in them, I don't think I would have made it out of childhood. Not with any semblance of sanity, at least.
But even as a near-blind child, I was always so open to the nature around me. I think this is true for most children and I mourn for the kids today who aren't allowed to spend hours outside doing nothing but lying under a tree or on a dock, dreaming as clouds pass overhead or water passes underneath. I think that we, as humans, need that dreaming time with something so vast and unknowable above us or beneath us.
Anyway, here I am, fifty-four years old and I have this tiny space of the web to put my pictures, both the ones I make with words and the ones I make with a camera, and believe me- I am, at this age, fully aware of the blessing of that, the rightness (for me, at least) of that. It is if I have spent my whole life with this round hole in my spirit and I've been trying to fill it with one square peg after another but now, yes, I've found the correct and exact thing, round and perfect, to fit.
My spirit is so much happier.
And speaking of which- I truly think this supplement I'm taking with its soy and dong quai and black cohosh is responsible for the coming-back-to-myself which I am experiencing.

It's like I've been wandering around the desert for forty years, knowing full well that the door is right there, and that all I needed to do was open it and I would be back in the land of the living where flowers bloom and foods taste and joy can be felt but I just could not find the key.
And now I think I have. And it's so weird. And so strange. And so wonderful.
I feel normal.
I look back on the horror of the last year and I shudder and it literally brings tears to my eyes.
And I am so very eternally grateful and grateful not just for the returning home but for the timing. It is spring. Everything is blooming. It is time to plant and weed and it is time to cherish the bloomings of babies which are coming and I swear to you- I would have faked it until I died if I'd had to, but now I don't think I will have to. I will truly be present with no overwhelming, constant buzz of the fear and the anxiety and the sadness getting in the way of whatever it is I'm experiencing.
I suddenly feel like the butt of the redneck joke whose punchline goes, "Hey y'all! Look at this!"
Because all I want to do is register everything I see around me right now which has been newly revealed and say, "Hey, y'all! Look at this! Because it's beautiful. It is truly beautiful and I can feel it."
Can you?
Oh. I hope so.
Because if you can't, it's not living. It's just getting up and doing what must be done until sleep can come again. No passion, no reason, just force of will to make one foot move in front of the other.
And life is too short for that. And the color purple must be noticed and rejoiced over.
I am noticing and I am taking pictures and I am rejoicing.
You know how some roses need to be pruned hard? And you look and think you will just cry because they are gone, gone gone? But, they are not, and they come back more beautiful than before?
ReplyDeleteMaybe last year was a pruning year for you.
And now you are blooming into YOU!
Well, I"m so glad. And about the purple. because when I read about your new glasses and not being so happy about them, well, I've beenfeeling sad about it ever since.
ReplyDeleteWanting to mail you and say, go back and get some you feel good in.
But now there's a year of horror behing you? Hm, I was feeling bad enoughabout the purple glasses. So I think I'll just go with the happy wysteria and say glad your pills are helping!
They sound all natural natural, is there mare pee in them too?
Behind you, not being you!
ReplyDeleteDamn typos... damn fingers...
Just Me- Perhaps you are right, although I feel strongly there is more pruning to be done. Dammit.
ReplyDeleteJothemama- I don't know if I like the glasses or not yet. They aren't in. This place I went to sends the 'script off to a lab in Georgia or somewhere. Should be tomorrow or the next day. And then we'll see.
And no mare pee in these pills. Just soy, yam, black cohosh and dong quai.
As to the horror- it has all been of the insane kind. Nothing that life has given to me in the sense of horrible things happening around me. Well. Except for a few deaths.
Okay. It's been pretty intense.
The color purple, indeed. I am so glad that those pills are doing so much good for you!
ReplyDeleteYou don't overblog. You give me something to read and think about every day. I dread the weekends when you sometimes don't blog. And your trips to Dog Island - can't you get broadband there? If I had beautiful trees and flowers to post pictures of, I'd do that too, but, I'm about a month behind you in the spring progression.
ReplyDeleteLady Lemon- I should have given credit to Alice Walker about noticing the color purple. She is the one who said it. It's a lovely, lovely idea.
ReplyDeleteMOB- Thank-you, sweet friend. I appreciate that. I really do.
This is happy news. You did seem to have a little more 'spring' in your step yesterday. Showing us all around the new growths and leaves. I liked the one with the redish shiny leaves. (forget the name)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, yay you!
xo pf
Petit Fleur- Begonia. That was a begonia. And I was in a good mood yesterday, wasn't I?
ReplyDeleteI have bad news about the fish. I believe the story either involves raccoons or hawks.
(So sorry.)
Hawks..? Really? My money is on the coons. I guess that makes sense. It's a perfect little wash basin for them. I guess the Millers have so much goop on top of their pond, the predators can't see well enough to catch the little suckers!
ReplyDeleteIt's no biggie. They had a good long life and let's face it, old Goldie wasn't long for this world anyway. I'm sorry you don't have fish anymore! It's really kind of funny.
And yes. You were in RARE form my darling! Very buoyant and shiny!