Thursday, February 10, 2022

Prettiest Little Lad In The North Florida, South Georgia Area

Last week (I think) when I went to Costco with Jessie and Levon, Levon spied a rack of Easter dresses and stated with great enthusiasm that he wanted one. They were frilly and tulle-y and all-over what we would call girly and he was pretty darn sure that he needed one. I offered to make him a new dress but he seemed to know what I am and am not capable of and asked, "A pretty one, like these?" Well, not really, baby. 
Jessie did not buy him an Easter dress and he hasn't quit talking about them so she asked Lily if there were any of Maggie's old fancy dresses around that might do and when we met up to go to lunch and shop a bit in Monticello today, Lily brought a whole bag of clothes, including one very fancy dress with a tulle skirt. A strap on it needed mending and I did that before we even left the house. He didn't put the dress on then but kept asking for reassurance that it was indeed, ready to wear now. 
We were sad to see that Wag The Dog doesn't open until 1 pm on Thursdays but we went to the pretty cool antique shop across the street where we looked at treasures and fun and pretty things and Lily and Jessie made me laugh so much. For whatever reason I was in the mood to BUY something today and the girls found me just the thing. 

Sleeping little baby. I do love it. 
Many vases caught my eye but I bought none of them. I am still thinking of a lovely smallish jadeite one and I may go back and get it. Or I may not. 
We ate lunch at the Rev, of course, and it was sort of an experience. The server seemed a bit unfocused but it all worked out and the food was good. Levon decided, before the food got to the table, that he wanted to put his dress on so that happened. We were eating outside and it was chilly and we all warned him that he'd be cold but he did not care. He was wearing flip flops anyway. 
Here is how he looked. 

Is he not truly lovely? 
He ate his fried fish and vegetables and french fries in his beautiful dress and then he did get cold and deigned to wear a little jacket that had been in the bag of clothes Lily brought. 

Somehow, even in that dress he looks like a boy to me but we are not afraid to blur our gender lines around here in the least. 
I have to tell you that during lunch, my daughters made me laugh again. A lot. Lily has no filters when it comes to certain subjects and at one point I said, "I wish Lis was here. She would be laughing so hard." 
And she would have. Lis is the most modest and ladylike of women but she can, when she's in the right company, be as badass as the baddest of asses and I have to say that my daughters and I are the right company. 

She left to go meet her sister-in-law and niece in Tallahassee when we left to go to Monticello. I was so very sad to see her go. It was good to have something so fun to do after she left because otherwise I would have spent all day moping about. She's on her way home now, back to her sweetheart in Gatorbone. We had such a good time while she was here. We laughed a lot and we cried some too, which is how it should be. I think we both got things shared from our hearts that we had needed to let see the light of day. There are certain things you just can't share with anyone but your heart sister and that's the way it is. 

And then Lily took off for the bus stop to wait for Gibson and Magnolia, and Jessie left with Levon to go pick up August from school. Which is basically when I began my moping about. 
I'm all right. I am very fine, in fact, but oh- I am already missing that Lis girl. She's leaving for her nieces's wedding in Massachusetts next week and Lon will be coming over our way to dog and cattle-sit for his sister and brother-in-law so we will get to see him which is a comforting thought. 

My Japanese Magnolia is blooming. Here's what it looked like this afternoon. 

Purple hands reaching out, some of them still clenched, some opening to the sun. 

Maurice is fine. She is sitting on the table where I'm writing this, doing a little grooming and watching the activity in the back yard. When I went out to the garden to pick greens, she followed me and observed me from outside the fence to make sure I was doing it right, I presume. Cats do not make me feel judged so much as they make me feel closely watched. They are taking notes to report in with to their overlords, I think. 
I have an active imagination. Unless I don't and am right about that. 

Anyway, life in Lloyd. Here I am. How are you? 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. That dress is lovely and I'm so happy he gets to wear a fancy dress if he wants to. He's lucky to be in this family. Beautiful child.

    Lis is so special to you, isn't she? Your attachment fills me with wonder. I get attached but it's not that ocean of emotion you swim in so effortlessly!! I learn a lot from you.

    1. I feel like I am lucky to be in this family. We cherish our differences.
      Lis is special to me. I have never been one to really like casual friendships and the older I get, the more deeply I feel that. This is just how I am and that is okay.

  2. There's joy and melancholy in this post, and I'm feeling it all thanks to your gorgeous writing.

  3. You capture life's ups and downs so well...I'm glad Maurice is okay and I too think Levon is lucky in his tribe.

    1. I have a feeling that Levon is NOT going to want to wear dresses when he gets older but for now, they make him happy. And that makes me happy.
      Yep. Maurice is fine.

  4. Japanese Magnolia!Wow what a gorgeous color. I want to wear that!
    Levon really deserves a frilly tulle fancy dress- One that he can keep forever. He is so dear that lad! Erik liked to wear dresses when he was that age. Boy clothing is so dull.
    I love the picture that is now yours too. Of course i would! And I am sad that your friend went on about her bidniz. I ache, well aware of that feeling of "goodbye, for now"- the ones we love...

    1. Isn't that a beautiful color? I rarely see that variety. The former owners planted it so I can't take credit.
      Why wouldn't boys want to wear dresses? They are more comfortable and also far more interesting than "boy" clothes.
      I'm glad you like the picture. It is so cheesy but I do love cheesy.
      Those of us who have friends we can miss so deeply when they leave are the lucky ones, don't you think?

  5. Everything in beautiful: the magnolias, the dress, the little boy and especially your girls.

  6. Levon is stunning....both in and out of his new dress! Maurice....who knows? Hope she doesn't have a bad tooth and maybe just a tussle with another cat? or a bee, as you say? and Lis.......sigh...always so sad to see them depart after a visit. And that sleeping babe is the frame. It is a good *find*!
    Susan M

    1. Levon is a beauty, I think. They are all beautiful in their own ways, of course, but he is just lovely.
      I think Maurice is fine. I really feel like maybe she got bit but who knows? It's not like she's going to let us look in her mouth!
      I like the frame on that picture too. It's very sweet.

  7. I have been so busy watching my grandsons (3 and 5) that I can't think. I just don't have your patience for the 24/7 care and demands and tantrums and laughter and fun. It is exhausting and I have them until the 20th! My eldest son will help now over the long weekend and he knows I am wiped out!

    1. Ellen! I would not have the patience for 24/7 care of two little boys. No way! You're my new hero! I'm so glad your son is going to help you. I know you need it. Do they sleep through the night?

    2. Yes, they usually do, altho, I do that sleep alert thing where I am listening for every little sound!

  8. Things are good here in Englishtown - sunny but not too hot yet. I miss having a cat watch me. Glad that Maurice is better.

    1. Maybe you need a cat. Or would the dogs rebel?

  9. Things are good here. I will walk over to school to meet my grandson. He will be here for the weekend.

    I think everyone woman should be blessed by friends who have the best laughs.

    1. There is something about the laughter, the TRUE, gut-born laughter of women that is so healing and wonderful, isn't there?

  10. Oh, darn, PS, I meant to say, every child deserves to be loved for exactly whoever they are.

    1. My thoughts are that Levon is as boy as boys come but that he really loves to wear dresses and no one has ever told him that boys should NOT wear dresses. I dread the day someone tells him that.

  11. Levon looks darling in tulle and the sleeping baby reminds me of photos I've seen of Magnolia. Those cherub lips. I love how you laugh with your girls, and filters are overrated especially in close families.

    1. Yes. That sleeping babe reminded me of Maggie too.
      Filters are definitely overrated, aren't they? I don't have very good ones ever but when I'm with the kids, they pretty much disappear entirely. Well, sort of.

  12. That's a sweet little dress and just his size too. I love the colour on that magnolia. I'm glad you got to spend a day laughing with good company.

    1. The dress is a little big on him but that just makes me more comfortable.
      The laughing did me a lot of good.

  13. Levon really is the most beautiful child, whatever he is wearing!
    I have never seen such a lovely coloured magnolia..there are lots of magnolias in gardens around here ( not in ours) but they are all the pink ones. As they flower so early in the year it seems sadly inevitable that they end up catching a frost and going brown within a few days!

    1. I don't see many of that color Japanese Magnolia here either. This one is the slowest grower! I think it does not get enough sun. It survived a few nights of frost and I'm hoping it can continue its blooming.

  14. That truly is a lovely photo of your girls and Levon! How precious!

  15. Truly Lovely and feeling that new dress, I agree with Frances, a most Beautiful Child regardless of wardrobe.

    1. He is a pretty boy and that's all there is to it. And I've never met a child as in love with trucks and digging things as that child is.

  16. I'm glad Maurice is fine and yes, having Lon around will help you miss Lis a bit less, I suspect. Levon looks completely happy with his new outfit!

    1. I'm glad Maurice is fine too! She's back to her crazy ways and demanding treats.
      It'll be nice to have Lon so close. I hope to have him over for supper a lot.
      Levon does like his dress!

  17. I can't tell you how much I love that you and your family allow the boys to wear whatever they want, express their personal selves however they want, even if it is dresses and do not try to shame them. It's a rare thing unfortunately.

    1. I will admit that it's hard for their Boppy but we all just laugh and tell him he's being silly and he keeps his mouth shut around the boys. How could our family NOT be supportive of all sorts of breaking down gender conformities? We're like a damn rainbow family. Oh. Wait. We ARE a rainbow family!

  18. i don't know if you follow LIBERAL REDNECK on youtube - (i LOVE HIM!) - but his diatribe today made me smile ear to ear. i thought of you and your big-hearted, broad-minded family and smiled a big ol' grin.

    thank you, mary moon, for adding such joy and depth to each day.


    1. Oh yes! I love me some Trae Crowder. I'm glad you do too!

  19. Yes and amen to all of that, Barbara!


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