Monday, December 7, 2020

Occasionally, I sit down here to write and I do write but the words that I've written are just all wrong. 

For whatever reason the usual this, this, this; then this, this, this just annoys me to the point where I simply delete it all. 

Tonight is one of those times. 

I had a fine day and even got to visit with these boys. 

But somehow, I just can't clear my head enough to write. Perhaps it is the very busy-ness of the energy that Mr. Moon brought home with him, jumping back into his life with both feet.

And so this will be it for today. 
I am well. All is well. I am just, as Kinky Friedman says, "agitato." 

Let's talk tomorrow. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. We all have days like that. On behalf of all your blog fans, may I say that we forgive you for this blogpost - as long as you dish up more of your normally excellent fayre in the days to come. No pressure.

  2. I've had a melancholy few days. Hubby wanted to watch Steel Magnolias yesterday (we used to live in the town where it was filmed), and I cried through the whole thing. Today he wanted to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie and I just couldn't. Sometimes I want to sob and sometimes I'm so angry I don't know what to do. Maybe an inauguration in 44 days will make us all feel better.

    1. Catrina- this sounds serious. I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I do so hope that you feel better soon and terrific by inauguration day.

  3. Some days i feel good and some days i want to bite the head off a chicken! We’re all suffering from too much trump. It’s a thing. We’ll all get through it or there’ll be Hell to pay!

    1. Okay, Ozzie Osbourne! But yes, I know what you mean.

  4. I feel pleased when I can leave a coherent comment... I think winter started for us up here in Vermont yesterday... My body aches... My sister 'may' have been exposed and her work doesn't think she needs testing... She does home health care... At this point I am freakin' worried for everyone.

    1. Well, I hope that your sister DOES get tested. Jesus.
      Anyone who has any sense and/or empathy right now should be worried about us all. Weird, hard times.

  5. When I don't feel like a blog I just don't, and don't even mention I'm not. See you tomorrow.

    1. Yeah but I'm so consistent that people start to email me if I don't post. Which is wonderful but I don't want to worry anyone.

  6. Yes, enjoy your night "off" and we'll talk tomorrow. It's been very much a Monday.

  7. You are in *re-set* mode with Mr Moon back home......gladly, but it's still re-set for you. Have a good night!
    Susan M

  8. I know just what you mean. Don't be gone too long -- I'm testament to how when you stop blogging, you REALLY stop blogging. And I miss it.

  9. I think that you are due a day off. Enjoy having that gorgeous man back ! See you when you are ready .

  10. Words take a lot of energy. Not a bad idea to take some time to acquire a bit these enervating days. x

  11. I totally get it. I have those days too. But I usually hit "publish" anyway. LOL

  12. as Steve says above, I totally get it. I'm amazed that your write so profusely every day.

  13. I'll be reading when you are ready...

  14. Those days are just so wonderful. Wallow in them!


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