Today was the day to go to Costco and buy the ham for the Jesus-Is-Risen-Like-A-Loaf-Of-Challah Celebration. Jessie needed to go too and so we met there. August ran to me when he saw me, his little legs churning like a sprinter's. "Mer!" he shouted and I was so glad to see him.
His brother, who had just woken up, looked at me like, "Oh god. Really? Her again?"
He cheered up though quite a bit before too long. As you can see in that picture.
Costco is a crazy place. Where else can you buy containers of food that look fairly normal-sized until you get them home where you realize you've bought literally pounds of food when all you need is ounces?
I say this as a woman who has enough of a cheese assortment package and crackers to make canapes for everyone attending a reception after one of those mass weddings that the Reverend Sun Myung Moon used to perform. (No relation to the Lloyd branch of Moons. Let me make that clear.)
Sometimes I'll look at what's left of my formerly giant block of cave-aged cheddar from Costco and think, "Whoa! I better get some more! We're almost out!" only to realize that in all actuality, I still have more than you'd get in a regular cheese purchase at a regular grocery store and then I calm down and wait a few more months. In this case with the cheese assortment package, there are five different wedges of various cheeses, all of which look delicious, and each of which would have been enough on their own for the appetizer portion of our meal.
Let's face it though- these feast-based holidays are nothing more than excuses to buy and consume foods we've been wanting to buy and consume all year but had the good sense not to.
But you never know how many people are going to show up for one of these ham-related shindigs. Or any food-related shindigs. Just our family alone is a slightly daunting number. And of course we define the word "family" loosely. But fiercely and sincerely.
Besides the ham and the cheese I got ONE package of a sliced smoked salmon sampler. I asked Jessie if I should get two. "If you want leftovers," she said.
How did I raise such a sensible child?
I'll cook the greens on Saturday, let them sit overnight and then warm them up on Sunday. They'll be better after a day's merging of the flavors as most things are.
So. Okay. Speaking of food. This morning as I was perusing the Tallahassee Democrat, I came upon this article for a dish called "copper pennies." it claims that this is "the best carrot side-dish ever."
What the fuck? I said to myself. As I so often do.
I had never in my life tasted or even heard of such a thing. So then I started googling and damn if there aren't about a thousand recipes for copper pennies online, most of them claiming that these are the best things ever. EVER! And that their mama's recipe was the best one. Or their granny's recipe.
Have YOU ever heard of them?
Tried them?
Made them?
I am so intrigued because they just sound so weird. But not as weird as meatballs cooked with Heinz chili sauce and Welch's grape jelly which are about the best things in the world to eat.
Another reason I'm intrigued is that the carrots in my garden need to be pulled. Most of them have split from getting too big. So I just might make up a batch and see what all the fuss is about.
I'll let you know if I do.
Wait. How did I get here from Costco?
No idea.
But after Costco Jessie and I met Lily and Lauren at the Indian buffet for lunch. And as always, it was delicious. But today was different because we were celebrating Jason even though he was not there.
This man, this daddy, this husband
got the official notification today that he has been promoted to the position of meat manager at Publix.
This is a huge deal.
Not only did he get the promotion but the store he's going to be working in is one of Tallahassee's largest Publix's and the store that managers wait for years to be transferred to. He's worked there before so everyone knows him and the store manager likes him and he's got the rhythm of it already. It's fondly called the Club Pub because it's near the campus of FSU and the students shop there. It's an extremely high volume store and he's going to be working his ass off.
But that's okay because he's been working his ass off for years and he so deserves this and we are so proud of him.
This is going to mean so much for his family and family is what Jason is all about. Lily did good when she picked him to be her husband and the daddy of her children. I can't say enough about how proud I am of him.
So we were all happy to hear this good news and we ate our Indian food and yes, the kids were a bit unruly but you know- kids.
One second they're being tiny dictators, insisting on getting their way, and the next minute they're saying, "I love you, Mer," and cuddling up and offering you bites off their plates.
They are entirely unique and sentient beings who have only been on the planet for a year or three but who came equipped with every human emotion available and every human desire intact and every human ability to think and reason well in place. They may not have the experience or maturity or self-control to harness all of this exquisite humanity but that too is part of their charm.
Oh god. I love them. And oh god. I am so glad that I am a grandmother now and not a mother because I just do not have the energy required to be the firm voice of reason and authority.
And guess what?
That's why grandparents spoil their grandchildren- because they know it's easier, FAR EASIER to just give in than it is to upset the little people and we are worn out from upsetting our children, the parents of these grandchildren in an effort to raise them properly.
And yet, the sweetness is undeniable. I have a little wound on my thumb knuckle from grating hard Parmesan cheese on a very sharp grater and August wanted to kiss it at least three times today.
Well, that's about it for today's ruminations and ponderings.
We're supposed to get some fairly serious storms with possible high winds and perhaps even tornadoes in the morning which is hard to believe right now. There is not one breath of a breeze. Not one leaf is moving. And then it's going to get cooler again and I am not sure that I've ever been able to keep my duck out of its summer storage this far into spring. But the celebration of eggs and rebirth should have perfect weather and we'll be able to eat outside, pondering the magical alchemy of egg yolks mashed with mustard and mayonnaise and salt and pepper, the deep funk of salty, vinegary greens from the garden and the sweet community of what we call family as children race around the yard, high on chocolate Easter bunnies, jelly beans, and the certain sure knowledge they are loved, no matter what.
We shall see, won't we?
Love...Ms. Moon
Hi Mary Moon. I've been making those carrots for years but had never heard them called Copper Pennies. My recipe called for just a half can of tomato soup. When I gave the recipe to my sister, she asked what she should do with the rest of the soup. I told her she could throw it out now or throw it out in two weeks when she found it shoved to the back of the fridge. That made her laugh. We found our recipe in a church cookbook. So good. Happy Easter. Hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteI always laughed at my mother who would save one tiny dab of a food until it got moldy. At that point, it was okay to throw it away.
DeleteI don't even think I've seen this recipe in church cookbooks and I have a little collection of those. I should go back and check.
My version was called "Marinated Carrot Salad" and came from Amos Presbyterian Church, Dromore, Ontario cookbook. I once took the salad to an office pot luck. So many people turned up their pretty little noses at it but if any were brave enough to taste just one carrot slice they were begging me for the recipe, lol. Go figure. Why don't people like carrots.??? I bet the grands would like it. Hugs, Elaine
Deletecave aged cheese appropriate for GET UP JESUS day, "meat manager" just cracked me up-but that is just my mentality,I am a child- I am sure it is badge worthy offering more money in the pocket.
ReplyDeleteYour ordinary days are really quite extraordinary, you realize!
Well, Publix has the overall store managers of course, and then the different department managers. Produce, deli, bakery, etc. And definitely meat. And yes, this does mean a little more money for their family which is wonderful.
DeleteI have heard of and seen copper pennies, and heard from all who ate them that they're delicious. I'll never know because I don't eat carrots. I say its worth a try to make them and accept praise. I'm only having eight for dinner Sunday.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am definitely going to make some.
DeleteEight is a goodly number for dinner!
Copper pennies is a new dish to me, but not surprising. I looked it up and found a recipe that called for tomato juice and red wine. That sounded worth a try.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen that recipe! Tomato juice and red wine, huh? Most of the recipes I've found call for tomato soup. I may go the traditional route and use that.
DeleteI love copper pennies and make them every now and again.
ReplyDeleteI just can't wait to try these. Thanks for chiming in!
DeleteNever heard of those carrots. I await your report as I am expecting you won't be able to stop wondering about them until you make them. Jason's promotion makes me happy for him and Lily - well deserved after all of his hard work.
ReplyDeleteJill- it's like you know me or something! Yes. Of course I have to make them now.
DeleteWe are all so happy for Jason and Lily. And Jason has worked incredibly hard to achieve this promotion. It's not an easy path.
oh boy, fun to read of your day....and your plans for *Jesus is Risen* meal! No rising of anything here........I usually make ham and scalloped potatoes (just to be sort of Jesus traditional).....but hubby said *I want barbequed hamburgers and potato salad* that is what we shall have and I'm good with it. Never heard of copper pennies........but sounds good! I have a to-die for-not healthy carrot casserole recipe I'll mail you......*Jo's carrot casserole*.......that may be up your alley as well. Complements from a friend who is from Indiana....hence the recipe- *very* mid western. Glad you are home.......and with your beloved's
ReplyDeleteSusan M
I'd love to get your recipe! Send it on!
DeleteHamburgers and potato salad are just as worthy as a ham to celebrate Easter. That's what I think, anyway. Of course I also sometimes call Easter "Zombie Jesus" day so...
Sometimes, after reading your posts, I fantasize about joining your family and trailing around with you wherever you go. I loved this post -- thank you for the "ride."
ReplyDeleteI think we all do this!
DeleteGod. You'd probably be so bored. But it's so sweet of both of you to say that.
DeleteCongratulations, Jason!
ReplyDeleteI'll pass that on, Jo! Thanks.
Deletehave you tried the Irish butter from Costco? we finally did and now I'm spoiled. the pale stuff available at the local grocery store no longer suffices. and nope never heard of copper pennies. you should cook it and tell us how it is. and I guess you are about to get the weather that blew through here Wednesday night.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried that butter, Ellen. Just what I need- butter that I like better than regular butter. Oh boy.
DeleteI will make the carrots and will DEFINITELY let you know.
And yes, we got that weather. It's still windy as hell around here.
I hope those storms stay away! Another blogger, in South Carolina, mentioned storms in her area too. I guess it's all part of the same system? Congrats to Jason on his promotion -- that is fabulous news! Dave and I have radically different approaches to groceries -- I buy what I need for a day or two. Dave likes to stock up, especially on staples. I am not a stocker-upper. Costco would make me nuts, I think.
ReplyDeleteThe storm wasn't too bad and yes, I think it's part of the same system that Jennifer was getting. Huge system. I think Ellen had it on Wednesday in Texas. I'm mostly with you on shopping technique but when it comes to things like grains and nuts and yes, sometimes even cheese, I do like Costco. I can buy a HUGE bag of organic brown Basmati rice for about the same price as a tiny bag at Publix. Sometimes the kids and I split purchases, especially things like limes or cucumbers that we know we won't be able to eat all of before they spoil. That works out well.
DeleteWould you tell us how you cook vinegary greens please?
ReplyDeleteBarbara- I will. Soon. I promise.
DeleteTiny dictators. A good description! I'm looking forward to a few of them myself.