Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Danielle!

Danielle is probably going to get a lot of lovely pictures of cakes today because it is his birthday. Now if I were going to make Danielle a cake, it would look something like this:

I mean, really- why not? Danielle is our naughty boy. Our deep-thinking, deeply feeling, talented-beyond-belief writer of secrets and erotica.

But that's just part of who Danielle is.

He is a cook and a dinner-party maker and he takes care of two little boys and he is a deeply faithful friend and well, he's just someone we've come to know and love here in our little blog community, our little world of mothers and grandmothers, nature-lovers and office workers and we all share something. I don't know what it is. A love of good writing? A love of the deeply sarcastic and snarky? The love of the deeply loved and loving?

Who knows? Not me!

But it's our Danielle's birthday and since we are strung along this planet like tiny shells on a vast beach, it is impossible for us all to get together to raise a glass, to cut the cake, to kiss the cheek, to hug the man whose birthday it is today but we can have this virtual celebration and here is my part of it.

And because I think it was my chickens which drew Danielle to me, I offer this to him-

A half dozen eggs in an old bowl because they perfect and they are all different and yet, they are all the same in their egg-perfection.

We are all different here but we are all the same in our own perfectly imperfect and loving ways and I know you will join me in wishing Danielle de Santiago a very, very happy 30th birthday and best wishes for a new decade of delicious and successful life. Whatever that may mean.

Happy Birthday, Danielle, from Ms. Moon in Florida, so far away, yet as close as a keystroke.
And much love to you and yours and may your heart be light today and every day.

You are loved.


  1. That cake is something else. Happy birthday to Danielle.

  2. gah i m all teary eyed again..just had my b day dinner which was wonderfull..along with margaritas and now i m here and look at your indeed perfect eggs...

    yet as close you cant imagine how close you are to me sometimes...

    the next decade will be a adventure and i hope part of it will be coming to lloyd and meet you and petit fleur and theowen and the moon girls and the chickens and everything....

    thank you for the beautiful post...

  3. oh and of course thank you sid and stephanie:-)

  4. Happy Snappy Birthday to you, Danielle!

    I hope it's a rockin good time, and that all your wishes come true.
    xo pf

  5. Happy birthday Danielle! I hope you get to come to Lloyd and join us for some chicken watching and pancake eating fun real soon. And who knows, maybe one of us will make you a cake that looks just like the one my mama put on this blog.

  6. thank you petit fleur:-))

    thank you jessie..that would be so good..that visit..and chicken and cake and all of course too:-) lloyd sounds like a good place to go to:-)..

  7. Danielle- Ah- wouldn't it be lovely- having you here in real life? I hope that dream comes true. I hope it was a wonderful birthday.

  8. Beautiful cake, I want some! :)

  9. Happy belated birthday, Danielle! Many, many more!!


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