Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On Days Like Today

When the sun is out and the air is so clean and so clear and so cool and the green is so abundant and my spirits are as risen as the lightest bread I ever made, I feel like there is nothing so good as to be alive here, right now, and in this place.

And it is also good to be reminded that this is possible. It makes me believe that anything is possible and then, when I heard the man on NPR talk about the Hubble Space Telescope and the Martian robotic rovers and how there is water in the form of ice just under the surface on Mars and how when we take pictures of far-away galaxies we are seeing the image of them hundreds of thousands of years ago (maybe millions- I can't remember) and all of this, ALL of this makes me realize that there is nothing that gives me more hope and makes me feel less anxious than knowing that there are secrets and mysteries and amazements unending in their number and scope and are as vast as the very universe. And even better- EVEN BETTER! every bit of knowledge learned about these things, every bit of data collected and analyzed leads not only to answers but to more questions and for some reason that excites me more than anything I can imagine.

I was a bad, bad girl in yoga today and asked questions of my teacher and the other student, both born and bred as Catholics and the answers always end up that there is so much about "faith" which has to be based on nothing BUT faith and I can't understand how that brings comfort. I can't understand it at all.

But oh- talk about space and light and atoms and THAT I understand, at least to the best of my ability, and that brings me comfort. There is just nothing like understanding my universal insignificance that gives me hope.

Isn't that funny?

It is to me. And glorious, too.

I hope you're having a good day, wherever you are and whatever you're doing and even if you are not, that you can somehow remember that maybe, possibly, tomorrow you will be.

Anything is possible. Even that. I swear it.


  1. I am so not EVEN getting into the theological shit about faith. I just know that for me, it is there-and that it is different for everyone. So if thinking about the questions and hte wonders and all of that is enough for you, then that is, quite simply, enough. :)

    It is indeed a better day.

  2. I'm with you -- I've always been strangely comforted by our relative insignificance on earth, at this time. Questions ARE better than answers, most of the time. Like desire better than the getting, I suppose.

    Have a beautiful day, dear friend.

  3. I've had another hell of a day. I've got to believe that people are hoping for a better day and trying to see the light, because otherwise I will feel compelled to hide under the covers.

  4. It would be so egocentric (and scary) to think that we are the only beings in such a vast universe.

  5. My days are mostly good. Sometimes sad, when I see friends cling on to life for the sake of their families, when they really should just give in and get their worn out souls the peace they deserve.

    For me, it's too depressing too contemplate that there is nothing after this earthly life. There's so much joy, and sorrow too, and I want to believe that all my dear friends who've died are finally in a heaven of beauty and comfort and at peace.

  6. What a beautiful picture! I just had to enlarge it so I could sit here and enjoy it for awhile.

  7. "Anything is possible. Even that. I swear it. "

    Yep.....I was just talking about that today with the IEP team during my son's IEP meeting.

    My little guy will move mountains.....just you wait and see!

  8. this post made me smile.
    glad you're having a great day!

  9. I just have to say....that your yard looks so peaceful and welcoming in that photo...

  10. Kori- We find our comfort where we find it. I love you.

    Elizabeth- I thought you might feel that way.

    Nancy C- I am so sorry. I hope a day like the one I had today for you SOON.

    Syd- And yet, if we are- it's still amazing, don't you think?

    Angie M- I have no idea why but I have never been bothered by the idea of no after-life. Energy released into the universe and a body released unto the earth is more than good enough for me. But that is just me.

    Lois- And I am the lucky one who can step out her porch and take that picture.

    Rebecca- I believe it. I do.

    notjustafemme- I love to make you smile.

    Ellen- THIS is my heaven.

  11. I'm a humanist (who doesn't like most human beings). I need empirical evidence, not faith.

  12. Ms. Bastard- Me too, baby. Faith has not worked out so well for me. Give me the damn data!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.