Thursday, May 9, 2024

Beans In Jars

When I sat down here on the back porch about fifteen minutes ago to answer comments from yesterday, the sky suddenly went cement gray and the trees began tossing their branches as if they were trying to get rid of them. Crows were cawing, hawks were shrieking, and the song birds were making loud, screechy noises. I have to say it was a little scary. I looked on my phone which knows all, tells all, to see if there was a weather alert but there was not. It's calmed down now although it's still very gray and I do believe the temperature has probably dropped at least five degrees since that wind began. I will not complain about that. Rob Nucatola, my go-to meteorologist, says that there is a possibility of rain and perhaps storms tonight. And then our temperatures and humidity are supposed to become more reasonable for at least a few days which thank god because it's really been horrible, as I said yesterday. 

I didn't even try to do much outside today. Mr. Moon reset the fence posts on the garden gate but then ran into some other problem and couldn't find the tools he needed so he came in, cooled off, and ate his lunch. He worries me because he is so stubborn and will push himself far harder than I think he should. 
"Quit worrying!" he tells me. 
He really does not know me, does he?

This happened today. 

I picked so many beans this morning that combined with ones I've picked the past few days, I knew I had enough to begin canning. I got my pressure canner out of the box that has been stored in the pantry all winter and spring and went over the instructions in the booklet that came with it very carefully. I only canned a few batches of beans in it last year and needed a refresher course. Unlike most instructions that come with products these days, this little booklet is thorough, concise, and easily understood which I appreciate very much. 

I removed the ends of my beans and snapped them into bite-sized pieces, filled my jars with them, added boiling water and a tiny bit of salt, and then put the lids and bands on the clean jars. There's a whole process that has to be done properly to ensure the safety of the finished product and I would assume, the safety of the person doing the canning. Part of that process is letting steam escape from the valve stem before you put the pressure weights on it and here's a picture of that. 

I've been yearning to do some black and white photos lately so here's one. 

Anyway, blah, blah, blah. No one wants to hear about how to pressure can green beans. But here's the finished product. 

Seven pints and one half-pint. And thus it has begun. Beans for the winter! I am so excited to know that on nights when I just am so tired of figuring out vegetables to serve with supper, I can just open up and heat a can of our own rattlesnake beans. 

Last night I made some squash soup and it was so very good. I have determined that the soup may be the very best way to utilize summer squash in that you can take four nice-sized squashes and turn them into two servings of soup. That's getting your squash nutrients! 
We've already had squash and onions and I will be making squash croquettes and also air-fried squash. Yes, here in the south we fry everything and the air-fryer has been a godsend to me because I do not like to pan fry and never, ever deep fry. Now if you asked me if there's a difference in the taste and texture of food fried in oil and foods air-fried, I would gladly tell you that yes, there is. But the air-fried versions are still delicious, the stove doesn't get grease-spattered, and of course there are the health considerations. 
Pass the ketchup and hot sauce and let us be happy. 

Mr. Moon's gone to some Coastal Conservation Association dinner this evening. That may be the name of it. Whatever it is, he won't be home for supper tonight. I suppose I need to get in that kitchen and fix me something to eat. We've gone through all the leftovers, which is sort of unbelievable. 

I was going to write a whole thing about the praying emoji on Facebook and how I am sick and tired of so-called Christians posting that they are praying for someone which is so absurd and which enrages me for some reason and then May texted us all about a chiropractor she went to who had Bible verses printed up and on the walls and now I'm even more pissed off. And the right-wingers keep talking about how they're not even allowed to say Merry Christmas anymore. 
As my old and dear friend Balboa would have said, "Bite me."

But here's a nice picture. 

Look at that pretty little lizard. I hope that he/she is eating Georgia Thumper nymphs like popcorn. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Those beans are prettier than the towel and your little lizard put together. I'm so glad I remember so little these days. I have a Youtuber I like who plays Hark the Herald over all his posts. But I don't remember who he is until the next time HtheH hits me.

    1. I would say the red towel complements the green of the beans. And yes I do know you are the towel artist.

    2. Joanne- I swear, if it wasn't for Google, I'd never be able to do anything. I am constantly googling to find out things I've known my entire life! I call google my back-up brain.
      And your towel is prettier than beans. Yes it is! I'll arm-wrestle you over this one.
      Leslie- I didn't think of that but the towel does do that.

  2. I love your little green lizards! I think they’re gorgeous— and I also like that they’re at your house and not mine!

    1. They're pretty cute little critters, aren't they?

  3. I recognize those towels!! We have two of them. Great looking little lizard.

  4. My darling Suzy used to say Bite Me a lot. I miss her and think about her every time I hear or see those two words.
    There’s a little group of Trump supporters who gather on a corner most Saturdays, I like to tell them “I’ll pray for you”. I hope it enrages them because if I was a praying woman, it would definitely be for the scales to fall away from their eyes and the hate to be purged from their hearts.
    The beans on that towel are beautiful, I’m also a happy owner of Joanne’s beautiful craftsmanship.

    1. "Bite me" is just so succinct, isn't it?
      That's great! Telling Trump supporters you've pray for them. It would be a vast waste of time, though.
      Another Joanne's towels lover!

  5. We have had some strange weather here, very overcast. Sunday morning, the skies opened and it poured for a very short time, but probably a half hour from here, they had a crack of thunder that shook houses and shocked people witless. A man dropped over dead, just like that. He was the husband of a girl that I rode the bus with years ago. I can't imagine such a thing.

    1. Wow! We had quite some storms this morning. I'll be writing about it in a few minutes. We had a crack of thunder that was so loud that it shook the house for sure. But I don't think anyone keeled over dead from it.

  6. Can't trust Christians- if they can believe all of that twaddle then clearly their brains are non functional. White christian nationalists are the worst and getting more so, as you know. May they be smited smooted? Anyway , your beans look amazing! You should be so proud of yourself!!!

    1. I feel the same way about Trump supporters- what's wrong with their brains? Maybe brain worms are more common than we know.
      I wish I could remember who sold me my first packet of rattlesnake beans. I've never looked back.

  7. I LOVE Joanne's towels, I have several in different colours, and I love green beans. I have half-a-winter's worth in the freezer and will buy more to freeze in a week or so. I go to the supermarket that buys locally grown produce so it all tastes almost as good as home grown.
    I have a neighbour who prays for people, she is so religious I expect her to sprout wings and a halo any day now.

    1. The beans I've frozen have never been very good. I don't know what I've done wrong. These canned ones though are terrific.
      I also have a very religious neighbor. At least she brings her god into the discussion all the time. And of course she's a big Trump supporter. I expect no angel wings on her.

    2. Rinse the beans, top and tail, slice into bite size pieces, drop into rolling boil water and time for one minute after the water returns to rolling boil. Drain immediately, spread on a cookie sheet, let them steam off a bit, maybe 30 seconds then put the tray in the freezer about an hour. Loosen the frozen beans and place in ziploc bags, expel the air and seal. store in freezer.

  8. Bite me, one of my favorite responses!

    1. Short and to the point. Just profane enough.

  9. Do canned beans taste similar to fresh ones?
    My newly discovered and amazing osteopath (aka fancy massage therapist but he is helping my back issues) told Himself they came here because they are Christians and his wife had a dream wherein god told them to come here. It makes my teeth itch but as long as he doesn't prosleytise I will continue to see him.
    The aunt once told me after Himself finally got work after being out of a job for months and months and months that it was because she had prayed for us. I bit my tongue til it bled!

    1. The canned beans do taste similar to the fresh ones after they've been cooked. So tender and delicious.
      I love how god is always telling people to do things. Sometimes those messages do work out well when followed but other times...not so much.
      Why in hell do people even think prayer works? I bet that aunt prayed for tons of things that didn't happen. Oh wait- that's because sometimes (often) god has a different idea.

  10. I still pray every night, but I doubt it changes things, just a habit now. I wouldn't classify myself a christian though, more of a omnist. I pick and choose what I like from different religions, works for me, although some might call it cherry picking:)
    Enjoy your beans my friend. I'm getting ready to plant my garden in the next week, I don't think we'll have anymore frost this spring (says she hopefully).

    1. Your prayers are probably a good ritual for you. I get that. My friend Lynn, when asked about what religion she believed in would always say, "All of them!" And she joyfully accepted whatever from each.
      I do hope your frost has had its last hurrah at your house for many months.

  11. The beans again. It's no time since you last made them. I recognize that towel, too. I have a little jacket I made from the green version, end piece Joanne kindly gave me. Today's cooler and rainy, probably a good day to wear it.
    I don't mind being on people's prayer lists, can't hurt. The nuns I send the socks and gloves to me have added me to their daily prayers. So I guess I'm not past praying for, anyway.

    1. You are so right, Liz! It's been a second since I was last canning beans.
      Joanne is a rock star. As are you.
      For some reason, it enrages me when people tell me they're praying for me, especially when they know I have no belief. It seems so rude to just disregard how I feel. It's like, "Oh, well, there, there little heathen. God loves you anyway and I'll be sure to put in a good word for you."
      But nuns who don't really know you are probably okay.

  12. "Thoughts and prayers" seems more like self-serving guilt relief than anything else. It's a way of pretending to care without actually caring.

    Coastal Conservation -- sounds like a fishing thing?

    1. Same with "sending good vibes." Or "good energy." Whatever. Yeah. That'll help. I've reached the point where the only thing I'll say is, "I'm thinking of you with love." Because I can truthfully say that.
      Yeah, I'm sure the CCA is indeed a fishing thing.

  13. Well that's a lot of beans and I am glad they turned out the way you want them to turn out. I don't know anything about canning.
    I get annoyed by all of the praying too but I know they mean well. I can't believe in praying anymore so I can't say those words to anyone.

    1. Canning vegetables is not really a requirement for life any more. Sometimes I feel silly doing it.
      I'm with you on praying.

  14. People that invoke religion is a red flag for me. Your beans will taste better and be healthier than anything you buy at the grocery store. Best of all, you know exactly where they came from.

    1. I do know exactly where my beans come from!
      I just cannot relate to people who fling their god about at random.

  15. It is so satisfying to read your pieces. It's like we are sisters, so many ideas in common. Stay cheerful, that's what I try to do.

    1. Well, in that way we're different- I don't even TRY to stay cheerful. But in many other ways, yes indeed we are very similar.

  16. Eating Nymphs like Popcorn, had me LMAO and it's a great pix of the Lizard. I don't mind people having Faith and Spirituality, but if they are overly Religious and inject it into everything, it's way too fanatical and way less Believable to me that they are what they pretend to be. Their actions should confirm whatever they are, regardless of words, which really require no corresponding actions to validate what they have said they are. My MIL used to Can everything and hardly ever go to the Store, she was from a different Generation where that was what was done. My Family, being Nomadic, didn't grow our own Foods and never stayed anywhere long enuf during Military Careers to own Property until Retirement, so, we had a different way of Being that The Man's Family who Hunted, Fished and grew everything themselves.

    1. A whole lot of people hide their true natures with religion. Or at least try to.
      I can very much see why people who move a lot don't get into canning. Takes up a lot of storage space for one thing.

  17. Replies
    1. Funny you should ask that...
      I'll be discussing that here in just a minute.

  18. I just told Carl that I almost hate when people tell me that they're praying for me and Sophie. I feel both bad that I'm dissing their obviously good intentions, but it also feels incredibly presumptuous, and I'm sick of christians and all they're wrecking. Thank you for helping me to vent.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.