Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Update for those who read the first version of my post tonight- there will be no trial tomorrow or Friday. 

So. In some ways this is good. In others...well, who knows? 

Thank you to all who commented with love and support for my girl. 


  1. I expect she's torn between wanting it just done, and relief over a reprieve. I'm glad she has supportive family.

  2. ditto to what Boud said.......
    Susan M

  3. We have 'no fault' divorce here too and with both of mine I was in and out of that courtroom in about five minutes. The judge read the papers, asked if we had any problems with it, we said no and that was that.

    1. Well, when I got divorced, he didn't even have to show up. But in this case- well, there are differences that are going to have to be worked out legally.

  4. Endings are always so difficult. Good thoughts to Lily. She is undoubtedly relieved but also anxious to be done with it all. I love the way that your family supports each other.

    1. And it almost seems like there has to be an ending before a new beginning can actually begin although of course, she has made many new beginnings. She'll be okay but this just sucks.

  5. I don't know what the trial was about. Probably Lily's divorce. It can be a complicated process and I hope she gets through with it soon.

  6. Exactly. You are right on the nose.

  7. I have read both of today's blogposts. I can sympathise with Maurice because I also get stressed out whenever we have workmen in our house. The allusions to Lily's divorce leave me a little confused. I surmise that it must seem quite sad for the children - knowing that the life they once knew has gone forever.

  8. Ugh. I'm so sorry she's going through this. There is no worse place than family court, and the process is so incredibly difficult and long and complicated and I wish her all good things. May this resolve quickly and may she have the resolve to stand it.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.