Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A Trip To A Bookstore, Getting My Ass Whipped At Cards

Today I had August and Levon Grandmother duty and I picked up Levon at his school and before we went to his house and I took that picture of the ever-more darling Cherry, we went to the Goodwill bookstore. 

He did his own hair this morning and I think it looked very fine. 
He immediately glommed on to a Power Rangers book and I warned him that I would not be reading it to him. "That's okay," he said. "I'll read it myself." 
He is quite advanced, I think, for a four-year old but he is not quite up to reading a Power Rangers book. But, pretend reading is good too. I tried to get him interested in a book about dinosaurs. 
"I hate dinosaurs," he said. "They died."
Well. You can't argue with that. Of course he does not hate dinosaurs, he just wanted the book he wanted. 
And I caved, as he knew I would. We also got two decks of cards from the casino at the Las Vegas Tropicana per his request, and a game of dominoes with Sponge Bob Squarepants images on them. And I bought August a giant Smithsonian book on all things in nature from algae to the limbs of mammals. Of course he would have rather had a Power Rangers book too and in fact, after I'd picked him up from after-school and showed him the book he said, "Why did you get this for me?"
"Well, I figured you could keep it around in case you have any questions about nature." 
He was not truly impressed. 

The dominoes immediately got laid out for knocking over because isn't that the best thing to do with dominoes? 

Cherry, although still tiny, is full-on playing these days. She loves to sit on shoulders and I told Vergil they should have named her "Parrot." She is going to be adopted but for now is the baby of this family. 

The boys and I broke out the cards and played first a game of Go Fish in which they beat me badly and then a game of three-way Battle in which they also beat me quite handily. 
Unlucky in cards, lucky in love, I suppose. 

And because I am running so late on my schedule which no one but me gives a damn about, I need to go make our supper. I really am ridiculous but we all do what we need to do to hold our world together and this self-made and self-enforced schedule is one of my methods. I am neither happy about nor proud of this ridiculous bit of illogic but right now, five days before my doctor's appointment, I need every bit of control and normalcy I can muster in order to keep the snakes of anxiety in a relatively calm state, writhing and slowly rattling, sliding over and under each other, blinking their cold serpent eyes, flicking their chemosensory forked tongues where they lay in the flimsy basket in which I hold them. 

Yes. I am a bit dramatic. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I was hoping that Cherry would be adopted by the boys.
    Why are you so worried about the doctor? Have you been up to no good?

    1. I have a horrible, illogical, ridiculous terror/anxiety about going to doctors. That is just the way I am.

  2. I hear you about the structure to keep anxiety at bay. A few more days and it will be done with.

  3. You ... dramatic? Pshaw!! LOL
    Your appointments will come and go and you will survive! ❤

  4. Cherry will be *adopted*......meaning NOT by Jessie and the boys? Oh no! Understand keeping to routine to try to stay in control (body and mind)..... and I Love what Levon said about hating dinosaurs because they are dead. what a smart boy he is!
    Susan M

    1. Yes. Cherry is going to get a real family. Jessie is just fostering her for the time being. She was too young for adoption when Jessie got her. She's still on kitty formula, mixed with her food.
      Levon cracks me up. "They died!" with such disdain.

  5. Oh dear. I don't have a phobia about medical appointments, but I do have a phobia about snakes. Your visuals just about did me in, esp. after a day here which involved an exploding spider.

    1. Oh, Debby. I am so sorry! An exploding spider? How does that happen?

  6. I am sure the nature book will come in handy eventually, perhaps for studying, perhaps as a doorstop. my kids went through a "domino falls" stage too, I bought big bags of plain coloured dominos and they used to cover the table with designs and knock them down. Have you seen domino falls on you tube? There are people who make enormous complicated designs with thousands of dominos that take weeks to make and just a few minutes to fall.

    1. Jessie already texted me this morning that she and August have been enjoying the science book a lot so that's good.
      And yes- I have seen some of those domino Youtubes. Crazy!

  7. I don't know if you ever watched Two and a Half Men, but in one episode Jake (the grandson) is rattling on to Evelyne (grandma - who played her part brilliantly) all about the sponge Bob characters. She's sitting there with a martini in her hand, bored out of her mind when she blurts out "so he's a sponge, and he wears clothes"!!!! She pulled it off brilliantly and when you think about it, it is a masterpiece of marketing isn't it! Oh and don't worry about your dr. appointment - you'll be fine, and then it will be all over again!

    1. Oh yes. I used to watch Two and A Half Men sometimes. You're right about the grandmother- she was excellent. I have to say that of all the cartoons my grandkids have watched, Sponge Bob is one of the few I actually don't mind that much.

  8. OMG i want that kitten.

    1. We all want that kitten but she is going to grow up into a cat and I surely do not need another one of those to add to the mix.

  9. Why do we torture ourselves with worry?! It is a terrible habit that humans have. Do you think animals worry? Please check the giant Smithsonian book and see if it says...

  10. The mention of Sponge Bob Squarepants reminds me of a very recent conversation I had with my eight-year-old grandson. I informed him that I would soon be getting hearing aids and that would mean I wouldn’t have to keep asking him to repeat things he has said to me (he generally talks very quietly). As we were walking out of the house later that day, he was walking ahead of me and said something. And, of course, I couldn't hear what he said and asked him to repeat himself. So he turned around to face me, hands on his hips, and very loudly sings out the beginning of the show’s theme song, “Spongebob Squarepants…I CAN”T HEAR YOU!”

    Seems he inherited my well-developed--and somewhat perverse--sense of humor. Neither of us could stop laughing. Mary

    1. Oh my god. That is so great. I can't hear half of what my grandkids say either and am constantly asking them to repeat themselves. Yesterday I did exactly that and Levon said, "Skip it!"
      "Good!" I said.
      "Why did you say good?" he asked.
      "Because I was tired of trying to figure out what you were saying."

  11. Why don't you charm those worrisome snakes like an Indian fakir? All you will need is an oboe or recorder, a turban on your head and a rug to sit cross-legged upon.

  12. Truly Mermer, why DID you get that book for August? Well, I do know, I'd have gotten it too. And yes, ever retired we must have some sort of daily schedule or else...chaos!

  13. "Chemosensory" is such a good word, and one we don't often have call to use. So bravo for that.

    August and Levon crack me up. Is August's arm in a cast in the domino photo?


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