Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter, 2022

I survived! 

It was actually a very nice, very sweet Easter meal and I got everything served except the pickled peaches which I forgot which really sucks because they are delicious and I'd taken a jar out of the pantry ahead of time and put it in the refrigerator so that they would be nice and cold but...oh well. 

At about 10:45 this morning I decided that biscuits would not be enough bread matter and so I made up a loaf of challah which always rises so beautifully and I forgot to take a picture of it which is sad because it was beautiful. I did get a picture of the biscuits. 

They were so good and honestly, making up the dough and refrigerating it a few days ahead of baking only makes them better. Because they have yeast and self-rising flour and baking soda AND buttermilk, the lusciousness factor only increases with age. 

Jessie and Vergil got back from Apalachicola and so did Mr. Moon and his sister, Brenda. In fact, they got here before anyone else showed up. But then the others started to trickle in with casseroles and cakes and salad. And once again, although I had done everything I could before it all started, from making the tea to cutting up lemons and limes to  whipping the cream to rolling out and cutting the biscuits, I was still absolutely ridiculously tizzied by the time it was all happening. But of course, it all got done, the ham was quite fine, the casseroles were terrific, the greens were fit to eat, the tables were set up outside with not a hint of rain and everyone seemed quite happy. 
Well, except maybe August but honestly, he was too. 

Levon is trying to look sad but not really succeeding. We missed our Hartmann kids so much. It really did not feel complete without them but I'm sure they had a great time with their dad and other grandma and they did all have an egg hunt together this morning. 
Here's a picture I love that Lily sent of Owen and Levon. 

And Pepper. Lily said they had a great time and I'm sure they did. August and Levon themselves told me they did. Those boys are going to sleep like little bricks tonight after the weekend they've had. 
I will too. Last night, in fact, it poured rain and even though I slept with an open window right beside my head, I had no idea it had rained at all until I saw this morning that the ground was wet, the leaves were dripping and there was about six inches of water in the garden cart. 

When the last hugs were given this evening, it was threatening rain and in the last hour we've gotten another nice little shower. The kitchen is all in order, all of the tables and chairs have been put back in their places, everyone took home leftovers, and I have plenty myself. 
It is so quiet here now where two hours ago it was loud and crazy chaos. I was sad to kiss my husband goodbye but I know that he is so happy to have this week with his sister. I may drive down to see them or I may just spend the week by myself, reveling in the peace. 

It's so funny how I still want to put these get-togethers on, even though they take some planning and work. I guess I want to prove that I am still the matriarch, to show that I can still do this, and to use this house and yard in the way I envisioned when we bought it, as a place where loved ones can come and spread out if they want  and be together if they want. A place that has no doubt graciously opened itself up to so many gatherings. The older I get, the more I appreciate that. And let's face it- I want to be the grandmother whose biscuits her fifty-year old grandchildren remember, saying, "Oh man. You should have tasted my Mer's biscuits. They were the best. Her Easter dinners were crazy good!" 

It's still raining a little. Thunder is rumbling from the south. I better go see if the chickens are ready for me to shut them in for the night. I haven't even checked for eggs today. Ironic, it being Easter and all. But that's okay. 

I had a dream the other night that perhaps should have been a nightmare but instead, was somehow wonderful. There was a world-wide pandemic (no, not that pandemic) which was absolutely going to kill every human on earth. It was caused by Del Monte canned stewed tomatoes. At least, that's how it had originated. I give myself extra points for that dream detail. 
And knowing that we were all about to die, our family all got together and we had cocktails so fancy that they looked as if Dr. Seuss had designed them with feathers and beads and jewels and we all just loved on each other so much and told each other all the secrets we'd never told before and we laughed and hugged and waited for the inevitable end. It was the sweetest, funniest dream. But in a way, isn't that reality? We humans all will die one day, hopefully not for a long time but in the meantime, isn't it best that we do love on each other, laugh together, perhaps share cocktails, fancy or not, and share what is in our hearts knowing that we will be loved no matter what our secrets are? 
Today was a little bit like that. I am so grateful for this family, a family that even when I dream of the end of the world as we know it, would bring me joy just in our being together. 

This morning I watched this video and the song ran in my brain all day but not in an annoying way. In a soothing, slow-dance sort of way. I've posted another video with the same song before but I'll give you this one now if you want it. Or if you need it. And if you neither want nor need it, that's absolutely fine. 

My cup of tea does not have to be yours. 

Oh, the frogs are singing their own love songs and the rain is pouring down! 
What a beautiful Easter. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. That is so sweet. The dream and the reality.

  2. I've never heard that song before. Either it's a more obscure RS sing or I'm missing out on lots I wasn't aware of. Loved it. Loved your day. Sweet dreams.

    1. It is rather obscure but it's also a beautiful song that Mick and Keith wrote. I love it so much. It is one of my favorites for sure.

  3. 37paddington: What a wonderful Easter you had. And that dream sounds like the way life can be when it’s just so good, as today was for you. I loved seeing all those beautiful joyful faces around your table. Yes, the little ones will remember these gatherings always, and be grounded in the love.

    1. I don't know that the children WILL remember so I have to keep doing this! As if it matters that they remember my biscuits. Oh, we humans...

  4. What a wonderful day. What a wonderful family that accepts you and each other. That's rarer than I wish it were. Happy group.

    1. We are unbelievably lucky, aren't we? I have no idea how I have been so fortunate.

  5. I remember you posted that song back in 2014 shortly after my son died. It was my first attempt to do something normal, go on the internet and visit my favorite place...blessourhearts. I just looked and the post title that day was "Heartbreak and Healing In Music and Life". My husband and I sat at the kitchen table and listened to that song and wept. It spoke to us, not as lovers, but as two people who's hearts and lives had just been altered forever by what had happened to our son and were trying to imagine the lifetime of grief and sadness ahead of us. It touched us deeply. I wrote you and told you about it and you were so gracious and kind. I've never forgotten it. I want to listen to this again but tonight I just can't. The holidays are still emotional, tender times and well...maybe tomorrow I will.
    Angie D
    ps My mother and I were the only ones who liked pickled peaches and she would always have a jar, served real cold, just for me and her. Today was her 91st birthday, we lost her to covid last year. I miss her...and the peaches.

    1. Oh darling. Every time I hear that song I think of you and the words you wrote to me after I posted it originally. Every Time. There is no reason for you to listen to it again until you are ready. Until you have the need. But please know that when I listen to it, I think of how it meant something very deep to you and your husband and that only adds to my appreciation of it. And my love. Music can touch and heal us in ways that nothing else can. If you'd like to send me your address ( I would so love to send you some peaches that I pickled. Nothing could make me happier.

    2. I teared up reading your reader’s comment and thought I will send her some of my peaches if she wants. We could each send her a jar and see if either is similar to her mother’s. Love you and how you touch so many people with your words!

    3. Mary and Lily, this is too heart and eyes are overflowing...Your Mama and her children are all very special souls. I am deeply touched.
      Angie D

  6. What a nice day! Your happy, smiling group!
    We had a nice day also. Lots of food, lots of laughter! I am tired tonight.

    1. Lady- me too! I plan to do nothing tomorrow except some laundry. I hope you've planned an easy day tomorrow too.

  7. That song makes me sad. I'm glad you had such a nice get-together,

    1. It is a sad song. It is an apology song, I think. A what-if song.

  8. How lovely to see family photos, all the happy faces and the wonderful foods. I'm glad you had a wonderful time and now you have a few days to yourself too.

  9. Another gathering of the Moon clan. Y'all have it going. You make me want to be a Moon.

    1. We do adopt a few here and there. You are welcome to become one of us! And we are not a cult. Ha!

  10. Your family get togethers always look so wonderful, and I'm sure you and Mr. Moon are a major factor in that! And your dream actually sounds somewhat like the end of the movie Don't Look Up! Funny dream though - except for the canned tomatoes! That bit was hilarious!

    1. I swear- when I woke up from that dream, I thought the same thing about the ending of Don't Look Up! I think it must have informed my dream. But yeah- the canned tomatoes. Hmmm...

  11. I want to a part of Moon clan as well. Can we do that? Is that a thing?
    Will you adopt me as a little sister?

    Jack has started remembering his dreams and he tells his poppa about them in the morning.

    I'm glad you had such a lovely easter with family.

    1. I could adopt you as a little sister any day! I love it when little kids tell me about their dreams. It's like a tiny window into their minds, isn't it?

  12. I don't have family, reading this makes me wish I did.

    1. I really do not think that family has to be the end-all and be-all of existence but having a good family makes life a lot sweeter.

  13. WOW what a day, eh? That looks so cosy and fun- Your biscuits look amazing and i would love to eat too many...East was just a day here. Famlily of slackers...I want what you have...maybe next go around. LOVE

  14. Dreams are hysterical. I over slept Easter morning. I dreamt that my bed was floating out to sea and I was fighting my way back to shore with it. I made it back, and dropped to the wet sand, exhausted, and my husband sat nearby in a chair talking to someone about the price of scrap aluminum, and the fact that it was so high that these chairs (indicating the chair he was sitting on) was selling for over $400 at auction.

    Dunno. It sounds like your Easter was a good one.

  15. So weird, I was sure I had commented here, but I don't see it. I think I said how much I enjoyed seeing all those happy faces around your table, and that family is everything, and your family knows it.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.