Thursday, January 20, 2022

When Ironing Is The Most Interesting Thing You've Done All Day

Gloom and fucking doom out there today and I've been worthless. 

I did iron some shirts. I did that because it offered an excuse to binge watch "After Life", the Ricky Gervais series. The third season has recently come out and I'm lapping it up although I'm not sure why. It's not exactly cheerful and I absolutely abhor some of the characters. 
But there's something about Gervais's humor that grates on me in an interesting way. Does that make any sense? 
It's a very dark and yet surprisingly sweet kind of humor somehow. And I can completely understand why some people feel about him the same way I feel about Jim Carrey which is to say- please never appear onscreen again and also, while you're at it, make everything you were ever in disappear. 
Although I do like the "Truman Show." 
Anyway, I do not feel the series is going to end well which would be just about what I would expect. 

I have absolutely nothing to offer the universe today. No advice, words of wisdom, poetry, pithy observations, jokes, lyrical descriptions, book recommendations, recipes, household tips, or relationship suggestions unless you want to piss off your partner. 
I just pissed off my partner. 

And so, as the rain falls down and the sky grows dark and bed time is still hours away, I leave you with nothing but the knowledge that perhaps tomorrow will be a better day and if it isn't, the one after that. 
Or, you know, some day. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. We're about halfway through the second season of After Life and we just can't stand to continue with it. We like Ricky Gervais and he makes us laugh pretty hard, but damn! every episode ends with him watching a video of his dead wife and crying. It's just too sad and depressing and no amount of humor makes up for it.

    I'm sorry you've had a rough day. Fuck it. Tomorrow's another day, right? Hang in there.

    1. I understand. After Life is definitely not really a comedy. And it is very sad in places.

  2. I finished season 3 in one sitting. LOL YOLO Cheers from Vermont, where it's -2 degrees and dropping.

    1. Definitely YOLO. I never feel as if I'm doing a good job of that.
      -2 is not a human-tolerating temperature in my southern girl opinion!

  3. I love Ricky Gervais. There is no one quite like him. I was planning to watch the third season this afternoon while I assembled something but gave up after looking for the remote for over an hour. That is how my day has been going. That freeze really did a number on your tropical flora.

    1. I understand! Some days are just like that. Have you found the remote yet?

  4. As usual I am completely in the dark about actors, which I think you're talking about? Today was a down day, really. I did very little, unusual for me. Is it the general news, the time of year, phase of the moon, who knows. Tomorrow is, yes, another day!

    1. I'm sorry you had a down day too, dear lady. And who DOES know why these things happen? They just do. Some days are hibernating days, I think.

  5. Sometimes we piss off our partners. But tomorrow always comes. Sorry it was a sucky sort of day. Love all the textures in that photo. It's so Florida.

    1. He wasn't pissed for very long. He'd been working on a lease for hours and I just said the wrong thing. We made up without even having to mention it.
      And yes- this is indeed Florida!

  6. Waiting for someday, you and me both:)


    1. I just don't want to wait until it's too late!
      Hugging you back.

  7. I haven't watched the newest season of "After Life," but I have enjoyed what I've seen. I know what you mean about Ricky Gervais, though. His humor is odd and not always very palatable.

    As for pissing off your partner, well, that's just what happens when you live with someone, right? It's inevitable, but fortunately transient.

    1. Ricky Gervais is definitely an acquired taste for some. I really do like him though.
      This instance of pissing off my partner was extremely transient. Like- a few minutes and then it was gone.

  8. So now it is "tomorrow" and I know it will be better for you because there will be clean sheets and martinis at your house! Right?!
    Have a better day, Ms. Moon! :)

    1. Clean sheets on the bed, martini glasses in the freezer!

  9. Everyone has one of "those" days every so often! I'm sure your Hubby is a forgiving soul and whatever happened yesterday is forgotten today!
    Enjoy your Friday with those line dried sheets and martinis later on!

    1. It's true. I am pretty sure that Mr. Moon doesn't even remember that tiny incident and if he does, he probably doesn't care any more.
      Thank you for the Friday wishes!

  10. That's why you have cats. They are a great break from the human world, one's self included. Cuddle with one, go out and garden with the other.

    1. Exactly. Not good gardening weather but I did give Jack lots of good scratches while he was cuddling with me in the dark night.

  11. Ah well, sorry you pissed off your partner but nice to know you do have a normal relationship. Sometimes we're just pissy. Cold here yesterday, really cold and windy which of course just makes it worse. Supposed to get just below freezing tonight and then a slow warming trend. Which is good because when it's that cold, I don't get anything accomplished.

    1. Oh, we have a normal relationship. I think! He was already pissy because he'd been working on a lease for hours and was OVER IT!
      Not windy here today but cold and very wet. We'll get our freezing temperatures starting Sunday.

  12. I'm not a particular Gervais fan either but I must admit I'm getting hooked on After Life!

  13. I'm 4 episodes into the new season. 2 more to go and will be watching them tonight. There is something about this show I really like as well. I'm thinking it'll be a good ending but I also could just be a sucker :)

    1. The ending was...
      Well, you watch it. Tell me what you think.

    2. I mostly loved it. Except for some of the uncertainty of the last 2 minutes. But overall loved it. What did you think?

    3. Same as you. The "clues" to be found there left quite a bit of wiggle room for several endings though, didn't they? Whatever he chose or didn't choose, I think I would respect his decision.

  14. I'm paying $10 or more a month for Netflix and have not turned it on for months. Well, there was that one set back.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.