Thursday, April 25, 2013

Such Good Sleep

The boys are coming, the boys are coming and we slept well and this thing of sleeping well, both of us, is a bit life-altering, it's like a miracle, a slamming-back into the body of two ghosts who roamed the house at all odd dark hours.
Now we sleep.
I mean sleep.
And the chickens were raising such a ruckus I made Mr. Moon go out and see what was up- is there a snake in the hen house or are they just having an argument and if so, what do they argue about, those hens? "My eggs are prettier than your eggs?"
Who knows, not me but they are vocal.
I also told him to grab some venison sausage out of the garage and before the boys get here I am going to cut a cabbage out of the garden and chop a bunch of stuff and add it to the garbanzo beans I've been soaking all night (while we slept) and that will be tonight's soup.

The boys are coming and it's a good thing because I ache to see them. Gibson says "More!" now and I am not surprised. He always wants more, that child. More noodles and more holding and more action and more kisses. I have more kisses stored up than he will probably want. Too bad. It is his job to receive them.

I need to get busy to make the bed and cut the cabbage and chop the peppers and onions and garlic and get ready. There is bamboo to kick, there is Candy Land to play, there are puzzles to put together and cards to deal and chickens to feed and boys to love on and love on and love on and I slept well and I can do it.

Good morning.



  1. Yay! Have fun with those boys! Betcha they're excited to be going to Mer-Mer's!

  2. I played Candyland for the first time ever last week. Breezi's exclamation when she draws the gummy card and has to miss is a turn is, "Oh, crackers!"

    Have fun with them young'uns.

  3. Having your grandkids close is such a blessing. Mine lived next door til we moved to the country 3 years ago. Our house was an extension of their house.

  4. I am happy that the boys are coming and bringing more delight to your rested selves. And Nancy's comment made me smile. "Crackers!"

  5. Welcome those boys for all of us.

    XXX Beth

  6. Any adult who sits through Candyland surely deserves a very large medal and a very foamy beer.

    Have a wonderful day.

  7. You are a saint! I know that you love those boys. But you work and work too. I hope that there is a bit of Cozumel still in your head.

  8. Jill- Oh, they are always excited to come here. So much to do! And I am such a push-over for whatever they want.

    Nancy- Haha! Better than Owen's "Jesus Heck!"

    Beth Coyote- I welcomed your young grooms. They say hello and send their love.

    Ms. Vesuvius- I got away Candy-Land free today. Of course, there is always tomorrow.

    Syd- I am no saint. Believe me. Lord. But like you, I do stay busy. And honey- Cozumel is not only always in my head, it is in my bones and blood. I promise you.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.