Thursday, April 18, 2013


Have y'all seen that Dove ad campaign with the women and the sketch artist? I'm sure you have and if you haven't, just google that shit. People are swooning over it. I think it's bogus. It's so heavily edited that you have no idea what in hell was going on, plus...all of those women are fine-looking women and if we need an ad for face wash to tell us that we're probably better looking than we think we are, we're in deep trouble.
I'm thinking back to the Jamie Lee Curtis Activia ad and feeling the same vibe.
Whatever. Good morning.

Okay. Here's something in the media which has been cracking me up. Ferrets which were given steroids and then groomed and sold as toy poodles in Argentina. 

This may, in fact, be an urban myth. But damn. I so want it to be true.

Here's another thing I want to be true- the tiny mummified humanoid alien found in Chili. 

Poor little tiny humanoid alien! Where are your people?

See- I do read the news. 
I just read the things that are metaphorical fingers in my ears singing la-la-la-la!

Right. Look- if those lawmakers can refuse to pass a few laws concerning background checks and the size of magazines to try and do something, ANYTHING about the horrendous, shameful murders of American citizens by wackos with guns, then I can believe in tiny humanoid aliens and ferrets being sold as toy poodles. 

Moving on. 

The boys are coming today and I'm going to be too busy to worry about anything but them. They haven't been over in quite awhile and it's going to be a fun day. I hope. 

Here's one more picture. 

Jessie and Vergil eating gelato in Rome. Now there's your good news for the day. 

Let's get to it. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. While I would love to be eating gelato in Rome, I'll settle for a trip to your brain.
    Hey, I had a plastic alien about that size on my key chain...

  2. Oh good god, they've increased the portion size in Italy, too. (When I last ate gelato there it was probably 20 years ago, but I am CERTAIN that the scoops were much, much smaller.) IS NOTHING SACRED??

  3. I thought that Dove ad was kind of dumb. I know everyone thought it was just! so! amazing!

    J&V look fantastic. As usual!

  4. You said it all in regards to the Dove commercial. I watched about 30 seconds and said, "Banana Split!" Which is the "G" version of 'b.s.'. Everyone on Facebook is all going goo goo over that commercial and I just ..........just don't buy it.

  5. I read about the ferrets, too, so it must be true. It's more innocent than what congress is doing that's for sure. I just can't believe it. I'm with you - the aliens have to be real.

  6. Denise- Did you lose your keychain alien in Chile?

    NOLA- Now you just don't have to go as often to get gelato. That's how I see it.

    Elizabeth- Heh-heh.

    SJ- I know. I was shocked at how meh it was.
    The honeymooners look so happy, don't they?

    Rebecca- Banana Split! That's great.

    Rachel- They ARE real! I swear!

  7. So nice to see Jessie and Vergil having fun in Rome. They look really happy.

  8. Oh my god I thought I was the only one who cackled and was endlessly amused by the poodle/ferret story. I think it was the evil expression on the ferret's face that killed me the most!

  9. Clearly I need to start reading HuffPo! LOL! The ferret/poodle thing cracks me up.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.