Saturday, April 20, 2013

Joy And Tantrums And Decisions And Shrimp

Turns out that Elmo made an appearance at the Great Cloth Diapering Event which Owen and I missed the actual diaper-changing part of which saddens me but he and I were busy across the street, splitting a bagel. There were so many darling babies and kids that I felt like I might pass out from the sweetness of  it all. I may not have the religion or patriotism gene but I sure as hell got the baby gene.

Along with the bagel I let Owen have a chocolate milk and then at the Event they had cupcakes and by the time we got to Publix afterwards, he was in fine form and did a full throw-himself-down-on-the-ground-and-scream Event of his own. This is rare for that boy but his mama did the same every time we went out in public when she was his age and for one tiny millisecond I had a heart-clinch of muscle memory of being a mama with a screaming out-of-control kid in the store. But then my grandmother heart took over and I bent over and picked that big boy up and cradled him in my arms and kissed his face and whispered into his ear, "I love you, I love you," and he settled right down and all went very well after that.

I swear. I do love being a grandmother.

When we were having our bagel he told me that he was pretty sure that that was not the real Elmo. That, in fact, it was just a man wearing a hat. 

"You think?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he said.
"Could have been a girl," I said.

Gibson, however, took the entire thing as presented and was thrilled. He has no idea who Elmo is but a big stuffed animal was paying attention to him and that was enough to make him happy.

After awhile, Elmo disappeared and then Dora The Explorer showed up and he was even more thrilled. I wish I had pictures but I don't. He kissed Dora repeatedly to the point where I thought she might have to file a complaint. That child just loves to kiss.

So it was a very fun time and although I did not go to the Art In The Park in Tallahassee or the music festival in Monticello, I did get to see a lot of darling children and after we had lunch and had gone to Publix and Costco I came home, unloaded the groceries and fell on the bed and took another coma nap.

Mr. Moon and I just did a tour of the yard and kicked the bamboo and now I'm going to make mustard shrimp and brown rice and a salad. It got cool here last night after the rain and I am looking forward to another great night of sleep. We have to figure out this bedroom/bed thing, Mr. Moon and I. We are now sleeping in the guest room on the magical mattress and sleeping better than we've ever slept since we started getting the Senior Discount and part of it for me is sleeping in a corner under a window, cozy and yet with the air blowing over me at the same time and I don't know whether we should trade out the beds and return to our own room or trade out the furniture and make that room our bedroom.

Well. Whatever. We have choices and we shall make one.
Until then, I am so happy to crawl into that cozy bed with the fan right beside me and the window right above me and I better end this and get to making supper. Brown rice takes an hour to cook and cleaning shrimp takes awhile too.
My husband spent all day working like a demon clearing vines and trees from our commercial property in town and I need to feed him.

It sure is a beautiful evening. I am most grateful for this day.

Yours truly...Ms. Moon


  1. that bedroom sounds like it's yours for keeps. can you see your garden from there? i have the best garden view from my bed which is so awful i often just sleep on the floor especially in the summer. loveyou.

  2. I imagine sleeping in the guest room is sort of romantic and new and not the usual, like a mini escape right there in your own home.

  3. Madame King- Nope. There is no view at all although the window does give vision of the porch out front. Because of...things...I like it like that. I like feeling hidden. I like sleeping in darkness and shadow. I love you too. So much.

    Angella- There is that! I swear.

  4. Sounds like a smashing day, tantrum and all.

  5. I would love to know how you make mustard shrimp.

    Magical musical beds --

  6. Nancy- It was. I swear.

    Elizabeth- Okay. I'll email you the recipe. It's a good one.

  7. A wonderful grandmotherly day. Owen is a smarty pants I tell ya - between your last post and this one he has been tremendously entertaining to me. What a sweet child. And Gibson. Kissing and loving those giant stuffed creatures. Another sweet child.

    Sounds like you and the Mr need to permanently move into the panther room. It sounds heavenly and relaxing.

  8. I'm glad Gibson wasn't scared of Elmo. Sometimes people in costumes like that can freak kids out.

    It sounds to me like the guest room is no longer the guest room. And it's not just the good mattress and the breezy corner -- it's also that you don't have that infernal light from your neighbor's house shining in, right?

  9. Tantrums have a whole different vibe to them when you're a grandparent, don't they? They are just not the tragedy they are when you're the mom. It's wild.

  10. Jill- We sure are sleeping well in there. It's like a tiny miracle. And yes, Owen is a smarty-pants sometimes. But a sweet one.

    Steve Reed- Yes. You know me so well.

    Heartinhand- It IS wild. What I did with Owen would NEVER have worked with his mama when she was a young'un. I have no idea why it worked with Owen but it did.

  11. Just catching up on your last few posts and I think you get the prize for Bestest Mer Mer to those two cutie pies.
    You do it so well and then you take a nap. A lesson for all us grandmas.

  12. Ms. Yo- Well, I am the only Mer-Mer so yes, I DO get best prize. They have another grandmother so she can get the "grandma" prize which is what they call her. And I can't NOT take a nap when I have been with them. There is no choice in the matter.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.