Monday, October 4, 2010

As Ms. Bastard-Beloved Would Say- I Just Like The Damn Picture


  1. Gaga and Yoko - makes sense on so many levels.

  2. DTG- True! And doesn't Yoko look AMAZING?

  3. Lady Gaga? Oh no!

    Have a nice day, Boonie

  4. I thought that was Roseanne at first :) Something about the smile.

  5. Boonie S- I have no opinion about her but I do love Ms. Ono.

    Stephanie- Yoko never smiled when she was young in public. In Japan, it had been considered rude. I am glad to see she smiles now.

  6. Whoa~ I haven't heard anything about nor seen Yoko in ages! She looks way better than the gaga lady!

  7. Yoko never could sing, but after what she has been through--hey, she can do anything she wants.

  8. I like it, too. I adore Yoko, always have.

    I DESPISE Gaga though. She just fucking gags me. I saw her in an interview and she has clearly been lobotomized or some shit. Maybe she's a damn space alien, like Jesus. [Daddums has a book entitled, "Why Jesus Was a Space Alien." I shit you not. I figure it makes about as much sense as anything else. And, actually, it would explain ONE HELL OF A LOT.]

    Love you!


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