Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shot To Shit

When you wake up and the person who spent the night at your house who JUST GOT CHEMO FOR CANCER THE DAY BEFORE is up before you and obviously feels better than you do and has more energy- it's time to back up and examine your life.
Or at least take a nap.

I was SO tired last night and yet, I couldn't sleep until Mr. Moon got home from poker at midnight. I finally broke down and called his cell-phone right after 12 and he said, "I'm pulling in the driveway," and he was and he got in and told me about poker and how he'd gone to see Owen. "He loves his Pop-Pop," he told me. "He came and got in my lap."
And then Mr. Moon got in bed and I let him hold me for a little bit and I did some more deep breathing and finally, I got to sleep. But it wasn't enough.
It never seems like enough.

And when I got up, Mr. Moon was up and getting ready to go out to the woods to set up a new trail camera (the old one must be broken- it is getting no pictures of deer at all but some very fine ones of a young black bear which sort of upsets me but what can I say- Honey, you can't go hunt in the woods with that bear around? No.) and Kathleen was up and reading in bed looking gorgeous and rested and she was ready to go home.
After I woke up sufficiently I took her home and her dogs and her chickens all came out to greet her and they were so happy to see Mom. We looked at her pears and her olives and David Smith, one of her peeps, and then I came home and Mr. Moon came home and I fixed his lunch and gave him his smoothie and I said, "I'm so tired," and he said, "Go back to bed, honey. It's okay."

And I think that's what I'm going to do. This is unheard of. But honestly- I think I am.
I don't HAVE to do anything or be anywhere until I have to be at the Opera House tonight at six.

I feel almost certain that the world will not come to an end if I close the curtains and doors, turn on the air conditioner and lay down upon my pillows. I feel guilty as hell because I know that Kathleen is going to take her trash to the dump and drive herself to an appointment and go to the grocery store to lay in a few more supplies for her dad beyond the lemon cookies and Cokes she has bought him and oh yes, take a rooster out of the freezer and make chicken and dumplings while I am going to take off my clothes and turn off the phone and withdraw from life for a few hours.
After I call to check on her, of course.

One of my favorite quotes from Anne Lamott is from her book Operating Instructions and it goes something like, "I am the piece of shit the world revolves around," and when I read it I got it immediately and I knew exactly what she was talking about and it still makes me laugh and get over myself when I think about it.

So. I am off to bed AGAIN to get over myself and to see if I can refill this old bucket of a body with some sort of fresh water which will wash my mind and heart of all the sludge lurking there at the bottom because when you're tired (ask Mwa!), everything is too hard, everything is confused, everything is just impossible.

Time to knit up that raveled sleeve of care and let the world revolve around some other piece of shit for awhile.

And for all of you who CAN'T nap today- I feel so sorry for you (and guilty that I can) and believe me- I will try to nap so well that it will help you too.

As if.

Signing off...Ms. Moon


  1. Let me tell you why I love you so much. You know depression, and you also know that even with those blessed pills, there are days that are hard. And you stop, and you rest.

    I don't stop like I should. I don't take the blessed pills anymore, although on days like today, when even the hardest, sweatiest run doesn't flush the shit out of my system, I think about scheduling an appointment.

    Perhaps I will try to nap. Yes. Perhaps that is what I need.

    Anyway, you are just precious to so many. Remember that.

  2. Oh Ms. Moon, I hope you have a nice nap. I wish you rest every night, and I know how grinded to a nub sleeplessness makes a person. I know how much worse it is with aches and pains thrown in the mix too, it's a self perpetuating shitty situation. Thank goodness for the normal days inbetween the shitty ones.

    I laughed out loud at that line from Operating Instructions. I'd scrub Annie's bathroom if it meant I could spend a few minutes in her presence. I'll read anything she writes. You too, for that matter.

    Good for you for saying I'm tired and trying to take that nap. Sweet Dreams, I hope. Hope your time at the Opera House is just fine. And that Kathleen. She is such a marvel. Love you all.


  3. Sleep, sleep, sleep. It's the best thing, sometimes. I hope that by the time you read this you've caught up on your rest and feel better. I love you!

  4. Ah, Ms. are a treasure and I love you, even if some days you consider yourself a piece of shit. (as if a pearl or an angel could ever be a piece of shit....)

    But, I don't want to talk about shit here....I want to talk about Guilt. Tell me, girl, what good does it do and who does it help? I have finally figured out that it is a sin to feel guilty and I have dumped it like a hot potato. Please think about this and try it.

  5. I'm so glad Kathleen feels good enough to run errands and make chicken n dumplins.

    I'm with Lo. Loose the guilt and enjoy your nap. I need a nap today too. So I'm taking one. No guilt.


  6. Elizabeth- Three solid hours of nap. Is that really a nap?

    Nancy C- Exercise has not been as regular a part of my equation as it should be. It's so hard to get the balance, isn't it? Thanks for reminding me. Thank-you for your words. Thank-you.

    Mel- Some of us just need the sleep. I am about to get ready for the O. House and I'm sure it will be good.

    DTG- I love you so much.

    Lo- I've always said that if I had a magic wand, I would remove my guilt. How do you do it? I want to so bad. I know it's nothing but toxic.

    Michelle- I hope yours was as sweet as mine.

  7. I just checked the clock and thought I'd check to see if you were up. I see you are. I trust you rested. Carry on.

  8. Just up from a two-dog nap: we all snorted and huffed together.

    It's the time of year for naps. Seasons are merging into one another, and that is a signal for nap-time.

    Letting go of the guilt is a necessary ingredient for all this Living you do. Hint: say no. Emphatically. Out Loud. NO! While some may think I'm nuts, this works very well for me. Pattern-interrupt or something.

    Seriously. No guilt. You are a good good good person and there is no thing (not one thing) which can be improved upon by guilting.

    Hugs when you wake up!

  9. Hope you slept well and recharged the batteries. Hang in there my dear Ms. Moon and have a good weekend. Sorry I have been absent for a bit but we have been enjoying the last days of summer doing some family travelling. Take care.

  10. Please don't feel guilty for taking care of yourself and taking a nap. I had a nice one yesterday but today was really busy with all kinds of manly things! No nap for me but you can bet I'll sleep late in the morning. I can do what I damn well please now that I'm retired. Enjoy the rest.

  11. Ah Ms. Moon, you lovely person. Naps are the best thing in the world. Ever. I got one this morning, when Babes took care of Charlie, and now I'm feeling vaguely human even.

    I love that Mr Moon told you "It's okay." Because that is precisely what I sometimes need to hear about sleeping in the middle of the day, when I could be starching shirts or preparing a five course meal. (This is my ancestors talking.)

    I hope it helped.

  12. Nothing wrong with a little sleep – or a lot of it.
    Take care.

    Have a nice day, Boonie

  13. I am happy you can and did nap. If I can't do it, then I'm glad it's my sweet friend who can. I don't know about you, but the depression is so much worse when I am overtired.




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