Sunday, September 26, 2010

Owen Is One

It's official! Owen is one! One year old today.
No way.
And yet- it's true.
He has been with us for 365 days and in those days he has gone from nursing/sleeping/peeing/pooping infant to smiling, walking, running SUPER SMART BOY with a full set of teeth and the ability to understand everything you say to him.
He's going to be cracking jokes before the end of the week. I have a feeling. He's THAT smart. And funny.
So today's his birthday and his mama and daddy are pitching him a big old monkey-themed birthday party. I think Lily's been planning this party since about last, oh, October.
I can't wait.

But. That's not until five this afternoon.
Right now I'm about to go to town to be in another little film of Mr. FC Rabbath's. In this one I play a therapist. Psychologist. Whatever.
I get to play!!!!
(Thanks, Freddie, for letting me play.)

I swear- a year ago, I had no idea what my life was about to become, how things would change. And isn't that the way of it?
Today- a chance to play AND my first grandson's first birthday.
Tomorrow- Lily's birthday and I'm going to keep Owen overnight for the first time.
Tuesday- We take Owen to his year-old check-up and, oh, I'll probably sleep half the day AND it's Billy's birthday.
Wednesday- Back to the hospital with Kathleen.

And that's just the next four days.

Well. I better get busy.

Happy Birthday, Owen Hartmann! I can't wait to see you, Mr. One-Year-Old! I will kiss your one year old face with 365 kisses and hold you so tight.
It's a good day.
It's an amazing life.

And the world keeps on rolling along.


  1. i have enjoyed reading about all these milestones. enjoy! dear lady, pretty soon he will be 16 and wanting to borrow your car for prom because it's cooler than his parents' car.

    be well!


  2. Happy Birthday Owen!
    What a good, good day :)

  3. Happy Birthday Owen! Can't wait to see ya later and eat some cake and sing and help sing your very first birthday song!!

  4. Owen is a neat boy. It's good that he is a real boy who likes chickens and loves his grandmother.

  5. oh please...let there be sock monkeys!!!!

    may you blow out your number ONE candle and let the wonder of it all keep your heart in delight and fascination all the years ahead.

  6. Happy Birthday, Owen! And Happy Amazing Life, Ms. Moon!

  7. Smooches Ms. Moon! :)

  8. Oh, are you serious, Owen's name is Hartmann?? How perfect is that?

    Happy Birthday, Big Boy, and love to your mum and dad. And Grandmamma :)

  9. Happy Birthday to Owen! I can't wait to see all the photos and hear about the little man's day. Thank you for sharing him with us this past year -- he truly is a beautiful boy.

  10. Happy Birthday to Owen and I hope he has a great time at his Monkey party!!! What a bright light he is to so many friends and family...oh yes he is a loved little boy.

    You can give too many kisses to the ones you love!

  11. Can't believe he is just turning one, he looks like such a little man these days with his sneakers and shorts. Have a fun Moon Monkey birthday! xo N2

  12. Happy birthday, Owen.
    Some of these lazy, lovely days will roll by and on one of them you will know that you had more First Birthday wishes than most little ones, by virtue of the power of your family's love, and the power of your grandmother's voice as chronicler of All That Matters, a circle which is, I believe, described around an axis of Owen.

  13. Happy Birthday Owen! May all your birthday wishes come true.

  14. Happy Birthday, sweet boy!!! All the best wishes to you!

    Missed you, dear Ms. Moon. Tons and tons.

  15. Happy Birthday to Owen! It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful day and your first sleepover with him tomorrow night--how exciting!

  16. wait...what?!!!

    no way!!! but, happy grandma day, in any case.


  17. Happy Birthday Owen!

    your Bloggy Great-Aunt Michelle

  18. Many, MANY more to dear Owen!

    And Happy Birthday to Billy too!

    Love you, Ms. M.,


  19. Mrs. A- Now that's a scary thought.

    Corinne- Thank-you.

    Ms. Fleur- It was definitely a monkey party.

    Syd- Yep. He's a real boy, all right.

    rebecca- Sock monkey to come.

    Ms. Trouble- Accepted with love.

    Quietgirl- Hey, sweet friend! I wish I could reach through the internet, hug you hard and say, "Where have you been?"

    Jo- Indeed it is.

    Elizabeth- I feel that he has a huge extended family right here. That makes me so happy.

    Ellen- I think the poor boy got kiss overload.

    Lisa- I think he was happiest when everyone left.

    N2- I know.

    Angie C- I think you're right.

    Lucy- I'm pretty sure they did. And then some.

    Angie M- I always miss you when you're away.

    Lois- I know! I'm nervous, though.

    Adrienne- 'Tis true.

    Maggie May- I will relate that message.

    Michelle- Aw... He has no idea how lucky he is to have a bloggy Great Aunt Michelle.

    Ms. Bastard-Beloved- We love you too!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.