Really. It was a cast party for the play we finished up two weekends ago. And I had a wonderful time. You know how sometimes you keep people you know in different categories? Well, the people I know through the Opera House in Monticello are in all of my categories. They know more of my secrets and strengths and weaknesses than anyone. They read my blog! And they still let me come and play with them.
Oh. I love them so.
Mr. Moon went too. And Kathleen and Herb were there so you know I had a good time. I made chicken enchiladas and wore my white linen Welcome-To-Cozumel dress which I've had for longer than I've had HoneyLuna, I do believe. Mr. Moon said, "I like that dress," when I put it on and I said, "We've had some good times in this dress."
We laughed.
We did.
The party was all about sitting around and eating delicious food and drinking a bit of beer or wine and our hostess gave us a tour of her beautiful yard with all the blooming flowers. Also, we watched a video of our daring, darling Colin bungy jumping in New Zealand. We were amazed and applauded. It was a sweet and gentle gathering on a gorgeous Saturday night.
Anyway, when we came home I wrote a rather sentimental blog about yearning but I am wise enough to know that although I may write under the influence, posting is not a good idea. I reread it this morning and you know? Ah. Not so much.
And today is Sunday and I slept late and when I got up, Mr. Moon was already in the coop. Here's what he looks like today:
Today may be THE DAY that the chickens get to run into their run. They have never had that much space to scratch around in and I cannot wait to see them explore their new home. Bring the champagne! Get out the noise-makers! This is going to be amazing!
Here are the chickens this morning in their little hallway run, attacking collard greens. They eat collard greens as if they'd never eaten before in their lives. They run at them and rip the leaves to shreds and gulp them down, making excited chirping noises.
"Look! Look!" I think they're saying. "Collard greens! We will eat until we burst!"
And here's a picture of what I worked on almost all day yesterday:
That whole area was thick with nutgrass and I pulled it all out by hand and then howed up two rows and planted soybeans and then mulched the shit out of it. Yes! Soybeans! Probably the most over-planted crop in the world. Do I care? No. These will be my edemames, my dried soybeans. I've never grown them before. I'll tell you how it goes.
Here's the first yellow squash we'll be eating from our garden:
Probably tonight.
Here's the first blooming zinnia in the garden. It's a volunteer from last year:
It's surrounded by volunteer marigolds. They're all taking up a lot of room but I don't care. Food for the body, food for the soul.
More soul food:
Blue hydrangea.
Impatiens in old ugly concrete swan.
Gathering of blooming begonias.
And now here's something I find interesting:
That, my dears, is the male cone of the sago palm. If you're interested in how sagos make seeds, please go here and you will know more than most. I am very excited to think I could cultivate sago palms the way this website suggests, in a child's plastic pool. A tiny grove of tiny sagos! Oh, be still my heart.
But first I have to have a female sago which blooms and as far as I can tell- nothing is happening on that front. I have checked all the sagos (I have a lot) and none of them seem to be producing that flower. I did, however, get the requisite picture of a lizard on one of them and here that is:
And last but not least, here is a picture of the pictures (artwork!) I bought in Sopchoppy last week. Aren't they wonderful? Well, they are to me. I have no idea where I'm going to hang them and this will probably require that I completely rearrange the entire house. You'd think with such a big house that I'd still have some wall-space but you'd be wrong.
And okay, here's one more. Zekie wanted to pose so I let him:
Say good morning, Zeke!
It's a beautiful morning in Lloyd. I'm going to plant green beans and then go pick blackberries. Well, that's the plan. We'll see.
And yearning? Oh. Right now I am yearning only for more of all of this.
Which was pretty much the whole gist of the post I wrote last night. Okay, mermaids were involved, but tell me this: When aren't mermaids involved? Huh?
Happy Sunday.
Happy Sunday yerself!
ReplyDeleteXBox- Thank-you, sir!
ReplyDeleteYour posts always make me yearn for the ability to experience life as magically as you do. I want to hear about the mermaids
ReplyDeleteMermaids are always involved, I think. It's a GORGEOUS day in Kentucky too - and cool and sunny and there is a breeze. The kind of day you can stand in the middle of and just breathe.
ReplyDeleteThose rows looked like a lot of hard work. You will enjoy that fresh edamame this summer.
ReplyDeleteHappy Sunday!
ReplyDeleteI'm cleaning my room. Yikes!
Love ya, Ms M.
ReplyDeleteMichelle- Well, either it IS magic here or else I have just convinced myself in order not to have to leave the property.
ReplyDeleteSJ- Sounds lovely! It's hot here. I am having to take breaks from the sun. I am wearing a very ugly hat.
But I am having fun.
Nicol- I hope so!
Ms. Fleur- What a good girl!
Ms. Jo- Oh. I love you too.
Happy Sunday indeed! I love your 'ugly swan planter.' I am waiting patiently for my lilies and peonies to bloom. And Farty points out the 'pretties' in the pots every morning (our mums in 3 colors have managed to survive, despite the frost and my less than stellar gardening abilities!)
ReplyDeleteMermaids, please :)
ReplyDeleteRachel- I love my ugly swan, too. Isn't it funny how much children love flowers?
ReplyDeleteSteph- Mermaids. I will write something about mermaids soon.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm squash!
ReplyDeletei love your sago palms, and your chickens, and your zeke.
ReplyDeleteand mermaids.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnd btw, I love, love, LOVE your blue hydrangeas...they are my favorite flower. And I only just discovered this, so it makes more special.
ReplyDeleteWill you post how you make chicken enchilada's? I attempted it the other day, and they sucked.
I'm digging the flowers. Happy Sunday, Mrs. M.
ReplyDeleteI like the old ugly swan, it is charming.
ReplyDeleteAnd in response to your response a couple of days ago...Hope won't be able to have her garden until next year. Yes, it is too late and we won't be finished building in time. We will be lucky if I am able to get the pastures seeded in time. But next year, look out world, cause that little girl is going to have one hell of a garden. I have seen the "blueprints" :-)
I love those hydrangeas; most gorgeous flower ever. They won't grow here, not very well-too dry. But I love love love them.
ReplyDeleteGinger- Squash is good. Especially in the soup I make with it or in croquettes with ketchup on them. Gourmet!
ReplyDeleteAdrienne- Thank-you for visiting me. I love your site. What beautiful children.
SJ- I will but I am not sure that they are really chicken enchiladas so much as they are sort of a Mexican chicken lasagna. Not authentic but good.
Aunt Becky- I know you love your yard too.
Sarah- You DO have a gardener on your hands. Blueprints? Oh my.
Kori- You could grow one in a big pot where it would be easier to control the moisture. I think?
Soy bean, huh? Let me know how that goes. I just bought some regular style beans from Tally Nurseries (everything they had left was 1/2 off!). So it's not too late to plant those yet?
ReplyDeleteI love the garden/chicken pictures. Blue Hydrangas are just the loveliest flowers, aren't they? We had a bunch of them in the house where I grew up.
I don't mind if their real enchilada's or not...I'm just needing something to cook around here, I'm getting to be a boring chef!
ReplyDeleteSJ- I will give it a stab.