A week later I wrote about being a hippie and about how my children were born.
And it went from there.
A year ago today I wrote a blog birthday piece here.
I love the picture I used there. In fact, I love it so much I'm going to post it again.

It's funny how quickly after I started posting that I learned to love the process of finding a picture to use with my words. I started off searching for appropriate ones in google images. And then slowly, I began using pictures I'd taken or ones my daughter had taken. She's got a natural eye and I do not. But still- it seemed more downhome and genuine to use images of my real world, a true reflection of what I was writing about. They may not be good pictures in the technical sense, but they are mine.
Just like my words. They are mine.
Here's a picture taken from a strip of four that lives on my refrigerator:

Mr. Moon and I had been dating for all of one month when we posed for it. We'd wrangled a way to get to go off together to New Orleans. He had a ticket to see Auburn play at the Sugar Bowl. And we, being in the newly-falling-in-love portion of life hopped in my car and drove to Louisiana where they were having the worst freeze in their history and there was no running water in the city and we had no place to stay and Mr. Moon never made it to the game and we ended up having the very best time of our lives.
Well, you know.
The picture was taken in a photo booth at Tipitina's. Honest to god, I think the Neville Brothers were playing but that's not what I remember. I remember being so tired and not really sure about why I was there or more specifically why I was there with this man who was six feet, ten inches tall, who I could already tell was going to ask me to marry him.
I remember walking into the bathroom and a woman was laying out lines on a mirror. She looked up at me and said, "You're not a cop, are you?"
"Oh hell no," I said, and went on into a stall.
Oh, my Voodoo Chillens- The stories I could tell about that trip. In fact, I've been trying for twenty-six years to figure out how to write the story of just one of the experiences we had and I simply cannot do it justice with my words. Suffice it to say that it involved marijuana, a deranged drug dealer, a giant dog, a true vision of future events, sheer terror, and professional wrestling. Also guns and a rug.
It was, as they say, a bonding experience for Mr. Moon and me. And could only have happened in New Orleans and I'm sure led to me sitting here today where I am.
So many stories.
Stories of how we got where we are today. Stories that put in a line make up a book that tells the story of a life or of lives together, like the pictures taken in a photo-booth strip tell the story of a moment in time.
When that picture was taken back on the last day of 1983, I was still the single mother of two children. I had no idea where the adventure I was on in New Orleans that night was going to lead me. To a life here in Lloyd where I live with that same man who gave me two more babies.
Four children in total, all grown up and one of them about to make me a grandmother.
The other night Mr. Moon and I were on the porch and we were talking about what it's going to be like to see our daughter Lily holding her own child in her arms that first time and we both wept. It seems like a few minutes since that picture above was taken. A few minutes and a thousand years ago. A few seconds since Lily was born and an eon ago.
It seems like yesterday that I started up telling my stories on this blog. I was so timid to begin with. I didn't put my picture on the blog. I didn't say I lived in Lloyd. I didn't know where I was going to go. I wrote about the weather, testing the waters, as it were, and then I plunged on in. That's what life is all about. I looked at that gorgeous man with that huge grin and he opened his arms and I snuggled on in. I had no idea what would happen. We never do, whether it's to get in the car and drive to the grocery store or accept a date with some guy who is way too tall. Whether it's to step out the front door for a walk or to read the homes-for-sale classifieds and then take a late-night drive down the interstate with the Beatles blasting on the stereo to drive slowly past one of the houses you've seen listed.
Whether it's to kiss a boy or to end up giving him your heart, your soul and your DNA to mix with his.
One thing will lead to another.
One word will do the same.
Since that day two years ago I have written five hundred and eighty seven posts, including this one.
How many words is that?
Too many, I'm sure.
But not enough, because I'm not done.
There is always another story.
We may start out timidly, discussing the drought but we might end up jumping in stark naked and swimming around in the starlit warm waters.
I feel as if I have done that.
In the past year I have definitely written about the weather. I've also written about the children, the coming-grandchild, the new president, the old president, going insane and trying to come back, the story of being sexually abused, flowers and chickens and tomatoes. I've written about stove repairmen, turtle feet and dogs and death. Again, always with death. And birth!
Music and friends and friends who play music.
Food and how to grow it, cook it, love it and hate it.
Aging and acting and birds and begonias and Christ and Crist and Cher and dates and daring to do new things and on through the alphabet to zinnias and then back again to aging.
I've abandoned all attempts at anonymity and ended up posting names, dates, locations and every damn thing except pictures of my own bare body.
Don't hold your breath for that one.
I've said all the bad words, I've lambasted religion, I've talked about sexual abuse, discussed politics until I was blue in the face. I've had the gall to post poems. I've not broken any rules because what rules are there to break? I have no paycheck and no editor. No one to answer to but myself.
And here's the amazing thing- people read this drivel, this dramatized doodlings of my brain. They've hung in here through it all and commented and by now, the blog is me and I am the blog and I've made friends from here to Ireland to the Netherlands to England.
I've got friends in Denver and Kentucky, California and oh hell. I have no idea where.
And you know what I wish? I wish I could meet every one of you. I wish I could see your real faces, hear your real voices, see how your legs work as you walk, feel how your body feels as I hug it to me, see how your heart reflects in your eyes, see your babies, your spouses, your dogs and your tomato plants.
But I can't. Not now. Maybe one day I'll have met some of you. I hope so.
And in the meantime, here we are, sharing all these things one word at a time. One blog post at a time.
They add up, don't they?
I know what you think or least what you tell me you think and I believe you know what I think.
Here's a picture from that same strip taken at Tipitina's.

In it, Mr. Moon is grinning that grin. What is he thinking? Is he thinking he has the world by the tail with this pretty woman he has in his arms? Is he seeing a future with her and does that future look like it's going to be all jumping for joy and adventures in magical places? I think he was.
And what was I thinking? Probably something like yes, there will be jumping for joy and adventures in magical places but there will no doubt be sorrow and death and hard, hard work and disappointment and redemption. But that maybe, just maybe, if we stuck together, it would be worth the jumping-in together.
And it has been.
Sometimes you just know.
Not everything but something.
And I am just so grateful (and rather amazed) there I have a physical snapshot of that evening, that night at the beginning of Mr. Moon's and my journey together.
I'm not happy with this post, this five hundred and eighty-seventh post. It's surely not my best one and I don't even know what that one would be but this one ain't it.
But it's the one I've got today.
The rain is still coming down for the fourth or fifth day in a row. Everything is SO green and the frogs are everywhere, so many that when we went out last night to look at the garden and check the chickens, we probably inadvertently mashed some babies who couldn't hop out of the way of our big, clumsy human feet fast enough.
I'm still in love with that man in the pictures. I don't know if he still thinks he has the world by the tail but he has me in his arms. I may not be the beauty I was then but I'm the beauty I am now.
I may not always get the words down I mean to say, but I get down the words.
Here I am. Today. Right now. No make-up, no jewelry. My hair hasn't even been brushed.

And maybe I'll meet up with a few of you this afternoon at the Black Dog.
And look- I hate the word lurker. It sounds as if there was evil intent involved and I don't think that's the case here. But if you read and do not comment usually, I'd really love it if you left a word today. Think of it as a blogbirthday gift. The prodigal readers, as it were.
I'd slay the fatted calf for you. I promise. If I had one.
But since I don't, I'll just say thank-you to everyone who comes on this journey with me and who shares their journeys too.
Bless our hearts, babies. Bless our precious hearts as we string together words, as we pose for pictures, as we deliver them to the world to be weighed and measured.
Bless our hearts, our words, our dreams, our hopes, our sorrows, our fears, our comings and goings and our beings.
I'll raise a cup or a glass or a bottle to you tonight.
And then tomorrow I'll tell you about it.
And maybe there will be pictures.
ReplyDeleteHey! L7 is a band... and also an underwear size, and the nick name of an old friend.
ReplyDeleteHi ya Miss Moon,
Wowie kazwowee! Lots of words and lots of love. You know we love to read here, because your words provide nourishment for our hearts and minds. You bring cool folk together, give us things to think about, discuss, bond over and occasionally to bump up against. Your words comfort us at times, and other times help us to clarify what we think and feel in a way that we wouldn't do on our own.
Thank you, happy anniversary, and as always,
Bless all our hearts,
xo pf See you at the puppy.
I don't think I can put it any better that PF did. "You bring cool folk together". You do, indeed.
ReplyDeleteOn your blogbirthday, I would like to say that I just really adore you and think the world of you. I look up to you and hope to one day have a life much like yours. I really do think of you as my "fantasy mom".
Your children, husband, and friends are lucky to have you. And I am lucky to have you, too.
Hugs and Love- LL
PS - If you can figure out how to tell that story, I would LOVE to hear it. It sounds hilarious.
Ms. Moon,
ReplyDeleteI really do love you! What a cute couple of kids you and Mr. Moon were.
Many blessings to you.
Ms. Moon if EVER you find it in the cards to visit California you have a place to stay if you want it.
ReplyDeleteL7- You've set the bar pretty high there. I sure do love you.
ReplyDeletePetit Fleur- Thanks, girl. For everything a neighbor could be, a friend could want.
See you this evening!
Lady Lemon- Well, I can't wait to meet my fantasy daughter. Rain or shine.
Your words are so curly sometimes.
ReplyDeleteLovely, just lovely.
I have been waiting all morning with anticipation of todays blog, and you didn't disappoint me Ms Moon. I had tears in my eyes as I read, the love you have and share with all of us who read your blogs just overwhelms sometimes. You have a delightful name, Mary Moon, and you are as delightful as your name, and your words bring delight to me, as always!
ReplyDeletelove you so much, see you this evening at the puppy with your Boris!
See, I knew you'd like blogging.
ReplyDelete*Cheers!* on your second year. :) Great pictures your past and present.
ReplyDeleteOk, I got as far as you two weeping at the thought of seeing Lily holding her baby in her arms - not you holding her baby in YOUR arms.
ReplyDeleteMy mother in law was so ... ugh, so everything wrong when my daughter was born. I think you've already written the grandmother's hand book yourself.
Gah. I'll have to come back for the rest later.
That's the most incredible photo, by the way, I love it.
Beautiful pictures and beautiful words. You're one of the best. Can't wait to see what the next year brings.
ReplyDeleteWell, I emailed you but I'm stuck here at work. We have a wicked filter and you may have responded but I haven't gotten the email and now the time has passed me by. I really would like to plan a time to pass by and have a talk. I really would. I don't say things I don't mean. Your kids all seem fabulous and a couple of them are about my age. I think we'd all get along fine. So, until your next meeting, I'll be reading these beautiful posts and thinking of The Moon's.
ReplyDeleteMs Moon
ReplyDeleteYou have taken me back to days that I have forgotten...and things that I need to remember. As I sit here with the son you were with me to birth...I am joyous reading about your past, my past, the hope for the future and the simple pleasures in life. You have been and still are a light in my life. I read you every day thinking "where are we going today?" ...back to the old days, out to the chicken coop or into the profound...thanks and I love you!
2 years? You're a sophmore. Just wait until your bloguation in 2 more years. Then we will really party.
ReplyDeleteTipitina's, small world.
ReplyDeleteCheers, maybe I'll see you later at the coffee shop, BUT only if Juancho goes; I'm using you to get to him.
Ms. Bastard- Weren't we pretty?
ReplyDeleteAnd blessings to you.
Steph- Oh. Thank-you!
Who knows?
XBox- Curly? Hmmm. I think I like that.
Anonymous Kathleen- Yay! Jess and I just saw the real Boris in Monticello for a quick hug and promise to see each other later.
DTG- You were right about writing. As always. Thank-you, dearheart whom I love.
Nicol- And what a beautiful picture YOU posted today.
Ms. Jo- But isn't that the thrill? Seeing YOUR baby hold her baby? Oh my. I can hardly catch my breath when I think about that.
Palagigirl- I hope it's good things for all of us.
Ms. Trouble- I didn't get your e-mail! Try again. And yes, I think we would get along quite well and hope we get to find that out someday soon.
Terry- As I have told you so many times, there is a place in my heart that belongs only to you. Only to you. I will love you forever.
Juancho- I bow to you, my leader of bloggatude.
Magnum- He has said he will be there. I am pleased to be used.
ReplyDelete"A few minutes and a thousand years ago."
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great title for your next book!
Ms. Moon your words and heart have blessed me beyond measure.
Cheers to you and your blogiversary!
Michelle- Darling, and you to me. Thank-you.
ReplyDeleteBless your heart, Ms. Moon. And Happy Blog Birthday! This WAS one of your best posts ever.
ReplyDeleteI think all your posts are the best ones ever; am always, always blown away by you, and I can't believe it took me so long to find you! Wish I could be at the Black Dog with you to celebrate.
ReplyDeleteI remember when we met. Now, you don’t, because I didn’t let my blogger presence known for several more months, but I remember the day I accidentally surfed onto your blog—well, the day you finally found me because I really cant think of that as accidental. I believe you had just started blogging, and I read an entry (I think) about you helping Mr Moon fix something by crawling under the house with him. And you wrote so poetically and in a wise “so THIS is love” way, that I immediately thought…that’s what I want. I want a life like that. And all these many days and weeks and months later, I still do. But now, how lucky I am, that somehow you’re a part of it. As you wrote me once…I am a part of your life, and you’re a part of mine. However undefined and however seemingly random, here we all are.
ReplyDeleteIt’s funny that you say that you want to grab us all up, and feel the way we hug, because reading your words is like putting my head on your shoulder and letting you tell me a story about your life and how wonderful my life can be. Cheesy? Oh hell yes. But still…it’s true.
Happy blog-birthday, blogoversary, whatever. I wish I could be there today, but maybe someday. Until then, keep blessing our hearts…you’ve sure blessed mine.
Hoping and wishing for a crowd for you at the cafe this afternoon. So good to see you today. Missing all with KMW. Post show time is always rough. Happy blogiversary! Jan
ReplyDeleteok delurking
ReplyDeletei love your blog, love what you write and how you write. i wrote my first post today as you blew all my excuses out of the water with this post!
thanks for sharing bits of your life with the world
I know I say it a lot, but I love, love, love, the way you write. I also love those photo strips. I have ones of my sister and me, my boys, and the fireman and me hung up on a board in my room. The ones of the fireman and me were on our first out of town trip, too, and it was a few days after I looked at him and knew I was going to marry him. This post made me tear up, in a good way. Love to you on your blogiversary. Hope you're having a helluva time tonight!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post. I am so happy that I stumbled across your blog last summer!
ReplyDeleteI had a wild trip to New Orleans years ago, but unlike you, I didn't come home with the love of my life (I still haven't found him, now that you mention it). But there were beads involved, and I would go back if I was younger and thinner!
Your entire family is blessed, and you inspire me.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures were wonderful, and your writing as fresh as ever. I can't tell you how many times I've linked my friends on over to read your words. It just so happens at times that your posts cover things they seem to be going through, or things I seem to be going through for that matter. My friend Jill is getting married and I believe she's nervous, but your post here about Mr. Moon and yourself left me DYING to send her over for some good perspective on marriage. THANK YOU for all you do and say, and seriously, thank you for blogging. Have a wonderful blog birthday! Lovin you from Denver.
Ms. Hope- Ah. It wasn't. But thank-you.
ReplyDeleteKori- I wish you'd been there. There were many coffees to choose from and the evening was lovely.
SJ- You can put your head on my shoulder any day. Thank-you.
Jan- Thank you for commenting! And it was so good to see you today. I feel sometimes like you and I should sit down together alone and just...tell each other our stories. I hope we do that someday because I love you so much and would love to hear what makes you you.
Anna- Yay! Thank you for delurking and congratulations on writing and clicking on that "publish" button.
Watch out though- it's addictive! And fall where you are? Oh my! I send you greetings across this blue and green planet.
Ginger- We know what we know, don't we? Ah...
Rachel- Forget thinner! New Orleans doesn't care. Believe me! It's a magical place, isn't it? I'm so glad you visit me and that I can visit you.
AJ- How can I never have met you and yet, love you so much?
ReplyDeleteThanks, honey.
I loved the post! As always I feel like we are kindred souls.
ReplyDeleteHave been lurking for a little while now. You have quickly become one of my favourites.
ReplyDeleteSarah- Lots of us kindreds out here.
ReplyDeleteMwa- I'm glad you delurked. Glad to have you aboard.
ahh, sweet marymoon. what can i say? first, this. your words always touch me deep in my soul. second, i'm so happy that you started putting them down for everyone to read. third, i secretly took a picture of that photo from your fridge of you and mr. moon on my camera phone and that's what comes up when you call me. i love you. keep at it.
ReplyDeleteDaddy B- Well, a lot of my refrigerator real estate has you and Ms. Mama L represented. As you know. Your words touch my soul and I love your guts.
ReplyDeletei fuckin love your guts too, sweet MM.