Is there such a thing as late-onset ADD? I think I have it.
Every day I get up excited to see what's happenin' in this big ol' crazy world of ours and get to work. Well, when I say "big ol' crazy world of ours" I mean, of course, my house and yard and maybe from here to the Post Office.
But believe me, there's plenty right here to distract me. I have one case of the but-firsts after another. Do you know what the but-firsts are?
Here's an example:
I go to clean the bathroom but first, as I walk through the guest room to get there, I see there's dog poop on the floor. So I will clean the bathroom BUT FIRST I must clean up the dog poop. And I go to get a paper towel to clean up the dog poop and then I realize we're out of paper towels so but first I need to call Mr. Moon to ask him to pick up some paper towels on the way home at the store and he asks, "Do we need anything else?" and then I check the refrigerator to see if we need milk or anything and realize that if I don't clean that refrigerator right this second I'm going to die. So I've gone to clean the bathroom BUT FIRST I had to clean up the poop BUT FIRST I had to call Mr. Moon and BUT FIRST I had to clean the refrigerator and well, before you know it, it's five-thirty in the afternoon and on my way to get the mop for the bathroom which I am finally cleaning I realize that BUT FIRST I need to get the clothes off the line which leads to me realizing BUT FIRST I should weed around the passion flower vine by the clothesline...
are you confused now?
And Mr. Moon wonders why we never eat until nine o'clock at night.
It's not because we're sophisticated Europeans. It's because there are too many BUT FIRSTS to get to dinner on time.
I go to make the bread BUT FIRST I need to wash the dishes from breakfast and lunch BUT FIRST I realize I never took the ground venison out of the freezer in the garage for dinner BUT FIRST I have to stop on the way out to the garage to pick up some fallen branches and so on and so on and I drift through the days getting no big projects accomplished and another day has slipped through my hands and it's time for bed, ho-hum.
Welcome to my world. My crazy ADD world.
And I'd post the pictures I took this morning BUT FIRST I have to charge the camera batteries because dammit, they went dead just as I was taking a picture of my beautiful, gorgeous ash magnolia. So BUT FIRST I have to google ash magnolia and see if I can get another picture off the internet and I do but it's not as pretty as mine.
Look. This isn't a very good post but I'm going to just go ahead and post it because there are clothes to hang up and bread and hummus to make for Kathleen's party and weeding to do and on and on and on.
But first, I think I'll eat breakfast.
Good morning. It's Saturday. Mr. Moon is working on the chicken coop. Soon, though, he'll tell me that BUT FIRST he has to go to town to renew his hunting license. I know him. He's as full of BUT FIRSTS as I am.
Which is okay. Which is fine. It's good to have company in this whole crazy aging process.
So I'll send him off to town BUT FIRST I'll kiss him.
Aw. Cutester.
ReplyDeleteYou're so jolly about cleaning up dog poo too!
I'm sure there'll be a lot of milage out of this one! Have fun today.
Isn't this the way of all women? I know it is for me! Thanks for sharing the magnolia, even if it wasn't yours.
ReplyDeleteMs. Jo- It doesn't seem so cute when I find myself wandering around, wondering what the hell I was supposed to be doing.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm not THAT jolly about cleaning up the dog poop, although if it is yorkie poop, it's not so bad.
Petit Fleur- You have fun too! Wasn't it great, looking at the amorous frogs last night?
GingerMagnolia- My camera batteries are charging. Pictures tomorrow.
I have two Jack Russels.
ReplyDeleteSometimes they choose incontinence.
And I'm told they shit 2/3 of their own body weight a day. I'd well believe it. Much of our outside is a no go area!
Sounds more manic than adult ADD. Beautiful flower. You inspired me to divide & transplant some hostas today. I had to stand on the space to get it to go down deep enough. I hope it was deep enough, I hope they take where I put them and the ones I left where they were survive.
ReplyDeleteMy dafodils bloomed then died in a day, due to them choosing a very rainy windy day to bloom. The pansies are still in bloom. I'd post a picture, but I'm having battery issues with my camera, too.
Ms. Jo- Really? 2/3? Bless you.
ReplyDeleteMOB- You're probably right. But at least I'm not out buying shoes, right? That's a good thing.
Happy planting! I hope all grows well.
Yea, it was fun. The fish seem happy too. It was moat certainly the frogs stealing the show tho~
ReplyDeleteDo frogs eat mosquitoes?
Ms. Fleur- Frogs do INDEED eat mosquitoes. Lots and lots and lots.
ReplyDeleteAlso, frogs are barometers of ecological health. You knowthey're disappearing? Porous skins soaking up the poison we're saturating the earth with.
ReplyDeleteSo if you've got lots of frogs,it's a good sign.
They're also a sign of money too. Apparently a picture of a frog in your wallet will bring wealth?
Oh no, I'm not confused at all, I'm following along completely, that's the scary part! lol
ReplyDeleteMs. Jo- Well, our frogs are healthy. Until they come into the house and get hair and dust all over them, anyway.
ReplyDeleteAs to whether or not they bring money- umm, maybe not on this continent. I'd be so rich.
Oh! Wait! I am rich. Just not so much with money.
Tiffany- Ah. Poor thing.
You sound really, really happy. I am so glad that whatever you are doing is working so well for you.
ReplyDeleteThere are much worse things than "but firsts".
And it is not a sign of aging, at least not for me. I have been doing it as long as I can remember.
Lady Lemon- I'll tell you what. Life is not perfect, but I feel perfectly okay. It's so strange after so long a time of feeling so down and weird.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, we all do the but-firsts, but I think they get worse as we age. Sorry but I feel you should be warned.
That is exactly how I manage my home life and it has made me insane too. I didn't know if it was anxiety, ADD, too much to do, or too much smoke. But it is awful, isn't it?