Thursday, December 18, 2014

When I went to the grocery store today I passed a couple with children, the man holding up a sign by the side of the road.
I didn't read the sign, didn't have time as I turned the corner, but I knew he was asking for money.
What else?
I decided to get cash at the store and come back when I'd done my shopping to give them some but when I left the store and drove back around that corner, they were gone.

I wish the camellias would open.


  1. A day with Kathleen on my mind and the mother of my best friend from elementary and high school died today also. Damn. I went riding.

  2. Camelias would be good. All day I've been looking for a rainbow.

  3. I held s door open for s lady with a package today and she said "God bless you! And have a merry Christmas!"

    I'm not going to lie, I welled up.

    Sometimes, our hearts are just so full that the excess leaks out our eyeholes.

  4. I hope your camellias bloom. Just that small thing. You need that.

  5. It's all just so much, Mary. All of it. I am WITH you.

  6. Your goodness continues lovely lady. I continue to hold you near. Sweet Jo

  7. I can hear your desolation, and I imagine the camellia will help it to pass.

  8. Now I've gone and read, backwards, all of your posts. And while I knew about Kathleen, I am struck afresh by her death, and I'm weeping here for such loss in the world.

  9. Camellias would be a good thing. Soon, soon.

  10. i love your generosity of spirit and compassion for the world that sometimes makes your soul a bit too permeable for easy comfort.

  11. I can feel the blankness here and I feel it too. Sometimes I don't even want to shake it.

  12. and our benevolent congress just cut something like 93 million out of the budget for food for the poor. it's raining, gray and dreary here.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.