Sunday, December 14, 2014

And This

When I was at the grocery store yesterday a magazine cover caught my eye. I took a picture of it.

So. Okay. I'm sixty. I have no need to work on self-acceptance any more, right? I suppose after fifty, one either has it or one never will.

I wonder if this had anything to do with my dream last night where I saw myself as very old and rather fat and surrounded by beautiful young women who were all being chatted up by beautiful men while I stood alone. Being very old and rather fat.

I guess I accept that. What choice do I have?


  1. I guess I accept that I don't always practice self-acceptance.

  2. Sigh.
    Maybe they've just accepted that by the time they're 60, women are too sensible to accept magazines' crap anymore.
    That's probably not really it, though.

  3. Honey, take a look at that hot man of yours. The men chatting up those women in your dream do not compare!

  4. oh let the pretty young women deal with those young and immature handsome men. I don't have the patience for it anymore.

  5. I love everyone's comments to this post!

  6. Ironic that they want us to have self-acceptance and then use a computer to change the woman on the front from what she actually looks like.

  7. I really am hoping that total self-acceptance one day just descends on me and that I won't have to work so damn hard on it.

  8. I don't worry much about chatting up people--beautiful young women seem to be too much work. And tiresome in general. The women at the barn are nice but very privileged and not very intellectual. Oh well...just youth.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.