Tuesday, December 23, 2014

No. I Am Not Making Jello Cake But I Wish I Was Bringing A Ham

Rain and rain and flash flood warnings and tornado warnings and here we are, power still on (knock wood!) and a boat in the garage if things get really crazy. Right?

Presents being wrapped, dishes for tomorrow night's Christmas Eve supper being prepared.

That one in the picture is Mr. Moon's mama's chicken salad. It is done and if nothing else, there is that and I have some how, some way, done my job.


  1. Hope all of your hatches are battened down for this weather system! Enjoy your family and the time together.

  2. My yayas are coming out, and I don't know if I'm getting sick in the body or just in the soul for this holiday I so dread each year.

    ho ho ho! :)

    That chicken salad looks AMAZING.

  3. the weather is all bark and not to much bite.Just left my neck of the woods.I have Ham y'all bring that salad,K? We "almost" have it,hang on.

  4. The bad part of this system has yet to get here. Just a lot of rain but tomorrow the thunderstorms start. Enjoy your dinner tomorrow

  5. That picture and recipe needs to go on Netflix. You could start a recipe pin. :-)

  6. Not Netflix. Pinterest. duh

  7. Ok. That chicken salad is a work of art. And I went to Target today and contemplated getting some Rotel and Velveeta. I talked myself out of it, and now I'm all jealous that Hank is bringing it.

  8. bacon wrapped sausages tonight and saturday, green bean casserole tomorrow. we have claimed the hambone from tonight so i can make ham n beans.

    i have all the stuff to make cheesy salsa too!

    merry politically correct holidays to all y'all, may the new year bring love and light!


  9. The only thing that is keeping me going is knowing there will be roasted turkey tomorrow. Seriously.
    Stay dry, Mary!

  10. The chicken salad look delicious. Gail


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