Thursday, February 25, 2010

Owen Is Coming, Soon, Soon

My grandson will be here in less than an hour and I am so glad. He hasn't been to see his crazy chicken Grandma since Saturday.
So there will be pictures.
Which is good because I know y'all are tired of camellias and chickens.
Hell. I'm becoming the Pioneer Woman only instead of her four beautiful kids, horses, cows, and her studly husband, I post pictures of flowers, chickens and one grandson. And my studly husband.
Plus, she goes on trips all over the country, doing readings at bookstores and being on shows like Good Morning, America.
Well- dig this, Pioneer Woman! I was on the front page of the MONTICELLO NEWS!
Hell yeah!

See you in a little while. With pictures. Of Owen. Maybe I'll throw in a recipe for Finger Mashed And Served Bananas.

Be still your heart, right?


  1. Well, since I personally can't.freaking.stand that Pioneer Woman, of course I think your blog is MUCH better. Because you are much more a "pioneer" than that poseur! In my opinion. :) And I can't wait to see pictures of your Owen, of course, but also the chickens and the flowers and that lovely graveyard.

  2. bring it on!!
    whatever you are serving up, be it flowers, chickens, or mashed bananas, i welcome a heaping serving.
    my morning stop,
    straight to the soul.

  3. Gorgeous kid! And who cares about the Pioneer woman. I bet she isn't as real as you.

  4. Kori- I WANT to like her. I do. She has a gorgeous site. But there's just something about the whole deal that is sort of weird. Maybe it's just the basset hound.

    Rebecca- You're so sweet.

    Angie M- She's probably as real but probably not as crazy. And I'll bet her feet look better, too.

  5. Right. What THEY said. Seriously.

    You're way more interesting. and real. you are so real I could just pucker up and smooch you right on the lips

    i SO couldn't smooch pioneer woman

  6. Pioneer Woman homeschools, which makes me suspicious.

    I can't wrap my head around never getting a break from my children, and I feel that I could not ever, ever, teach them as well as a village/community/extended family of caring adults.

    Mostly, though, I'm afraid that I would ruin them.

    So, I guess I'm actually jealous of people who are so good with their children that they could homeschool.

    And that's why I don't read Pioneer Woman.

    Shit...where the hell did that come from?

  7. When I go to Pioneer Woman's site I am overwhelmed by color and activity and cutesy language and fabulousness that makes me weary. When I come to yours I am filled with happiness, laughter, and above all, calmness at the beauty of regular life. And Mr. Moon is way, way more attractive.

    So there.

  8. You are so real! I absolutely love reading your blog every day!! And, I can so relate to your feelings for Owen. I have a six year old granddaughter, and she is absolutely the light of my life. Keep on writing!

  9. I wish Pioneer Woman all the best.
    It does not and will not involve me. I peeked a few times, it's like going to a blog mall. I cannot run away fast enough. I'm overwhelmed by just the photo info. I don't homeschool and still can barely find cracks in the day to live a little creatively. Something is getting messed up. Or someone. And I pray it's not her children. But ???

    be who you are.... fabulous and real.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.