Monday, February 22, 2010

Fuck That Shit

I always knew I did not like Jay Leno.
I'm sorry. But what a whore.


  1. Good grief! I wish people would quit giving her attention. Yeah, he's a whore.

  2. She is a crazy person.
    But man, oh man, that rose at the top of the page leaves everything else in the shade, baby.
    Love you, dear.

  3. Donno what this is all about, but I hate the both of them~! yesch!

  4. Couple of has-beens that never were.

  5. If NBC had any brains after Johnny they would have gone quietly into that great night. I saw this dork only once and less than five minutes. I didn't like him then, he looks to me like a petty, little man who needs to stand on somebody else's fame to get the money. If however they would have put on any member of Monty Python, I guess I would have watched tv when my eyes were tired of reading.

    And that female, between the two of them I don't know which one is more a boor than the other. Shame on our country, when tv could be all about culture and not the dregs of bad taste and lack of culture as personified by these two. Off the box now, good night darling.

  6. I'm telling you Ms. Moon. This country is going batshit crazy. And not in a good way.

    Greed and power. That's what it always boils down to

  7. Ouch. One of my best friend's husbands is one of Jay's writers. I can vouch for Jay's generosity to all of the people who work for him, including enormous cash bonuses every year from his personal fortune that go to every single person who works for him, including those in menial jobs. He is also steadfast and loyal to the people with whom he has worked. This whole Jay thing is about way more than just the man -- it's business politics. You can argue against his humor (it's lame)but I'd argue that the guy is actually incredibly nice and good AND no Republican. His wife and he work tirelessly on behalf of women in middle eastern countries who are oppressed. I've never watched his show regularly which is really geared toward "middle America." What's interesting is listening to all the vitriol against him when you actually know a little bit about him --

    Now, Sarah Palin I WON'T touch. And I am off to ask my friend WHY WHY WHY they would put her on the show. Ratings?

  8. Cannot stand that woman! As for the man, I don't know. I do not have a TV.

  9. Ms.Moon,
    no comment on those peeps,
    but I so enjoyed reading all your posts.
    I just got back from out of town, so missed your wonderful life and love words.
    I'm so glad to hear that the play and the garden and the romance and the friends and the family are all perfectly fabulous.
    As are you.

  10. Elizabeth- I don't know why I don't like the man and he may well be a good man in his personal life but he's just...oh. I don't know. I'd say "snarky" but I love David Letterman and God knows he can hand out the snark. And I have no doubt he's having Sarah on for increased viewership. But yes, let us know what you find out.

  11. As long as people keep watching this woman, she will not go away and she really scares me. She reminds me of George W. Bush and how everyone thought he was not smart enough to be president at first. Then look what happened. I'm not fond of Jay Leno, but this puts the nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned.

  12. I don't like the sonofabitch either, especially his lantern jaw. Dude is not funny at all. He is a big bore.

    Love you!

  13. I only know the basics about US politics (perhaps that's enough??) but this briefest of posts made me laugh!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.