Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Quite Freakin' Time

So Mr. Moon went out and bought a new camera before he went to Canada. He took a lot of pictures there of dead deer. I won't be posting those.

But I spent some time this morning with the new toy, just walking around and trying out different settings. It's a fancy camera. One I never would have bought. I would have bought one of those cameras about as big as a credit card, you know. But Mr. Moon is a MAN and men like their toys to be impressive and have lots of features and so forth. So this new camera does. I really don't know shit about it. I read the "Getting started" booklet but to really learn about it, you have to watch a CD.

Right. I can't even watch an entire episode of Project Runway these days.

Well, anyway, it's three days before Thanksgiving and you know damn well I have plenty to do besides walking around taking pictures of things you've seen a million times. Besides the dinner, which I don't even know how many are attending, there is the Thanksgiving Eve gathering which seems to grow bigger every year and I don't know how many are attending that one either.
You know me. I stress out if the guy is coming to cut the grass so why aren't I in a straight jacket by now?

Oh well. I have no idea.
Not enough coffee, I guess.
And because it's just too overwhelming to really freak out about.

My house is filthy and that dead thing under the guest room is taking its own sweet time in returning to dust.
The library, where the dogs live, stinks to high heaven of dogs.
There is, speaking of dust, plenty of it. All three bathrooms need a good cleaning. To tell the truth, the entire house needs a good cleaning and this alone can take three days. Even if I clean the hell out of it, it's not going to do a thing for the smell.

And we haven't even mentioned the food.
Nor will we right this second. I might have a heart attack.

So I've got cleaning, shopping, cooking and whatever all else to do. Call Mr. Moon and remind him to buy chicken feed and oysters and beer.

And I have not seen Owen since Friday! FRIDAY! Here's what he looked like then:

I see that picture and all thoughts fly out of my head and are replaced with the need to fly to him immediately and hold him.

I better get busy, I suppose.
Here's some of the pictures I took this morning:

The latch on the chicken house door.

My stairway using the "indoors with life-like color tone" feature. Yeah. Sort of.


Guard flamingos.

Library. Which stinks to high heaven of dog.

Collards which will be in a pot by Thursday.

"Art." Haha. Shut up. I love that picture.

Elvis. The rooster-in-training. Boy, he is getting so big and his voice is so deep. He may turn out to the the manliest, macho-est, roostersaureous in the neighborhood. I'm keeping him on my good side. "Grape, Elvis? Here are you."

And I guess that's it for now. I need to have one more cup of coffee so that I can truly appreciate the impossible tasks I have before me.

And yeah, I've got to take the date thing off the camera's setting. This is not working for me.

I hope everyone is planning a lovely Thanksgiving. I know I would be if I could think about it. Luckily, I could probably cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner in my sleep and this year, unlike last, I have an oven that works! It will all unfold as it should.
Or as it will, at least.

Now I MUST go kiss my grandson who I have no doubt misses me with a yearning the size of the Himalayas. And then I guess I'll drop by the grocery store and pick up a few thousand dollars worth of food and cleaning supplies.

I love the holidays. Don't you?


  1. Love the new pictures...
    I like the weight of the old style cameras , and even on auto the pics are kind of artsy.
    You're house looks spotless.
    Fill it with food smells....

  2. Crap, I'd miss ya if I was Owen. You're only *like* the best Grandmama evah'. :)

    I am also starting to get stressed about holidays. The stupid gigantic plastic blow-up Spongebob Santa on a Sleigh has appeared again (already!), near where I live. I just want to pop it and I don't think I am a horrible, evil person. But, the urge is so strong.

    That staircase is just lovely.

  3. Mama, I promise to come home and help you clean on Wednesday. That is what my day is devoted to. Maybe we can borrow a vacuum cleaner again and I will do the rugs, because that's where most of the stink lives. (Although I'm not sure the vacuum will work for that.)

    Glad you're having fun with the new camera. Give Owie lots of kisses for me. I miss that boy!

  4. Yah for the new camera. And I'm so happy you said that about the date thing. I have to say I was holding my breath with all you had to do and finally exhaled when your amazing daughter said she'd be by to help clean. Yay!
    Happy day.

  5. That pic of Mr. Moon and Mr. Owen done melted my cold Monday-morning heart. Love it.

    Nothing else matters.

  6. We went last night to pick up the ingredients for the items we are taking to Thanksgiving; sweet potato casserole and flan. Otherwise, and probably because I have been sick, I haven't thought about the day at all. Therefore, no stress. I am not even stressed about Christmas, even though I am going to have $320 less this next check; whatever, right?

    Owen is growing so fast!

  7. It looks like the camera works really well -- I don't think I've ever seen that fabulous staircase in your house! And Owen -- oh, Owen, little man. He's just so dang cute and alert.

    Thanks for the photo tour and good luck with the T-day preparations!


  8. Yay I am excited about Thanksgiving!I too will come out Wednesday. I can even bring a vacuum so Jess can use it. (haha) I don't know how much help I will be but atleast Owen will be tere for you to kiss. I love you.

  9. I have Wednesday off, too! I can help clean and carry. I'll have Anna with me, and let me just say - when she moved into her apartment, she cleaned the clean oven. So I suspect she will be down to help as well.

  10. Wednesday with Mom's family, including my 88 year old Grandma. Thursday with Dad's family. Sans The Husband. He has to work.

  11. You realize of course that a day without a new Owen picture is very sad.

  12. TKW- He's getting to be a fine rooster, that Elvis.

    Deb- Well, believe me. My house is so far from spotless it's unbelievable. I should take a few pictures of corners and baseboards and so forth. It's bad.

    Nicol- Pop that Motherfucker! Do it! No wait. You'd probably go to jail. That sounds just obscene.

    Lily, Jessie, May and Hank- Okay. We'll get it all nice and clean. I'll start tomorrow with the bathrooms. Everyone hates cleaning bathrooms, right? So I'll do that. I love you guys SO MUCH! And really, Anna does not have to come clean. That's asking too much.

    Bethany- They have all volunteered! Yippie!

    Steph- Aren't they darling, my boys? Yep. They're what matter.

    Kori- RIGHT!
    No stress. Okay. We can do this.

    Elzabeth- I know we are all in the same boat here with the holidays. I just love to bitch. You know that by now.

    The Dish- Sucks that he has to work. Take him home huge plates of food and he'll probably be just fine.

    Lucy- No worries. I got more pictures today.

  13. I love the photo of Mr. Moon and Owen. Owen is SO DAMN CUTE, you want to eat him right up.

    Wish we lived closer so I could give you a hand with the party.

    Love, SB

    Your stairway is fucking gorgeous, by the way. Wowsa!

  14. Owen, Owen, Owen! He looks like he knows everything to know, doesn't he? Your staircase is divine. And I love it that you added the badass blogger picture!

  15. Those two men of yours are gorgeous! Especially together like that.

    I luckily don't have a problem with Thanksgiving as I've never celebrated it, but May's over here visiting, so I will be doing something with/for her. My first thanksgiving! In the year of my first Fourth of July! Very exciting. (Actually that seems like a million years ago now.)

  16. It sounds like you are going to have plenty of help! I'm cooking too, but over at my daughter's house. Thanks for reminding me that I still need to buy some oysters!

  17. Ms. Bastard- I know. I DO just want to eat Owen up. Num, num, num. He is so creamy and lovely and smells so sweet. I wish you were going to be here for the PARTY. To hell with helping, I just wish you were going to be here.
    And that stairway is a thing of beauty, isn't it? I so often wonder who built it. An artist, that's for sure.

    Ginger- Thanks for the badass blogger award. I know I should pass it on but I just think we should all have it. BECAUSE WE'RE ALL BADASSES!

    Mwa- Thanksgiving I can handle. All food, no religious connotations. Unless you add them in, which I do not. I can be thankful all day and all night, though and I am.

    Lois- Oysters! Do you make oyster dressing?

  18. You have the most photogenic house on the planet. That house looks spectacular and spic and span in pictures! And not that it's shabby and dirty for real, it just takes my breath away in pictures.

    Great shots.
    xoxo m

  19. Ms. Fleur- You know the truth of the matter. It IS shabby and dirty. Ah well. At least it photos well.

  20. Yes! I do make oyster dressing. My father taught me how to do it years ago and it's what I grew up on. My kids would be mad if I didn't make oyster dressing for Thanksgiving. I don't really have a written down recipe though.


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