Monday, November 2, 2009

And Tater Will Be Born Tomorrow. Maybe.

Last March, I wrote a post called More Best News Ever.

It was about my friends Billy and Shayla and how they were going to have a baby and how happy we all were about that and what glorious news it was.

And it started out with these words:

Are you familiar with David Sedaris? Of course you are. And thus, you know of his brother, The Rooster, whom you cannot kill. Anyway, when The Rooster's wife had her baby, it was delivered by Cesarean section and when he was telling David about it, he said something like, "Some babies get here by the natural pathway and some babies have to be cut from their mama's wombs but each and every one is a motherfuckin' miracle of God." And it's the truth.

Which is so highly ironic because tomorrow, Shayla is scheduled for a C-Section. I was talking about their baby's conception when I wrote that, but the fact of the matter is, Tater, as we lovingly know their baby, has been in a frank breech position for quite some time and despite all efforts to get him to back up and turn around, he seems to want to stay that way. This is what a frank breech presentation looks like:

Now it looks in that picture as if the mother's pelvic bones are spread-angel wings and that with just the slightest bit of encouragement, the baby would drop right out. As if.
Oh. As if.

Shayla has wanted so badly to have her baby either at home or at the birth center and here she is, signed up and scheduled for a C-section. Breech births can be complicated and problematic and unlike in the olden days, doctors aren't really trained to do vaginal breech deliveries because the protocol is to just deliver them by section. And so- there you go. Circumstances dictate that the best way for Tater to get here is via Cesarean.

They have tried various techniques to hopefully induce Tater to turn and will be going to a chiropractor today who will do the Webster Technique on Shayla and who know? Maybe it will work and I certainly hope so. But right now, it surely doesn't seem like a sure thing and when I talked to Shayla on the phone the other night she was weepy. She'd been to see the one doctor in all of Tallahassee (that I know of) who will try to do an external version, which is the procedure in which someone tries to turn the baby from the outside. And it hadn't worked. And that's when they'd scheduled the Cesarean.

Now Shayla is one of the most intelligent women I have ever met and also, one of the most determined. And she knows that no matter how Tater makes his appearance into the world, it will be a miracle and a blessing and that's the truth. But she also knows she has waited her entire life to go through a pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and although she has been through the pregnancy, it makes her sad that she will not get to go through labor and delivery. And rightly so.
It's hard to know the words to say in a situation like this. You just can't be trite and say that thing about it's not how the baby gets here, it's the fact that the baby will get here and be safe, etc. I mean, that's a big, huge DUH.

When I talked to her, I told her she had every right to grieve for the birth she has planned and hoped for and anticipated for so long and yet, is not going to get. EVERY RIGHT.
And I believe that. I also believe with all my heart that if Tater doesn't turn today and she does get a C-section, she'll come to peace with it.
And so will Billy who wants more than anything for his wife and baby to be safe but who also wishes that Shayla could have the birth she wants.

Well. Birth is like that. You can plan and you can plot, you can study and you can ponder. You can do whatever you want but in the end, situation and conditions dictate action. Not unlike life.

And so most likely, tomorrow morning, Billy and Shayla's baby will be born and so if you can, please send them a little thought, a little love, a little prayer for all to go well. If you would. You don't know them, perhaps, but I swear to you- if you did- they would be your favorite people.

And I'm with the Rooster on this one. This baby's birth, like all of them, is going to be a Motherfuckin' miracle of God and nothing in this world is going to make me happier at this point then to see the holy trinity of those three beloved people together- Shayla, Billy, and their precious baby, all happy, all well, all blessed with the light which true miracles provide of which birth, as common as it is, seems to me the most profound.


  1. While I did not have a planned C-section with Hannah, I ended up having one-and grieving for the birth you wanted/hoped for is very apt; of course we all know how great the baby at the end is, how important it is that baby gets here healthy and okay, but damn it, that does NOT negate feelings of disappointment and sadness.

    So you give her a big hug and tell her that just becuase this one had to be a section, there is this woman you know in Idaho who went on to have four V-BACS; it can be done. And I send up every sweet thought I have for the three of them.

  2. It is very hard to know what to say in this situation. Logically it seems that as long as the baby gets here safely that is all that matters, but it is so much more than that. I know Shayla has done everything in her power to have a healthy pregnancy and it is sad she might not get the birth she hoped for. In the end I know she is going to be an awesome mom and have a sweet baby no snuggle and love. I can't wait to see little Tater with Billy and Shayla.

  3. Positive energy floating your way. I wish there was time for Chinese moxibustion which I believe is renowned for "turning" breech babies. Remember my Henry story -- he was born the way he was supposed to be born. I wish that for your friend's baby, too.

  4. Here's to hoping Shayla gets what she wants AND needs.

  5. I have to wonder too if the baby is positioned the way he or she is supposed to even after all the turning skills. And perhaps your words are helping someone out there who didn't know about choices in turning techniques. I light a candle pretty much every night and I will think of this family tonight.

  6. I will send good thoughts, because if you think so much of them, then I would surely love them.

  7. Kori- I will tell her. That is very hopeful for the future.

    Lily- Everything you said is TRUE!
    Love you, dear.

    Elizabeth- They may have tried that. Not sure.

    Nola- Often the twain do not meet, huh?
    But thanks.

    Michelle- Thank-you, sweetie.

    Ms. Bastard- I have told Billy that although he does not know you, he adores you.

  8. Many many good thoughts from me.

    I'm also hoping the baby turns in the night, all by itself. With my son, I was told there was no way he was going to turn any more because he was too big and it was too late for that, and then he did, when he was good and ready. So I'm hoping it happens for Tater.

  9. My one niece was breech. On her due date my sister felt an irresistible urge to vacuum and she turned...

    When my girl was horizontal, I did the moxi sticks tied to two chair legs because the burning ends had to be near a particular point on the side of my piggy toes. Didn't work and it smelled like we were smoking pot from our apartment.

    I walked a lot on my hands and knees and did a lot of yoga (The Frog). She basically turned when she was ready.

    But even if Tater doesn't flip and the C is inevitable, I have a friend who worked through the sadness of not having vaginal births by playing this game with her daughters.

    They'd lie down on the floor and she'd grasp one child between her legs and she'd tell her daughter to squeeze her way out. She made it a game where each kid would have to struggle and fight to set herself free.

    She said it was very cathartic for her and fun for the kids. She said she feels it taught them a lesson inherent in natural childbirth: the need to struggle to be free and the taste of sweet success.

  10. Mwa- That is encouraging. I am hoping that Tater takes it upon himself to do that very thing tonight. Come on, Tater! Turn!

    GeeksinRome- That is a very interesting story. Hmmmm. I'm not sure I could do that to my child but then again, I am a survivor of sexual abuse and my boundaries on restraining my children have always been pretty small.
    I'll tell Shayla to walk around on her hands and knees this evening. Why not? Thank you for that suggestion.

  11. I'm thinking such sweet goodness and love for Shayla, Tater, and Billy. I love those folks so much and I can't wait to meet this sweet baby of theirs!

  12. HoneyLuna- Me too. So many of us love them so much. They are simply beloved.
    I am going to cry my eyes out when I see them with that baby. I already know it.

  13. moxibustion didn't work for me, though i must say i LOVED the smell, and they burn mugwort (i THINK that's what it is) at my kid's school, and it still brings me some peace.

    yes, there are no words for this. i still grieve and wonder how our family journey may have been different if mine children had come the natural way.

    blessings to billy, shayla, and tater.


  14. Adrienne- Your blessings mean so much. Thank-you, dear. Thank-you.

  15. It all gets so frustrating toward the end, but the end is in sight. Good luck, good thoughts, good juju coming their way.

  16. Dear Great Spirit,

    Please grant Billy Shayla and Tater a safe, and natural birth. If natural does not fit the grand plan for them, then a safe and miraculous C-section would make a wonderful second choice.

    I completely understand grieving the birth plan. I hope Tater turns!
    Love love love to all of them.
    xoxo pf

  17. External version didn't work for me either w/Maya. Much love and well wishes to Tater, Shayla and Billy.


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