Monday, November 2, 2009

And Thus

A new religion is born.
(Please click on the images to get the full, terrifying, and righteous affect.)


  1. oh my gosh, this just made me LOL at work.

  2. That is hilarious. The whole scene looks so intense. Thank you for the laugh little chickens and pumpkin with grapes, I needed it! :)

  3. Oh, my God. The Church of the Batshit Crazy now has a sect of the Henshit Crazy.

    There is a video going viral of a dachshund who barks hysterically at a plastic pumpkin. This beats it. You should make a video and post it on Youtube.

  4. Bethany- I have to say even I laughed when I saw that second picture.

    Nicol- They were a bit worried about that pumpkin.

    Learner- I'm glad you did.

    Lora- Pretty funny, huh?

    Elizabeth- Too late. They've quit worshiping and started eating the Great Pumpkin.

  5. The grapes are too funny. Worshiping chickens. Just when I'd decided not to read another pumpkin post.

  6. reminds me of that scene in Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odessey when the apes stare curiously at (then stroke) the weird obelisk that suddenly appears in their midst.
    Did they eventually peck at it?

  7. Mwa- Yes. I like to feel my pumpkin post is unique.

    Geeksinrome- It reminded me of that, too! And pictures shall follow of the falling of the god.

  8. Hah, that was perfect. How did you think of the grape in the mouth idea? I can't think of anything better than that to do with a post-Halloween pumpkin.

  9. HoneyLuna- I just had a few old, very squishy grapes so I put them in that toothy grin. Wait 'til you see tomorrow's pictures!
    I love my chickens.
    And my chillens.

  10. Oh dear God! That is the funniest thing I've seen all day! You really have outdone yourself this time...

  11. The menacing chickens surround the evil pumpkin! Mayhem ensues!

    Good one, Ms Moon!

  12. And the chickens, who are beautiful by the way, are wondering about the new grape delivery system. But they know you have to take it wherever, whenever, however you can, so they may tiptoe and squeal, but steal the grapes from his lips they will. And perhaps punish him a bit too when he's not forthcoming with more.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.