Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Yearning Heart Of Apalachicola Rose

I'm thinking that it's time to just post my novel online. Obviously it's never going to get read otherwise. It has been turned down by approximately fifty publishers. And even though my dream in life is to have a book published that you can hold in your hand with paper and ink and pages and a cover, I am willing to say, at this point, Fuck it.

And I want to put it online with a paypal option. Why not? As I said to my son tonight via an e-mail, if I make fifty bucks, that's fifty bucks. I'll buy a used car seat to have here for my grandson. It's funny about the money thing- I don't know that I'd ever "monetize," as they say on blogger, my blog. I understand people who do. If I was living on the knife-sharp edge of the economy and had kids to support- I'd be monetizing like crazy.

But this is different. This is a book. I wrote. A full novel with characters and plot and adventures and love and a little bit of sex and plenty of local color and well, it took me over a decade to write it. So if people wanted to pay me a little bit of money for the (hopefully) pleasure of reading it, that would be swell.
And maybe that would give me the confidence to go through the whole finding-an-agent thing again because you know what? My agent hasn't called me in YEARS! You think that's a sign?
And if I did put it online and people liked it, I might get on with finishing another one of my many books-in-progress.
Plus, and most importantly, it would get my main character off my back. She's been bitching at me for years. YEARS I tell you. She's been saying, "Come on, Mary. Let me LIVE!"
Seriously. She has.

So what I want to know is- how do you do the paypal thing for a blog? Or, alternately, should I create my own website? It can't be that hard. Barbecue sauce people do it. Do I have to hire someone? I don't want to hire someone. I've bought many computers in the service of this novel. Not to mention the blood, sweat and tears.
Do any of my readers know anything about this?
Let me know if you do.

Because I am ready.
And so is Rose, the main character of my book.
She is so ready.

Suggestions, please?


  1. I found something online one time about a place that will publish your book and set up book signings and do some promotion. I bookmarked it on my computer that died and will see if a friend has it. This wasn't a vanity press because they worked with you.

    I don't know about the paypal part, but my daughter-in-law uses it on her website for her art. I'll ask her when they get back from a convention next week.

  2. Do you already have a paypal account set up? If so, you can go into the Merchant Services tab and it will give you a clink to add the button to your blog. It generates a code which you can then imbed into the sidebar of the blog.

    I think it is a great idea, but it would be best if you could get the $$ up front and then give them access to the PDF version of the book; I have seen that done elsewhere (actually I think on Ms. Single mama's blog, which is odd because she is one of my least favorite bloggers in the entire world so I don't know why i remember that...), and if you could find out how to do THAT, it would be the best way. In MY opinion, which is like an asshole, right, in that we all have one.

    I think you are SO brave; I would pay to read your BLOG, so of course I would pay to read a book you have written.

  3. Yay! Good for you! Good for Rose! I don't know how it's done, but I feel positive if Hank doesn't know, he can damn sure find out. He's good with the research.

    I know there are books online that you can purchase through paypal, because I got one for Marc for his birthday last year. I can't remember how I found it, now, but you can google online books and see what pops up. Also self publishing online. You can SO do this!

    DO IT FOR ROSE! :-)

  4. OOOO--I can't help you with the mechanics, but I want a copy or two or three or four!

    Another suggestion is find a new agent. OR enter the whole manuscript in a contest?

  5. I think the online thing is a good idea, though I have no idea how to set up paypal and all that.

    Have you thought about self publishing? I've heard good things about, and even if you only got a few copies, you could actually hold the bound thing in your hands.

    Good luck! Can't wait to read it. : )

  6. How exciting! I would definitely pay as well. Should you not think about one of those publishing websites where you put your book and then people can choose to order it electronically or on paper? That way it will exist on paper. I don't know what kind of a cut in profits they take, though. Either way, I think it's a great idea and you can make sure there's a copy for me.

  7. Can I suggest something inbetween maybe?

    There are websites where you can arrange self publishing. End product is your book bound and printed as illustrated as you wish it to be.

    The also handle the orders for the book. As people order, they knock it up, and ship it.

    If you went down that route, and published say a chapter of your book online to draw people in, they could then easily go and order the book themaselves.


  8. ...and then maybe, I could learn how to spell.

  9. I'm dying to read this and will pay for the privlege. Let me know what you decide to do.

  10. I wish I had some answers, and will do some thinking. I remember sending you the "scribd" link but I don't know if that's the route to go or not. I'll do some digging and see what I can find.

    Don't get discouraged though, I think it's definitely time for you to get that book out there if you are ready!

  11. I'm just so glad you've made a decision to do something. It has been too long, and I think it's time. Anything I can do to help, let me know. Yours is a wonderful book. I want to read it again, actually.

  12. Also, check out this website:

    It's free, they publish the book in .pdf form, kindle, etc, and you get 85% profit from sales.

    I've never commented before, but have been reading for a while, and I've always thought you have amazing storytelling skills. I'd love to read your work.

    Good luck!


  13. However you decide to go about it, I'd love to read your book and would gladly pay for the privilege. You have lots of good suggestions on here. :)

  14. Sorry, love, I don't know dick about that.

    I would purchase your novel though.

    Have a nice long weekend.

    Love, SB.

  15. Like someone else said, will publish your novel, and then you could sell the actual book. Not sure what all's involved, a friend's husband did it and I was able to buy a copy.

    Whichever way it comes, I do believe I would pay to read your words, Ms. Moon.

  16. Before you put it online to read, check into what Xbox and other said. I'd like to have the book in my hands instead of online and am sure others would, too. I have a few people to check with who have done this. That one place sounded the best, but I haven't found the site yet. Lulu is also good, but that one had marketing.

  17. I have a web friend who self pulished on (Amazon) You can e-publish or get real books, you set the price, they take a cut. It might be a good way to get some copies out for review and get some press, especially good to get a copy in your hands. You design your own cover too. Good luck, your book needs to be read!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.