Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Night In Lloyd

Don't worry. It's only a beetle.


  1. Aye aye aye Ms. Moon. What's with the BUGS?!? They look bigger than Daffodil. eeek

  2. You know, an enormous water bug like you see in your state walked across my LA kitchen floor when I was cooking that peach crumble that I blogged about. I didn't think it was fitting to include it in the post, but I see that it works to have a giant bug on one's blog. I like it.

  3. OK, 2 things:

    1) Is that a picture of your house in your header? I mean, I'm sure it is, but I just have to ask b/c I can't believe someone actually lives in my dream home.

    b) If that is your house, and you found that godforsaken bug in or around your house, I may not be visiting. That's just not right.

    (PS - I may for surely be driving through in October and definitely wanna stop in to meet you. And don't believe Martin when he says I'm stalking you. He's just MAJORLY jealous.)

  4. Oh my God. I am totally not shitting you when I tell you that your house honest to god looked like that in my dream last night. And I know I must have seen other pics of it before and didn't really think about it, but my subconscious must be really, really working overtime. I am seriously starting to wonder if I am going insane. Because that picture gave me chills. Be honest; AM I losing my mind? I swear on all I hold holy that I am NOT, in fact, a freakishly strange person.

  5. I love that new picture. What a great and dramatic choice of plants.

  6. Ugh, one of those nasty things flew up my sleeve once when I still lived in FL. I think I gave my neighbors a strip tease show trying to get it out.

  7. I can'r even LOOK at the picture, so I'll head back to the top of the page and look at the pretty house.

    Better now.

  8. Michelle- I tell you, living here is not for the faint of heart.

    Elizabeth- People seem to love looking at bugs from the safety of their own computers.

    Angie- Yes, that is the house I live in. I TOLD you I was the luckiest woman in the world and yes, that bug was on my back porch but don't worry- he doesn't bite or sting.
    And Martin? He hasn't said a word about you stalking me. Are you stalking me? Because that would be really cool.

    Kori- Oh, I've put up plenty of other pictures of the house. You just have them filed away in a subconscious closet. I have no doubt that you are NOT a freakishly strange person. Maybe Lloyd is calling you.

    Mwa- Some of those plants are older than Miss HoneyLuna.

    Rachel- We've all been there, done that.

    Bob- It can't get you. Breathe.

  9. I was going to say that all your porch needs is some rocking chairs, but on second glance I see that there is at least one already. I imagine you rocking Owen there this fall, hopefully without insects attacking you.



Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.