Monday, September 7, 2009


Is next to Goddess-ness


  1. I cleaned my whole apartment tonight too :) It needed it, and I did too! But I ain't got nothing on 12 rooms...

  2. SJ- Oh honey- I only cleaned two rooms.

  3. Got both my bathrooms cleaned yesterday too. And I cooked dinner. Things are looking up.

    I actually went out and found Fabuloso. Now every time I clean I think of you, Ms. Moon.

    That sure is a fancy bathroom!

  4. Michelle- I love the Fabuloso. You can mix it with white vinegar for extra cleaning power. (In my mind, at least) or even BLEACH for super-cleaning power. It will not kill you with toxic fumes. And yes, it is a fancy bathroom. It was here when we bought the house and I am so happy it was.

  5. I now have guilt. I am neither clean (well, I am personally, but the house? Not so much) nor goddess-like. Sheeeeeit.

  6. If you're not a godess, I don't know who is.

  7. Whoever came up with that phrase did not have babies. Mrs. Shife and I do our best to keep the house in order but with Baby Shife, fat basset and work it has fallen a little further down on the priority list. Your bathroom looks lovely by the way.

  8. Kori- I don't clean well either. Or often. Which is why I make such a big deal about it when I do.

    Rachel- Ha! Goddess of the Chicken Coop, maybe.

    Maggie May- Thinking I have ten more rooms to clean and writing a new blog post. What are YOU doing, you beautiful woman?

    Mr. Shife- With babies all you can do is try and keep it down to merely one layer of disorder. And that is almost impossible.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.