Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'll Be Darned

Either Miss Red's eggs have suddenly and inexplicably doubled in size, or we have a brand new egg-layer in our midst.



  1. Maybe someone else has decided that Ms Red needs to quit hogging the spotlight?

  2. Don't you mean egggggcellent? Sorry, had to.

  3. Oddly, all I can think about is that poor chicken's backside.

  4. Rachel- If so, they need to let me know who it is so I can start braggin' on them.

    Kori- I know!

    Ginger- Yes. That's exactly what I meant.

    Daddy X- It's a hen's lot in life. And it is a very lovely and ergonomic shape.

  5. Wow. What is going on out there? Regardless that is one big egg. And I hope the waiting for your grandbaby is going OK and Lily is doing well. Best of luck to everyone and I can't wait to hear the news. Take care.

  6. That egg is huge! Good work, gals.

  7. That's one impressively super-sized egg! Congratulations on the new layer!

  8. Now I'm seriously worried about what chicken farmers do to get the store-bought eggs so white. Do they bleach them?

  9. Mr. Shife- As always, it is an honor for you to stop by. YOUR BABY IS SO CUTE!

    Marsha and DTG- It is, isn't it? I mean, that's a big damn egg.

    Ms. Lucy- Different breeds lay different colored eggs. I will probably be getting some white ones too.

    Mel- That egg would do it to you.

  10. there is something hilarious about that!

  11. Ms. Maggie- I know. It's like- Hey! Now _I'M_ an egg! You other three? You ain't shit.
    But of course they are all beautiful. To me, at least.

  12. Do you know why they are all blue? Is it something in the soil or the food? Perhaps it's the type of hen.

  13. The heavens opened and it rained small to medium eggs...


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.