Wednesday, September 2, 2009

There Are Trips And There Are Journeys

So yesterday I threw off a blog post about nothing, nothing at all, and get more hits than I've gotten in weeks and weeks. What's up with that?

Oh well. The good news is that the camera is fine. It was the CARD. I changed out the card. In doing so, I had to download (upload?) all the pictures on it to clear it because it was full. More on that later.

But what I want to discuss first is MEN. Okay, mostly just rooster-men. And Sam (aka Suzie) specifically. Now Sam is a fine-looking rooster. He's also well-behaved, generally. He'll eat out of my hand, he'll sometimes allow me to pick him up. But today he is mean. Why is he mean? He's horny. He's been chasing hens all morning and they do not appear to be interested in the least. His showy white feathers and beautiful pointed collar, his sturdy yellow legs and glossy black and green tail feathers mean nothing to them. Nor does his regal crow which sounds just like the first three notes of the Get Smart theme. Dut-dah-dah!

Uh-huh, no way, get that mess out of here
, the hens say.

He's set his eye on my young hen, Lucille and has been pursuing her for days. This morning I saw the chase begin again. Lucille managed to escape but there was fussing and fuming in Coop Town for awhile. Then I went into the chicken house to get their corn scratch and found Miss Daffodil up on top of the nesting boxes, wedged precariously on a tilted tin roof, designed just so that the chickens wouldn't roost on it.


"Oh Miss Daffodil!" I said. "Are you okay?" All the rest of the chickens were out in the coop, scratching and trying to avoid Sam and generally going about their morning routine. If there is one thing I know about chickens, it's that they all like to do the same thing at the same time. So if
a chicken isolates herself, something is wrong.

And me, being a human, just had to mess with things. I picked her up, against her will and have a scratch mark from her foot on my wrist to prove it. She sure didn't seem weak or sickly. I set her down on the ground only to turn around and see Sam, staring with his beady eyes. Daffodil saw him too and took off running with Sam hot on her heels. I grabbed for him, he grabbed for me, and now I have a peck-mark on the meaty part of my palm.

"You bad chicken!" I told him.

He did not look remorseful in the least but gave me a look and then chased after the object of his affections. I stepped back and let him have at it because you know what? Just because I think Daffodil is too little and is not yet ready to welcome grown-up chicken sex, it doesn't mean I need to get in the way of the Way of the Coop.

And Daffodil seems fine. She's nestled back into the bosom of her flock and she probably has one more reason to hate me. That little bird has never once eaten out of my hand and she never will after this morning's interference.

Well, it's good to have the camera back. Does it make me a lazy writer to put these pictures in here? I hope not.

So back to those pictures on the camera. Some of them were from a trip Mr. Moon and I took out west several years ago. We've been talking about that trip because he's gotten the Cutlass spiffed up pretty well. It's been a long-going project.

(Hard to take a picture- it's in the garage.)

And it's so nice to think about taking off in it, the top down, heading off into parts unknown. I am listening to a tape of Lonesome Dove. I can't seem to quit Larry McMurtry. (That was a joke because he co-wrote the screenplay for Brokeback Mountain. Get it? "Can't seem to quit you?")
Anyway, as I'm listening to the tape (and I've read the book several times and also watched the mini-series at least that many times) I'm thinking of McMurtry's cowboys taking those skinny Mexican cows from the Texas-Mexican border all the way up to Montana and remembering some of the things we saw on our drive out west.

Surely Gus and Call and Deets and Pea Eye and Dish and Newt saw scenes like this. Grand, sweeping vistas of endless land and mountains far off in the distance. Buffalo grazing. The sweet, cold air nipping at their faces as they rode. It's fun to think about doing another road trip, this time in Mr. Moon's beloved car.

Well, something to think about, this gray drizzly morning in Lloyd where my life right now is wrapped up in the social ranking of chickens and waiting for a grandson. The grand vistas will be there when we're ready to take them in. But that won't be for awhile. I know better than to go off and leave an infant for a few weeks. Who knows what could happen? He might forget his granny. And I'd probably have nightmares every night of the trip. Those nightmares about losing a baby. Those are the worst.

No. We're home for awhile and that is fine with me. Mr. Moon asked if I wanted to go to the island this Labor Day weekend. I just looked at him and said, "Uh- no. Are you kidding?"
"That baby isn't ready to come yet," he said.
I just shrugged. I don't think he is either, but what if he did?

No. Here I am and here I'll stay, waiting on Owen, feeding my chickens, taking my walks, listening to that great American novel on tape, which is another way to travel and the way I choose for right now while my grandson prepares for his journey and the universe gets ready for another soul to make its way here.


  1. You and I are so different on the photo thing. I download those suckers the day after I take them and then clear my camera. Never know when the card will go bad is my feeling on that.

    Between your chicken sex and SB's monkey sex, I feel like my photo blog isn't the one the should have an adult content warning!

  2. DTG- Well, I do delete now. Monkey sex looks like a lot more fun than chicken sex. Believe me.

  3. My posts with photos of Jeremiah get more hits than my thought out posts about actually interesting things...I think the blogging universe has a crush on him.

    In other news! I wish I was waiting for a baby. My first three pregnancies I wanted them out...even tried castor oil with Max (sorry baby).
    But with Elijah I could care less. And when he finally started coming, I tried to convince Jeremiah it was false labor. I was so comfy in my bed, comfy but in gut wrenching pain...

  4. Dear Ms. Moon,
    You are just going to have to accept the curse, that like me, you are popular. You post about nothing and people still want to read that shit.

    I love the pictures, and it doesn't make you lazy, but all the pictures might attract George W. Bush to your blog. He likes LOTS of pictures.

    Love you,


  5. DTG,
    There is nothing wrong with animal sex. It's just damn nature taking it's course.

    SB loves you.

  6. We have a projector on loan just now and I've been looking for the perfect film to watch all big on our wall. Brokeback Mountain, of course!

    Hope your cuts heal soon. Chicken scratches get infected too easily.

  7. Chicken lickin'. Do you suppose that's what they'd call chicken oral sex? Do chickens have tongues? Hmmm. I completely forgot you guys went out west. That was a basketball thing, right?
    I love the pictures by the way. You have to post more so you have more to choose from for the calendar.
    I love you,

  8. I forgot they went out west, too. Mama, are you sure that happened?

    SB: I am all for animal sex. Also, animals having other animals as pets.

  9. I was distracted by the picture right off the top. Is that your tree with the bottles handing in it? If so, how did you hang them? Are there lids? Do wasps build nests in them? Do they get all mucky inside? Are they just pretty or do they also serve a purpose???

    Okay, I can read your blog now. Sorry.

  10. Just great; I am not going to have different lines from the book (NOT Brokeback Mountain, but Lonesome Dove) going through my head all day. Becuase it is such a great book, and hte only Larry McMurtry I have ever been able to get into. I wish I had known you when you came out west, because then I could have MET you.

    I secretly like the fact that I can reply to comments in my comment section because then when you go into the site it looks like a lot more people read me than really DO. Because half the comments are mine. Whatever works.

    The baby might come, their little Owen (such a good strong FINE name!), and wouldn't it suck ass to NOT be right there for every little bit of it?

  11. I think sometimes "meatier" posts scare folks away from commenting...unless it' regarding chicken meat hee hee
    Glad your. Camera's working-LABOR DAY is just around the corner. And that is a kickass car to roadtrip in. My first vacation with my husband involved Washington, Idaho, and Montana in a red Mustang convertible. Quite a trip

  12. I totally feel like all I'm doing these days is thinking about Owen coming. I feel like I need to constantly be with Lily. Actually, the whole family should just be following her around. But no, that is not what we should be doing- I think she would hate us for that.

    I keep telling my teachers that in the next few weeks I might miss their class because I will be with my laboring sister. It's going to be hard to come to classes when I Owen is here. I remember when you made me go to school after Queenie had her puppies and I think I was bawling because I didn't want to leave her. But I guess it was for the better...I don't blame you. Hee-hee.

    Hope Sam and Daffodil didn't hurt you too bad. I say, don't mess with the chicken that looks like she is hiding from the rooster, and don't mess with a horny rooster!

  13. Interesting that you posted that picture of the bottle tree..I saw one this morning and wondered, yet again, what is that all about? So Ms. Moon, as on expert on all things southrn ;) what can you tell me about that?

  14. The bottle trees I have known in the deep south are hung with blue bottles, to keep the haints away. As Miss Annie explained, the Miss Annie who watched us and ironed for Mother, those scary things that you have to trick with blue bottles so they think they are diving into the sky. But they really are jumping into blue bottles. Therefore the haints are captured up and can't get into your house and bother you and your loved ones. In a haunting you sort of way.

    I have not lived in the deep south in nearly 30 years, I am sad to say, left it and my family and dearest friends behind that long ago. But to this day, when I really love someone, I give them a present of a lovely blue bottle and whisper "put this in your bedroom window" or I give them one for their new baby. If they query me, I just say I have them on my windowsills. Sometimes these people I love have already noticed the blue bottles so they don't even question. They just accept these gifts they don't understand. And are grateful. They just *know.* Like Ms. Moon would.

  15. Ms. Bastard- Popular? Ha! That's so funny. And GW? He'd love your blog too. I bet he reads it. Every day. Especially on the wool fetish days.

    Magnum- I thought you'd like that.

    Mwa- They're not much of anything. I think they'll be fine.

    May- I think chickens have tongues and believe me- there is no chicken lickin' going on in that coop. Unless you mean lickin' like "I'm gonna lick your ass." That sounds sort of dirty too.
    ANYHOO- I did go out west. I have pictures to prove it.

    DTG- I'll show you some pictures! Just because we don't buy souvenirs. Jesus. Animals who have pets. Hmmm. Like ants and aphids?

    Marsha- I think that Ms. Glimmer gave a beautiful explanation of the bottles. I stole the idea from the movie about Ray Charles. I hang them with fishing line. And yes, they get water in them and get nasty but so far, wasps haven't made homes in them.
    I mostly do it because it's pretty.

    Kori- It is a great book, isn't it? And I do not want to miss one second of Owen's arrival. Not one.

    Michelle- A red mustang, huh? Awesome.

    HoneyLuna- You are wise beyond your years with that chicken advise. And we can't follow Lily around. A watched pot never boils, etc.

    Michelle (just me)- I believe we have answered this one now. Isn't it nice?

    Glimmer- My friend Lynn used to have blue bottles in her window. Unfortunately, they didn't do shit for her luck, but they sure were pretty.

  16. Sorry bout that chicken molester you have on your hands. I know they have their ways.. but DAMN. If a chick says NO, she means NO! Makes no difference to me if she is feathered or not. :-p

    I can't wait for Mr. Owen to get here! I'm so excited for ya'll!!

  17. It's so hard not to project our human emotions on animals, isn't it? I would be catastrophic to work with any kind of wildlife, because I would convince myself that if any furry thing were cranky, they really just needed me to pick them up and cuddle them :)

    This whole blue bottle thing is new to me.

  18. I'm too sleepy to make a coherent comment but have enjoyed catching up!

  19. Wait, is that YOUR bottle tree? I love it. I LOVE it.

  20. Such excitement. I'd send Lily baby clothes, if we still had surface mail. Or if they weren't all WAY too hot for where you are.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.