Friday, December 27, 2024

Owen Before He Became A Towering Giant

I had taken no pictures today at all and so I just took this one. It's of the dining/jigsaw-doing room as you can tell from the table and the high chair. I need to pass that high chair on but I will tell you that I am having as hard a time getting rid of baby and child-related items as any mother whose children are growing up. I got the high chair before I had any grandchildren at all. I saw it in a thrift store and decided that my house needed it and that hopefully, soon enough, a grandchild would too.

And now I've just spent about forty-five minutes going back through fourteen and fifteen-year old blog posts to find a picture of Owen in that high chair which I did not, but I did open the door to a lot of closets in my brain where memories are stored.

Owen on his second day of life. 

And back when I was Owen's childcare Mermer. Do you think I loved him? 

I could do an entire book about Owen and Elvis, the Very Best Rooster Who Ever Lived. 

They were buddies. 

Mr. Moon arrived safely at his destination. A funny thing happened this morning. I was literally writing him a text when the phone informed me that I had a call from him. 

I am going to go make a martini and cook some salmon with spinach.

And yes of course the sheets are clean. 

Sorry about the lack of content tonight. I have tried but nothing I write satisfies me in the least. All is well, though. No worries. 
I think my mind has just checked out for a little rest. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I don't like looking through old posts for pictures! However, when found, they are great. Owen was a good baby. As were the next four.

    1. Well, the little search feature can help and when I'm looking for a specific grandchild at a certain time, I can generally figure out what year I need to be looking in.
      Owen was a great baby. He was so sweet and so smart. Just like all the others!

  2. Awww, that great baby. Besties with a rooster!

    1. I have so many pictures of Owen with Elvis. Feeding the chickens and watching them and getting eggs was a big part of our day. A neighbor suggested that Elvis though Owen was part of his flock and as such, needed his protection. I liked that idea. Still do.

  3. I love those pictures of Owen with his buddy. And yes, I'd put my money on the fact that you adored that baby with all of your mermer heart.

    1. I used to tell Glen, "I love him TOO much." I really did say that and I really did worry about it. I loved that baby too much.

    2. It's impossible to love a baby too much.

  4. Owen was such a beautiful baby. And now he is a handsome young man.

  5. Replies
    1. I took about a million pictures of Owen because I could.

  6. I love today’s content. Owen and love are enough!

  7. I'm lucky enough to be going through that baby stage right now. And to think I was considering downsizing! Christmas Day was people and toy-filled pandemonium!

    1. Give yourself a little while before you really get serious about downsizing. You'll know when it's time- when you get tired of hosting the entire family!

  8. It's the holidays -- time for a mental rest and recharge! Love the pictures of Owen. I still can't believe how grown up he is now. I remember meeting both him AND Elvis!

  9. My first grandchild is Owen, then there's AJ, and Little Granddaughter will make her debut in March. I've been a grandma for 2 1/2 years and this short time has opened a new world of joy and a heart filled with so much love!

    1. And my first grand is Owen too. He gave me my grandmother name. Can you believe how in love with our grandchildren we are?

  10. I will put a great deal of money on this bet: That you loved little Owen with every bit of your big mermer heart.

    1. I found your first comment in Spam and took it out. That's why there's two of you here today. And you would not lose any money on that bet.

  11. The first grandchild is special even though we also love all of our other grandchildren a LOT, too! It's good to just relax after all of the holiday activities. Enjoy your quiet time, Mary!

    1. Well, so far I'm being a sort of gad-about but that's okay.

  12. Wr all need a little “check out” time. Loved seeing the Elvis and Owen pictures again. Enjoy your alone time, I cherish mine.

    1. I think a lot of women who have spent a lot of their life tending to others really does very much enjoy time when she has no one to worry about but herself.

  13. The memories of baby Owen and Elvis are precious.
    Owen is a fine young man now. All grown up with a grand future ahead. Plus, a family that will support and cheer him on every step of the way.

    1. It's so hard to believe that I kept Owen so much when he was a baby and then a toddler and then Gibson too. The time passed so quickly. Not always the days, but the years.

  14. alone time can also mean nothing to say and that's ok too.

  15. Elvis and your grandson sure are a cute pair...I think everyone's brain deserves a rest periodically.

  16. Owen was such a cutie, and Elvis too.

    Enjoy your alone time Mary.

  17. It is so nice that we long-time bloggers can use our blogs to look back upon our lives. They are not just about today but about the months and years that went before - like handwritten diaries or journals of times past. Seventeen years of your life are contained herein - how tragic it would be for all of us if one day Google/Blogger pulled the plug on it all.

    1. I think about that sometimes- what it would feel like if everything suddenly disappeared from my blog. I try to just be all cool about it like, "Oh well. That's the way it goes." And I'd have to be accepting of the fact that it was all gone but honestly, it would hurt. A lot. That's my life there. And my kids' lives and my grandkids' lives. My husband's too. Glen sometimes says that we should figure out how to get it all in hard copy but I don't think anyone has that much storage space in their house. Can you imagine the number of pages?
      But hey- all things must pass. All things must pass away.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.