Friday, September 27, 2024

We Are Fine


Last night when the storm had made landfall a little east of here and the winds were impressive but not scary and we still had power, I decided that I was going to sleep in my own bed so Glen put that up in our bedroom window and I called it the "Decapitation Protection Curtain." 

And I went to bed and I slept as did my husband. 

We woke up to a most beautiful day, cooler, dryer, and totally sunshiny, 

and the only real damage that had been done was that a branch had gone through the wind shield on one of Mr. Moon's trucks. 

Lots of branches down but that's just a pain in the ass, not a tragedy. 

The power in Lloyd is still out but we have the generator which is a complete champ and although we lost internet and cell service this morning, we've just gotten them back which is why I am here. 

The worst thing is that Vergil's family on a mountain in North Carolina is stranded due to flooding and high winds from this very same storm. How could this even happen? Vergil, who's birthday is today, is so very distraught. 


But we here in North Florida are fine. Rachel and Hank are the only ones who lost power and they have gotten it back. We are so incredibly grateful and I have not yet had time to see what has happened to the rest of Florida, especially the counties east of here who have been hit and hit too hard three times within the last thirteen months. 

Thank all of you for your concern and sweet messages. And let us wish a very happy birthday to both Vergil and Lily. I think that ship may have sailed regarding Vergil's birthday and Lily had to be at work at 8:30 this morning but we are here. More tomorrow.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Thank goodness you’re all safe and this wasn’t as bad as anticipated, at least for the extended Moon family. Seems that elsewhere, haven’t been as fortunate.MrsF

    1. As we are learning, some are much, much worse off.

  2. Thank you for a very positive update! Sorry about Glen's truck windshield! I hope you have glass coverage!
    Maurice looks like a very cool 😎 cat 😺! Who's worried? Not Maurice!

  3. So relieved. Thank you for the update.

  4. Bad for the windshield. OK for you. Virgil's folks will be OK.

  5. Glad to hear you are safe and OK. Windshield can be easily dealt with. I'm sighing with relief. And wishes for Lily and Vergil.....though I trust Vergil is very worried for his family. May they all be well and safe. I can't believe you have laundry on the line 8 hours after a mind is in a dither!
    Hugs to you all
    Susan M

  6. So good to see a post from you. The fact that you went to bed...AND SLEPT!!!! Impressive. You are a true Florida gal!

  7. Very glad to read that you and families made it through with very little damage. That was a close call for y'all.

  8. What a relief to hear from you, with mostly good news. I'm glad you had a night's sleep.

  9. I heard that other systems bear watching. We were lucky here. Happy sleeping.

    1. Girl, you have to take some time to breathe! The meteorologists are watching for us.

  10. Oh my god, I'm so glad you all are safe. I've been thinking of you all day, and when I heard Jefferson county was hard hit, I've been worried.

    1. We're on the West Side of Jefferson County and even a few miles can make a difference. Power's still out here though.

  11. I'm so happy that y'all are ok. Margie in Arkansas

  12. Glad to hear all was well and I hope Virgil’s family is no longer stranded. Happy birthday Lily and Virgil. Sorry it had to be such a grown-up-dealing -with-life’s-curveballs kind of birthday!

    1. Have you seen any of the footage from NC? My god. It's like there are NO ROADS.

  13. PS. I've read you for a long time but never commented before. I do really love reading your posts. Margie

  14. Glad to hear that you are all safe and hope Virgil's family will be okay soon. Happy Birthday to Virgil and Lily.

    1. I don't think that life will ever, ever be the same for Virgil's family.

  15. This was indeed a strange storm. The worst damage seemed to happen in unexpected places.

    1. Welcome to The New Era of Climate Change, Right? We've sickened and pissed off the mother.

  16. Thank you!
    I can't even imagine 😢

    1. Good! And keep it that way! Stay out of a hurricane's range. But after the damage this last one has done in so many states, that isn't as easy as it used to be.

  17. Whew! I'm so glad to hear it. When I read in the Tallahassee Democrat a reference to "hard-hit Jefferson County," I got particularly concerned!

    It is true that of all your family members, I would think Vergil's kin in North Carolina should be the safest of all. Hurricanes are very, very strange things. (And now I'm wondering about my friend in Asheville!)

    1. Vergil's entire being has been shaken by this storm's effects on his family home on the mountain. He always figured that Black Mountain was safe from this sort of weather catastrophe. Have you seen videos? Unbelievable damage.

  18. Ooof! HI MARY! It is Jodi. Yeah - Jodi. I guess I am posting anonymously but I am here to say that I think of you often and with this latest storm, I thought - "How are the Moons doing?"

    And then I remembered our cardinal rule: "Don't ask me how I am doing. Read the blog!"

    So I am deep diving into yours.

    And I am seeing all the joy and wisdom and pain and resolution and MAGIC that is Mary Moon. It is like a warm hug from your brain (all the percentages) and your heart (waaaaay bigger than most).

    I hope this comment gets to you. I guess I need a google yada yada and maybe a blogger yada yada.

    Know that I think of you guys often. I miss you!

    (Bonus info if anyone is reading this comment - I met Mary 28+ years ago on an AOL (?) baby birthing message board. We have had several IRL meet ups. She remains a cornerstone in my Thought Board of Joy.)

    1. Jodi! I think of you often too and even dream of you. And Austin- all grown up now. Can you believe it? And get this- Lily just turned 39. Girl, I, for one, am old now.
      I am so glad you wrote. So glad to know that you're still here and I am quite certain, still kicking ass and not even having time to take names. We need to catch up.
      And get this- I still have the same AOL email address. It is my "heritage address" and yes, I told you I am old.
      Love and kisses...M

  19. Phew! Margaret, who’s never met a hurricane she could sleep through-good for you.

  20. So relieved! Hope Vergil’s family will be ok. Maurice looks fiery in the sun.

    1. I think Vergil's family will be okay but I'm hearing that the mountain will be forever changed.

  21. SO relieved. I hope Vergil's family is un-stranded quickly. Happy more birthdays!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I think EVERYONE in that part of NC is stranded. No roads left or close to that.

  22. holy cow- y'all living in a state of grace!!!

    1. Well, there are about 700 churches on my road alone.

  23. I am relieved too... glad to have an update and that you are all safe...

  24. I am so glad all is good apart from that windshield. Sorry about the flooding on the mountain though, I would think any water would just run downhill, but didwater get into the house up there? That would be bad.

    1. Here's the deal- it's not just water running downhill. It's everything. Landslides everywhere.

  25. Oh, I do hope that Vergil's family is all right -- I saw how awful the flooding was in the mountains. I am ever so glad that the Moon family is safe and dry.

    1. We are, Elizabeth. Thank you. Vergil, meanwhile, is doing everything he can remotely to help. And that is a lot, I am sure although he's frantic to be there to help.

  26. I am SO relieved. Have been thinking about you and yours all this time. Hope all is well soon for Vergil’s family. Sigh!

    1. I think it's going to take years and years for western North Carolina to recover from this. It is that bad.

  27. I'm so glad everyone is ok, and likewise I'm praying for Vergil's family!

  28. Very happy that you are all OK. I was so worried. Happy Birthday to all the celebrating ones.

  29. So glad you are all safe and it's over. Hopefully Vergil's family will soon be safe and he can have a belated happy birthday. Also Happy Birthday to Lily! Wendy SA

    1. I think Vergil's family is safe but their homes and the land are not.

  30. Replies
    1. Pure luck and a last-minute wobble of the hurricane.

  31. first thing I did yesterday morning was to use the All Knowing Oracle to see where Helene made landfall so I was pretty sure you were OK. good to see you post nonetheless.

    1. Ellen, we came that close to total devastation. Have you seen any of the footage of other parts of the state, not to mention Georgia and NC?

  32. I'm thankful to know that you all are safe, not half as thankful as you are I'm sure. Take care.

  33. Good news, glad you are all safe. That was a nasty storm.

  34. Good news that you weren't affected too much. I am sad for North Carolina. They really took a beating from the wind and rain.

    1. I doubt the effects are anywhere near over there.

  35. I see you at Steve's blog regularly and he expressed concerned for you, so I thought it was about time I visited you. I'm glad that big branch hit a truck and not a person. I live in Jacksonville and came out of the storm with a broken gate and lots of branches down, but no serious damage. I'm glad you are well.


    1. Y'all probably got as much or more damage than we did here due to the fact that our winds were coming from the NW rather than the east which, as we all know, are the killer winds. I'm glad you're okay and thanks for coming by.

  36. Delighted to learn that The Moon Clan are safe and sound after Helene came a-calling.

    1. The Moons are good. The NC Weatherfords not so much.

  37. Glad to hear that you escaped most of Helene's wrath. I'm amused, though, how you calm Floridians just went to bed and slept through it!


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