Thursday, September 26, 2024

Before The Storm

Well, this is what it looked like in Lloyd at 5:45 p.m., September 26. Very little has been going on here today as applies to hurricane weather. We've had some drizzling but hardly a breath of a breeze has stirred those banana leaves. Or any other leaves by that matter. Other areas have received a great deal of rain and there is flooding in different parts of the state. 

I've spent all day in a sort of daze, thinking and overthinking our decision not to leave. As I texted my children, I have been operating on about 12% of my brain capacity. This is not a lie. I had an experience today that I've never had before which is that instead of walking into a room and wondering what in the world I came in there to do, I went to the kitchen, came back to what I'd been doing which was making my bed, and thought, "Why did I go to the kitchen?" I couldn't remember until I went back in there and saw Glen's water flask that he'd inadvertently left on his bedside table. Now I took the flask to the kitchen when I noticed it because I knew if I didn't, I'd forget it but hellfire, Martha- that was fucking weird. 

Once again I am disassociating and it's a good thing that I don't have to consciously tell myself to breathe because otherwise, I'd stop and probably die. I have hives in various places on my body which happens when I get stressed out but that's sort of a good thing because scratching the hives feels good and is somewhat of a distraction and at least ties me to my physical being. I've also had a stomach ache all day but that, too, is to be expected. 

I've spent a great deal of time today watching Rob Nucatola's updates on Facebook. The man is not mincing words or being overly optimistic about the chances of this storm making a last-minute turn and not hitting us. And, in fact, I just heard him say that yes, there is indeed a possibility that before it hits land, Helene might become a Category 4 storm which is...well, look- a Category 1 storm can beat the shit out of a place. But the GOOD NEWS is, Helene is moving fast and will be making landfall probably around 9 or 10 tonight but will probably have passed by 2 a.m. It's such a big storm that it'll take a while for the area of the winds to pass entirely. Does that make sense? 

All right. Here's a picture from the National Hurricane Center that I obviously must post.

No words. 

Mr. Moon spent most of the day doing good things. He took Tom some MRE's (Meals Ready To Eat) that they were distributing somewhere he was the other day. He grabbed a bunch for Tom and took them over there and helped Tom do a few things to tighten up his situation. He will be hunkering down in the Tiny House which, although not ideal, is a better option by far than his trailer. Glen also took our old portable generator over to Lily's with a few bottles of propane. It's not a big generator but it can keep their refrigerator running along with a few lights and some fans. He finished boarding up the windows here that he wanted to get done and put away some things that could become deadly flying missiles. And what did I do besides watch Rob Nucatola videos to get ready for the storm? 

Well, I made some chili crisp and chewy chocolate cookies. 

As one does. 

Don't ask me why. Well, I knew Glen would appreciate the cookies and I just felt compelled to make the chili crisp even though we have some in the refrigerator already. 

It is Owen's birthday. He'll never forget this one. Jessie and her family took him his present and they all had breakfast together. 

Cheerful group, right? I hear they really were all in a good mood and happy to see each other. 

Glen took our present to Owen and also Lily's birthday present when he took the generator. Lily and Vergil's birthdays are tomorrow, Billy's is the next day, and August's the day after that. 

I guess I'll go make our supper. I hope I remember how to turn the stove on. As I said yesterday, it may be a while after the storm passes before I can post but I will when I can. 

We're starting to get a few wind gusts and some more rain. 

Gonna be a hell of a night. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. For the first time in my life we have hurricane warnings for my county. Plenty of TSs but never this.

  2. Do you need a funny story? Back when I was exhibiting at shows, we had a weatherman of renown, Dick Goddard. This was way before computers, and Dick made and posted his own weather symbols on a felt board. The station manager stood in for him when Dick was on vacation, and remarked that the rain symbols reminded him of pickles. Well, Mr. Nutcatolla's "eye of the storm" symbol sure looks like a tampon.
    Happy birthday to one and all, today, tomorrow and forever.

  3. OMG. I well remember Dick Goddard. He was a Cleveland icon. He did a lot for animals/animal rescue. I ran into him once at Yours Truly in Medina. He was coming out the door as we were going in. I immediately recognized him and said....'Hey, Dick, thanks for taking care of the animals.' He smiled and thanked me. I also ran into Cindy (wife of the guy who owned the Tangier's Restaurant in Akron at the Yours Truly in Medina....if you remember that scandal a few years ago. Yours Truly must be the place!! LOL
    Paranormal John

  4. Stay safe Mary. Thoughts are with you, Glen, Maurice and your family. I just saw on the computer it's now a category 4. Yikes. Batten down the hatches, indeed. Please keep us updated as you can.
    Paranormal John

  5. As long as you remember to turn the stove “ off” :) Olivia

  6. Take care Mary. I hope things come and go quickly. All good thoughts coming your way.

  7. Holding you all in my thoughts and heart. That's one hell of a storm coming at you and it makes the hair on my arms and neck rise up and give me chills. I know you'll be fine but damn, wish I could make it all go the hell away pronto. Standing by for your updates when you can do so. Camille

  8. well...12% brain capacity isn't bad considering. Keeping you all in my heart and stay safe and may all be OK
    Susan M

  9. Well, I will not say "Sweet dreams!" or "Sleep tight!" - nothing like that because Helene is a-coming. Seeing the news here in England it appears there's a chance she will hit the coast south east of Tallahassee which is apparently better than south west. Best wishes Mary. See you on the other side.

  10. I have been seeing updates all day long on MSNBC. Sorry but it's not looking good! I can see why you are stressing ... I would be, too! I would suggest a Thursday martini!!

  11. we're getting 5-7 foot waves on lake erie tomorrow courtesy of this storm- we got a generator earlier this year and haven't had to use it yet (of course) so it hangs out in the garage with our also unused snowshoes...... I hope it blows over quick and not too much damage--- xxalainxx

  12. Thanks for posting tonight. We're fervently wishing for a quick passage. You have a lot of birthdays to fit in between storms.

  13. Yes, I'm glad to see your post. What is chili crisp?

  14. Wishing this storm to pass and all to be safe, Mary. I am not the praying to Magic Jebus kind, but I'm thinking fervently of you and yours.

  15. Thinking of you all tonight. Be safe, loves.

  16. My thoughts are with you Mary. Fast moving is good and getting this storm over and done without too much damage is what we all want.
    Thanks for the update and happy B-day to all the birthday boys and Lily. This surely will be a birthday to remember.

  17. Thinking of you and everyone in the path. I hope no man lord has a safe place to hunker down. Tom is so lucky to have the tiny house and most of all Glenn as a friend. May you all be safe and Happy birthday Owen! He’s looking so very grown up. Much love and concern

  18. Gosh darn it: what this country needs is a president with a sharpie!
    He'd fix it!

    Take care Moon family. I am watching video from Perry and that looks scary as hell.

  19. Happy helluva-birthday to Owen! Stand strong, house and trees!

    Chris from Boise

  20. Happy Birthday to everyone who is having a birthday this week! that first picture looks like the calm before the storm. I hope Helene zips by so fast you barely notice her.
    I hear a sheriff has been asking people who don't evecuate to write their names and addresses on their bodies in waterproof marker so they can be identified when found if they get washed away and drowned.

  21. I came here before even writing my own post this morning -- I see the Tallahassee Democrat says the hurricane "scraped" Tallahassee but blasted the big bend. So it sounds like it went east of you. Let us know how you fared! We're thinking about you!

  22. Thinking of you. Stay safe Mary. Yael

  23. Sending you prayers!

  24. What this country needs right now is a president with a sharpie!

    It is morning now and I see that 82% of your county is without power. I saw that the eye hit very close to you in Perry. I imagine that you all had a pretty scary night. Wishing you all the best.

  25. I learned last night about 6:30 that Helene had become cat 4. went to bed hoping y'all were ok as the storm was hitting you. woke this morning to learn it was already in Georgia. now writing to hear how you other friend in Florida was spared. she said the storm to a veer to the west.

  26. I hope everything is okay and you can give us an update soon. I'm sure it was a terrible night. Thinking of you and yours, Mary.

  27. Well, by now the hurricane has blown through your area and I hope you are all safe and sound. Happy Birthday to all of the birthday people and hope they all get a chance to celebrate after the storm.

  28. Praying for you and your family! — elf


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