Every year that Tievine morning glory grows right there on that fence and every year Mr. Moon is perturbed about it. He's right to be. That stuff will spread like...well, everything else in this yard.
But it's so pretty! And I do try to pull it but I never do get it all. We just got home from the river a little while ago. We both worked outside today and it was hell-hot again and hell-humid again too. But knowing how many people were going to be out celebrating Labor Day, we decided to stay home and just labor. Which made me happy. I picked more peas and did more weeding and cleaned out more of the growing bags, pulling the remaining brown, dried stalks of the tomatoes. So that's done. I also pulled zinnias which were done for this summer. I hate pulling plants that have any life left in them at all which is ridiculous so I left some peppers and eggplants, even though what they're giving me is pathetic. The field pea plants are being like the rattlesnake beans this year, in that they just don't want to quit producing. I did pull one row that was obviously over any chance of having the energy to make more peas. And while I was cleaning out the tomatoes, I found this in one of the growing bags that I'd tossed some zinnia seeds in little over a month ago.

Now if that's the only one I get from that variety, it'll still have been worth it. I felt like I'd been kissed when I saw it.
It's so dry here right now, along with the heat, and so after I hit the wall on my heat tolerance, I turned on the sprinklers and gave the peas a wet blessing. They deserve it.
Mr. Moon spent his time outside cutting back bamboo and other plants, clearing areas that needed clearing. He's doing a beautiful thing which is that he's making it possible to actually see the truly ancient oak in the front yard from the street. I'll get some pictures soon. I love that tree with all my heart. It is mighty.
We had smoked mullet with mustard and crackers and some okra and tomatoes for our lunch. The perfect lunch! There's more mullet that I'm going to fry tomorrow night. I'm deviating from the all seafood menu tonight and going to make some oven-barbecued chicken. That sounds Labor Day-ish, right? I will actually pan-fry the mullet when I cook it, although I did the snapper in the air-fryer last night and it was very good. But somehow, mullet just seems to need to be fried in oil, or, if we're not being dainty about it, grease. It will actually be oil but grease just sounds more authentic somehow. If I were a real, true MeeMaw, I would be using some bacon grease to fry that mullet in but I'm not a real, true MeeMaw, I'm a MerMer.
Anyway, after our outdoor laboring, we knew we had to get to the river to cool our bodies. I have to tell you that Mr. Moon was actually cranky. Yes, the man can be cranky despite his usual almost infinite patience. And he had overdone it working in the yard, as usual, and it showed. I drove us in my car and I will admit to driving over the speed limit because I wanted (nay, I needed) to get him cooled down as quickly as possible. By the time we got there, it wasn't very crowded and it was more families than saber-toothed tiger hunter wannabes. We plunged in many times and spent the rest of the time just standing in the water and as our core temperatures dropped, our spirits were restored and soon we could laugh about it all again.
So I'm saying we had a great day. I'm feeling content and easy with it all and as I walked from my bathroom where I changed out of my bathing suit through our bedroom, the laundry room, guest room and dining room, I thought again for probably the ten thousandth time how much I love my house. How the very sight of these old, so-familiar rooms just makes me happy.
Here's a picture that I took before we went to the river.
I have decided that the best way to get a halfway decent picture of a butterfly is to just keep snapping. Okay, it's not all completely in focus but some of it is. What an amazingly fancy beauty.
Love...Ms. Moon
The river sounds so refreshing in that Florida heat and humidity. When I took my walk around the neighborhood this evening, I had a jacket and long pants on. It feels like fall has landed in NE Ohio. Though, I'm sure we'll have plenty of hot days. Speaking of the river, has there ever been any problems with people and alligators there? Yep, I'm paranoid as hell. If I thought about it long enough, I'd be looking over my shoulder in Ohio for those geezers! LOL! I think I told you when I lived in Miami, "Jaws" came out. I was snorkeling a lot at John Penneycamp (sp?) in the Keys and after I saw that movie, I never went in the ocean again. Toilets scared me! Hope it cools down for you soon.
ReplyDeleteParanormal John
Here's the biggest problem I've ever seen at the Wacissa with an alligator: Many years ago before that was even really a park, just a sort of secret swimming place, I was there and a couple I knew were also there. They were definitely hippies, as was I. A gator came up pretty close to the shore and so we all got out, as one does, and a group of what we used to call rednecks started hassling the gator. Now I can't remember whether they were trying to hurt it or just get it to move off BUT, the woman of the couple got enraged at them. She gave them hell. And then the "rednecks" proceeded to beat the shit out of her husband.
DeleteThe gator was probably after Hippie Woman's dog as I'm sure she had one there. She always had (and still does have) a dog with her.
Other than that, I've never heard of any problems there with gators and humans. Now a human was indeed eaten by a huge alligator in the Wakulla River which is nearby but he'd been told three times or more not to snorkel down that river. It's a wildlife preserve and humans are not allowed on that part of the water. He ignored the warnings. He is dead.
I, too, have great feelings of concern when I'm in the ocean. I am probably overly worried about sharks.
Oh Mrs. Moon, you may not be a MeeMaw but your the perfect MerMer.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I believe that since I may be the "only" MerMer, I am as good as they get.
DeleteClearing the garden is hard work especially in the high heat and humidity. A trip to the river sounds perfect after all your work in the garden.
ReplyDeleteAnything fried always tastes delicious to me. If bacon fat is available it is all the tastier.
When does FL weather start to cool?
We will probably start getting cooler temperatures soon but there will still be many hot days.
DeleteThe Wacissa has been our savior this year.
It's a tossup between the zinnia and the butterfly today!
ReplyDeleteOh, if only the butterfly was ON the zinnia.
DeleteThe beauty that you live in makes up for the condition- I have not seen a butterfly up here for decades! It is like we live in different countries! Glad you have the soothing river nearby to cool your troubles. I suppose it is like , up here, in winter, going to a hot springs. Awwwww, relief.
ReplyDeleteToilets scared paranormal John, that made me laugh- relatable!
I have often thought of how wonderful it is that cold climes have hot springs while hot climes have cold ones. Kinda awesome, right?
DeleteWhere you live is beautiful too. Absolutely.
The butterfly is truly a beauty. And the different zinnia! I've never seen another like that one. I've never had any luck with morning glory plants, go figure. Maybe I'll try for a plant in a pot next spring, when I try zinnias. I'm always jealous when you go to the river.... not really. You needed the cold dips today.
ReplyDeleteI've planted "real" morning glories before with no luck. So there's that.
DeleteHappy Labor Day to you! I took Sophie and one of her nurses to the beach. While they took a walk, I sat in a beach chair and read. I never made it into the water but it was glorious.
ReplyDeleteIt's still too hot to go to the beach here in my Florida-girl opinion. I'm glad it's more temperate there for you.
DeleteI'm with John. It was chilly this morning in Akron and I wondered about the alligators too. They move so fast! And stories about swallowing a person whole......shudder! I have always loved morning glories but their evil twin is bind weed which usually has white flowers and strangled any plant it can climb. I don't know which one you have.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you have your house and the river, two sanctuaries.
There are really very, very few alligator attacks on humans. Now they will go after a dog. I don't think we're exactly on their menu. But if you read my response to the first comment up there, you'll see that we do occasionally have a gator/human attack. I've seen some gators that were so big they scared me to pieces and I was in a boat!
DeleteIt IS a bind weed!
DeleteWhat a great day you had. I fear Mr moon is overdoing. Good idea to chuck him in the river! Heat and work are dicier when you're older.
ReplyDeleteHe ALWAYS overdoes and I don't know how to make him stop. He just will not. The river is probably saving his life these days.
DeleteIt sounds like a fine day. I saw something the other day that made me laugh. A grocery store was selling little tubs of bacon grease...for $6.87. God forbid you fry your bacon and save the grease!
ReplyDeleteOh good Lord. What is wrong with people?
DeleteBeautiful Zinnia and butterfly. Enjoy your supper.
ReplyDeleteWe did!
DeleteLOVE that butterfly. The zinnia is beautiful, I have never seen a striped one, and think you should leave it to dry and set seed, then collect them and maybe you'll get more like that. I remember my two youngest eating about a ton of bacon each per week (possible a slight exaggeration) and saving the grease to roast potatoes on the weekends.
ReplyDeleteYou can buy the seeds that make those zinnias. Isn't it beautiful?
DeleteEveryone used to save bacon grease when I was a kid.
That zinnia is incredible. We don’t see many butterflies here on the beach. I had no idea Mr. Moon could get cranky.
ReplyDeleteOh yes. He can indeed get cranky. It happens so rarely though that it's sort of weird. He was just so very, very hot. There were record-breaking temps here yesterday.
DeleteThat zinnia...wow. Just wow. Your method of getting a good photo of butterflies is my method, too. Just snap a shit ton of photos and one or two is bound to be decent.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you had a good day!
Yep! That's how to do it! I've seen some great butterfly pictures that you've taken.
DeleteYour photos are so fabulous! I would want that morning glory vine growing all over my yard. That zinnia is really amazing and what a lovely butterfly. So glad you had a nice cool off in your river, Mary!
ReplyDeleteThat vine would take over everything in your yard. I guarantee it.
DeleteZinnias, however, keep themselves to themselves.
That zinnia, omg, I love it! I looked it up, candy stripe zinnia, and I'll have to look for it in the spring. If I remember that long:)
ReplyDeleteI always take two or three photos of everything, just snap them one after the other, to get one that usually decent. It's not a problem with digital cameras, you just delete the extras that you don't want.
Glad you got to cool off in the river.
I'd never planted that variety of zinnias before that I can recall. It's sort of stunning, isn't it?
DeleteDigital cameras have certainly changed photography, haven't they?
have I mentioned I'm so jealous of your easy access to that beautiful clear water river? only about a million times. it was raining this morning when I got up and is supposed to rain off and on today and tomorrow. which would keep me inside even if I wasn't having to be a good girl and we do need the rain. but I'm getting antsy with these less hot temperatures to get out in the yard and continue clearing the hurricane damage and find my flower beds under all the weeds.
ReplyDeleteOh, Ellen. Maybe only half a million times.
DeleteI am hoping with all my heart we get some of that rain here soon. And cooler weather. The widget says we will. We always get what you have, just a few days later.
I, too, am antsy to get out and clear things in all the beds.
That zinnia is stunning in its beauty!
ReplyDeleteThat's an amazing zinnia. If you could get seeds from that one to reproduce true, you'd have a variety you could patent!
ReplyDeleteGreat butterfly photo too.
I'm glad to hear Mr. Moon can get cranky. I was starting to think he was superhuman. :)