Monday, September 11, 2023

Too Tired To Title

And one day later that's what the hurricane lily looks like. They have a brief but glorious life, don't they?

I am so tired tonight and I didn't do much, physically, although it was so hot that every time I got out of my car and walked across a parking lot I thought I'd probably die. The highpoint of the entire day was going into the coldy room at Costco and I moaned with the pleasure of it and thankfully, no one else was in there at that particular moment. 

I had decided a few days ago to replace the drawer and cabinet liners in my kitchen for several reasons. Before I tell you what they are though, let me hasten to assure you that there are many cabinets in my kitchen which do not have liners and after twenty years, we have not died yet so I guess that's okay. BUT- for the drawers and cabinets that do, fresh, clean liners would be nice. Also, I figured it would give me a great opportunity to clean out those areas and get rid of some shit while I was doing it. 
Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
So I did some searching online for "vintage-looking floral drawer liner" because who wants ugly drawer liner, and a few things came up, some of which was highly expensive, like from France, and was probably for a lady's armoire or something fancy like that. However, there was one pattern that was fun and cheerful and quite reasonably priced. Unfortunately, it was to be found at Walmart and even worse- is part of the Pioneer Woman's line. Have you seen her things? 
I have to be honest and say they aren't bad for what they are. Dishes and pots and pans and so forth in bright, cheerful colors. I have no clue about the quality of them. But I have always had a bee in my bonnet about the Pioneer Woman because she started out as a blogger too. She probably still is one. And I never thought her blog was that impressive. Lots of pictures of her husband and kids and their dogs and their cows. They ranch. She is a good photographer and for whatever reason, people love her. So of course I hate her guts (not really) because I am jealous as hell, having made not one dollar off my blog in its entire existence. I have made some beautiful friends though, which, as we all know, is better than money but that bitch probably has both money and friends and a cooking show on TV to boot. 
I have no idea if that show is still on. 
So I did not especially want to add to her coffers but I liked the drawer liner. And today I went to Walmart. I was already in a fairly wrecked mood because this morning I'd had to make an appointment to get my blood drawn for my annual which is coming up two weeks from tomorrow. I do not mind getting blood drawn but I hate them analyzing it to discover all of my secret blood messages. I mean- what could be more private?
Okay. That's just me. 
The deal is, I went to Walmart. The entire time I was there I was texting with a friend who KNOWS about both Walmart and the Pioneer Woman and a thing or two about drawer liners too, I would imagine. Here are some of the pictures I sent her.

As you can see, I entered through the exit. Good start! 

I roamed around the housewares portion of the store for awhile and there was no one available to ask questions of like, "Where the fuck are the drawer liners?" and I was starting to get all hotflashy and shit so I went back to that guy standing there by the door because he was the only employee I could definitely ID and by golly, he directed me right to the place with his phone app. 

While I was searching fruitlessly, I did come across this:

Excellent selection of saint candles. Better in fact, than the ones I've seen in the grocery stores in Mexico. I was tempted to buy one but did not. 

I found the shelf liner area.

Every bit of it as boring and generic as a display of store-brand aspirin except for the Pioneer Lady's stuff. So, into the cart I tossed a few rolls. 

Thanks, Ree Drummond! 
It'll do.

At that point I was beginning to fray but I pushed my luck by going to the nursery portion of the store where I picked up a cheap mum in a pot and a container of fish fertilizer. Not fertilizer for fishes, you understand, but fertilizer for plants made of fishes. Or, something fish-related. 

And then because I am a complete masochist, I decided to see if there were any more of those cute cheap dresses I liked but no, there were not, and suddenly I realized that I HAD TO GET OUT OF THERE NOW! and I did self-check-out and almost died in the heat on the way to the car but I got away safe. SAFE! 
But I don't think I could have done it without my friend texting me back. I thanked her for holding my hand during the experience. 

On to Costco. Why is Costco so much less anxiety-producing than places like Walmart? I can handle Costco fine. Perhaps it's because they're not pushing a bunch of crap at you. There are just lots of things you can buy if you want to and if you don't want to, you don't have to, and people seem friendly and the employees are all at least somewhat familiar and there are those nice people set up to give you samples of fruit roll-ups or beef sticks or gluten-free pizza or whatever, should you chose to try some but they don't push them on you, they just offer them kindly. 
Plus I was only there for about ten minutes. 

And then on to Publix because that is the rule. 

The Holy Halls of Publix, Where Shopping Is A Pleasure™. 

While I was there, I saw a most darling little girl sitting like a Tsarina tucked into ermine blankets in a golden troika. In her case, she was actually tucked into a princess pink soft grocery cart child-seat cover. She was wearing gold earrings and gold bracelets and I had to smile and flirt with her and tell her mama that she was precious and I said, "I bet you don't love her too much, do you?" and the mama said, "Yes, I do!" and we talked about how this little one was her first baby and how much she adored her and of course I teared up and the little darling gave me smiles and I loved her. 

God, I'm a fool for babies. 

And after all of that, I came home and when I got to the intersection by my house I took a left instead of a right so that I could get this picture which I'd spied when I took the trash this morning. 

I am sure this is connected to My Gypsy Soul Boutique which appears to still very much be the MGS Boutique and there was no sign of any farmer's market except for that...sign.

I gotta say that it would thrill me if there were a thriving farmer's market there. I will report in on further progress.

I've made a gumbo which is simmering on the stove and having written all of this I can understand why I am so tired. 

Just reading this must be exhausting or, at the very least, suitable for inducing sleep. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Oh my darling, you have had a very full and eventful day. So many decisions at every stop! Decisions tire me out most of all. Of course you’re tired. I hope it translates to deep dreamless sleep for you tonight.

    1. Thank you, thank you. And I did sleep very well.

  2. That was me, 37Paddington, by the way.

  3. Shopping exhausts me too.. but I do love coming across cute babies! I just love them so much… and I don’t see any grandkids in my future anytime soon😳Hope you’re enjoying your gumbo right now! Xo, Rigmor

    1. Ooh, that gumbo was worth the work.

  4. Ree Drummond has a very cute rancher hubby, her cooking show, they have The Mercantile store, The Boarding House, Charlie's Sweet Shop, and P-Town Pizza shop in Pawhuska, OK. Plus she hawks all her wares at Walmart and they are a good quality!
    They are not wanting, anyway I can't believe they are!
    You had a very busy day and you survived it all!

    1. Ree is definitely a go-getter. She's been unstoppable. I will definitely hand her that.

  5. Entering through the exit. That should have been a sign, but...nevertheless, she went on. On the other hand, she bought nothing but what she went for, temptations notwithstanding.

    1. Since the exit door seemed to open from either side, why not? And honestly, there were not many temptations.

  6. don't watch Ree......but *sort of* like her OK...... she's just gone over the top with marketing, which I don't care for....but as a person deep down.....she's OK in my book. You did a lot......not sure you got the drawers re-lined....but another day, right? and just making a gumbo is enough to make you want to sit down and sigh.......and enjoy
    Susan M

    1. I'm sure she's a very nice woman with excellent morals. I bet she does not swear! She's obviously really smart, too.

  7. That was a blast from the past. I used to read her blog waaaay back in the day. She used to make me itch her life was so bloody perfect.

    1. I think that's what got me the most too- so perfect. Jesus. Kids were perfect, husband perfect, cattle perfect, ranch perfect...
      Come on. Really?

  8. That was too much day for me -- hot, big stores, shelf liner, all that. I'm glad you survived.
    I wonder if the farmers market sign is an act of faith: if you sign it, they will come?

    1. We shall see about the sign. I did hear that she wanted to start a farmer's market that also sold cottage foods which I guess is like home-canned pickles and stuff. I have no idea if she means to include this with the boutique or not.

  9. I am probably petty but I find Ree Drummond repulsive. I used to read her blog now and then long before she expanded to TV and Walmart. Her persona feels dishonest and the "I was swept off my feet by a cowboy" story makes me want to gag. Sorry I'm not always that negative but must have struck a cord.

    1. Oh my god. I read some of that serialized story too and it was so, so bad. "Black Heels and Tractor Wheels." I had to look it up. It was SO not romantic.

  10. Wouldn't a Farmer's Market be fabulous! I love the hurricane lily. walmart certainly is shiny, almost blindingly so. I never bother with liners anymore.

    1. I like to have liners in a few of my kitchen drawers. Easier to clean the bug shit off.
      I think a farmer's market would be excellent!

  11. I used to freak out in Walmart, too much stuff and too many people. What happened to Anne-Helene of the shrimp salad stories?

    1. Well, there is more to the story, of course, but I think she is living in Norway with her husband who is the same man she was trying to forget when she was on a world adventure! They have some kids.

  12. Shelf liners aren't really a " thing" here in UK. Can't ever remember seeing such a thing in the shops! I guess thet can be bought somewhere

    1. Huh. That surprises me. I somehow imagine tidy British kitchens all with lovely floral shelf paper.

  13. Like Frances, I haven’t seen shelf liners in the UK, I was surprised to see such a selection. My mother used to cut up left over wallpaper and all her shelves and drawers were lined. Dare I say I don’t do anything except put kitchen paper under pans.

    1. What is kitchen paper, Patty?

    2. On the packaging they are described as kitchen rolls, household towel, triple layers for strength of absorbent paper, suitable for mopping up kitchen spills. Funny, I just always say kitchen paper!

  14. Farmers Markets are wonderful - I hope it materializes. I too get the "I WANT OUT!" feeling when going to those big shops, so a Farmers Market would be perfect. You remind me ... I need to change my liners too.

    1. OH god. That feeling just starts rising and rising and before you know it, you absolutely have to get out of there or something is going to happen and it ain't gonna be pretty!

  15. Ree is a real trigger for me. She drips of insincerity to me. The fact that she has legions of fans makes it all the worse. Sheeple, I tell you, they are sheeple. The fact that she's monetizes every damn thing pushes the final buttons for me. Ree Drummond is a big "Nope" for me.

    1. Well, she's rich as can be. I hope she's happy. I say that, thinking of Dooce. I still can't believe she's gone.

  16. I've always found Ree Drummond annoying as well and I can't say exactly why, so I've just been putting it down to having become an old grump. I notice a lot of her merch is showing up in second hand shops and Ebay ascribed as vintage. It's not vintage but kind of pseudo-vintage, and clearly people buy it new but soon tire of it and donate it.

    1. That's so funny- to see her things in second-hand shops. I haven't yet but I'll keep my eyes out.

  17. I couldn't shop at Walmart. No matter if it is the only place to find something, I just can't, Mary. I just don't and I would have to make do with something else, anything else instead. You did what you had to do but, no, I just couldn't. Good thing you made it through that day! Too much shopping - no wonder you were exhausted. Hope you slept well!

    1. I did not go to Walmart for YEARS. I really do hate them. But. Sometimes- well, like the Dollar General, it's right there. Well, right there next to Costco, not right there in Lloyd. Thank god.

  18. I don't know anything about the Pioneer Lady and I don't use drawer liner and when I clean shit out of my drawers it is actual bug shit. three big stores in one day. no wonder you were tired.

    1. Yeah. I have bug shit AND mouse shit. You'd think that with these two fierce cats there would be NO mice in this house but you would be wrong.

  19. How interesting that the MGS owner erected a sign before there's an actual market. Seems a bit backward, but whatever!

    Ah yes, the Pioneer Woman. We've watched her show a couple of times. The only thing I remember about her is that her husband's name is Lad. Is she Mormon? She seems Mormon.

    I can guess who you were texting...someone in LA? Am I right? :)

    1. They do present as Mormons, don't they? But no, I don't think so. I just googled that and the all knowing internet says she was raised Episcopalian. She does talk about church a lot. Well, in her blog she did.
      Nope. I was texting Rebecca in Washington state. We often help each other through tricky (for us) situations.

    2. Darn! I was so certain -- about both the Mormon thing and the texting! LOL

  20. Cost co , as reluctant as I am to shop there , is a great company workers are well taken care of and prices are kept low, quality high- responsive to suggestions and have e cellent return policy. Walmart is everything opposite.I have never heard of pioneer lady glad to say. Cute paper I must say! Linda sue

    1. I agree about Costco, Linda Sue. I have observed everything you said to be true. And you are also right about Walmart. Their employee motto must be, "Here we are. Grudgingly."


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.