Friday, September 15, 2023

Slowly We Begin To Brave The Outdoors Again

 Lily sent that picture to our group text last night. She said she'd gone to tuck Maggie into bed and that's what she found. And no, Maggie does not wear glasses but I assume that whoever she was being at that moment did. That child's imagination is a rich and fertile country. 

Mr. Moon and I are both moaning and bitching this evening. He's having muscle cramps in places he didn't know he could have muscle cramps. I just hurt. He worked in the woods most of the day doing...I have no idea. Something that involves getting ready to hunt. Tomorrow bow-hunting season begins and although he just told me that he is not at all interested in going out in this heat with all of the mosquitoes to hunt, he feels like he has to help the other two guys that hunt on this particular piece of land. I don't understand any of it. What I do know is that the actual hunting is about five percent of what they do and that the politics of property and hunting etiquette are mysterious and unknowable to me. Which is fine for all concerned. But it was hot and muggy today and I can't believe the men worked outside all the hours they worked, but I guess they did, including the really older guy who goes by the name of Odell. 
Odell sounds like a character. Perhaps not a very pleasant character, but a character. 

If you know Odell, don't tell him I said that. Please. 

So when Glen got home he was hungry and a little grumpy and he took his shower and sat down in his chair to eat the lunch I made for him and I think he's been mostly dozing in there, only waking up when he gets the damn cramps. 

Now I just worked in the garden for a few hours and that was enough to do me in. But I did get all the sweet potatoes pulled and a lot of weeds, too. 

Those are the sweet potatoes I got today. Not a huge harvest by any means, but considering that I did not plant them this year in the first place and also that I probably left about fifty pounds of them in the ground, not so bad. I really have the barest inkling of what I'm doing when it comes to growing sweet potatoes. I planted them one year and they've been coming back every year since. That's been about four years now. You'd think I'd know a little more about the process by now but I don't. 

Anyway, I got hot as hell and although I can kneel on my knees again, my left one gives me fits and my lower back screams at me when I've been bending over pulling weeds for awhile. I did not get ant-bit today which was a good thing. I came across a nest of huge red ants but was able to avoid it. 

Bitch, bitch, bitch. 

So we're limping and, like I said, moaning, and I'm hoping that martinis perk us up a little bit. I've been making what amount to be Thanksgiving dinners every night lately and we're going to have leftover gumbo tonight. I did just put a dutch oven full of sourdough dough in the oven so that will be new. I started the dough this morning and I broke every rule in the Sourdough Book of the Bread, and yet I think it's going to be pretty good. I don't even want to tell you how I made it. I mean, I didn't commit any mortal sins like adding yeast to it (I cannot say I've never done that before) or sugar or...well, whatever. But I did not handle it correctly, the starter was not freshly fed, and the Kitchen Aid was involved. 

I am not Rebecca. She is the queen, the artisan goddess, the dough whisperer, the...well, we've discussed this. But I really can't get over what her loaves look like, especially compared to mine. And I am content to sit at her feet. 

Martinis have been made. Clean sheets are on the bed. I hung the laundry out on the line and before it was fully dried, it began to rain so I ran outside to take it down and by the time I was back in the house, it had quit and the sun was out again. 
Oh well. I finished up the drying in the handy drying machine. At least it will have that sun and air smell. And quite frankly, I could probably happily sleep on a dog bed tonight. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Go to the GDDG or local store and get TheraWorks (sp) Foam for leg cramps! That stuff works and works quick!!
    No one says your loaves of bread 🍞 must be beautiful, but they probably should taste great! I am sure they do!
    Do you think Thing 45 is going to end up in jail because he can't keep his damned mouth shut? I think it is quickly coming to that! LOL

    1. I will get some Thera Works. Glen uses a type of cramp pills that do help him.
      This bread was good. Not gorgeous but not bad.
      I don't think that Trump's going to jail at all. Security issues. Maybe eventually some country club prison if we're lucky.

  2. Oh,boy, clean sheets , from hanging outside, nothing is more luxurious than that. You got that, .you got it all. Little thing with humongous pleasure. That smell is unlike anything else. Lie down, breathe in, and sleep.


    1. You're right. Sun dried sheets is one of the best smells in the entire world.

  3. It seems to me you are harvesting a lot of sweet potatoes. They are wonderful, baked and split open, with butter mashed in. I hope Mr. Moon survives hunting camp(s) this year.

    1. We do love sweet potatoes!
      I always worry that this hunting property preparation is going to be the death of him. Sigh.

  4. Clean sheets help leg cramps. They fix everything in my book. I hope Mr Moon feels better soon. And you, young lady, need to take it a bit easy, too. If for no other reason than to make me feel less guilty about my sloth like existence!!

    1. And I feel the same way when I read Debby's blog. (Life's Funny Like That.) She doesn't just do house work, she works at building a house! Plus a million other things.

  5. I hope those cramps don't mean Mr moon got dehydrated doing that mysterious male bonding/hunting stuff. I cracked up at miss M and her serious specs!

    1. Oh, he is very, very good at staying hydrated. He drank two gator aids and two large containers of water. He knows to do that! You know what really helps in cramp prevention? Chocolate Milk! For some reason, the stuff in it really helps.
      Isn't Maggie a hoot?

  6. Maggie keeps a very organized and tidy room and looks like she had serious business going on at that desk. *LOL*

    1. I doubt Maggie keeps the room that way on her own! But it does look really tidy, doesn't it?

  7. I have found that leaning back against a hot water bottle helps relax the back muscles after I have done too much bending and magnesium is a muscle relaxant so maybe add a few magnesium rich foods? You probably already get more than enough already though, so maybe both of you could just take a few more breaks within your work, to stretch and walk around.

    1. Well, he is walking around in the woods a lot. I'll have to check and see which foods have a lot of magnesium in them. Thanks for the suggestion!

    2. Peaches, figs, honey, nuts, corn. Ham too.

  8. Maggie is adorable in her pink and purple room.

  9. I love that photo of Maggie. Wishing you a restful night.

  10. Having just left the searing heat of Mallorca to return to the much nicer lower temperatures in France I feel for you in that heat. Even the searing heat was fine because of course I was on vacation, but I honestly don't know how you handle that heat for so long! P.S. I hope the martinis worked!

    1. Air conditioning! That's how we survive. If it had never been invented, Florida would not have nearly as many residents.

  11. I was going to say that magnesium is helpful for muscle cramps, but River beat me to it! I have some pills that I take occasionally if I get cramps in the night. Hope you had a good sleep.

    1. Glen takes some Hyland cramp pills that do really help him.

  12. I was actually weeding yesterday too and at first I worried that I wouldn't be able to straighten up again! So sore! But it went away eventually. Maybe if I weeded more often, I would be in better shape. Or maybe not.

    1. Yes. At this age I, for one, should be more regular in my activities.

  13. I wonder if it's the change of seasons? Dave and I have been complaining today too -- at one point he said, "Jesus! I am so OLD!"

    1. Oh god. Y'all really do not need to say that yet. I promise you. By the time you're my age you'll have to say, "Jesus! I am so ancient!"

    2. Now you both just hush up! Kids these days..

  14. I used to get serious leg cramps at night several times a week, so bad I would have to get out of bed and walk it off, stretching my leg muscles. But all that stopped after I started working out at the gym and then when I quit that, doing yoga regularly.

    I find a cocktail pretty much smooths out everything.

    1. Glen goes to the gym pretty regularly. He's had this problem all his life. He has terrible circulation in his legs.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.