Friday, September 29, 2023

Today's Birthday Boy

Y'all. I am exhausted. It's been a very full day but a good one. I'm late posting because we went to August's little birthday party tonight at the Weatherford home and it was a very, very sweet party. Hank and Rachel could not make it because Rachel was up all night last night writing a paper for her PhD program in social work and May and Michael couldn't make it because of work so it was just the Weatherfords and Lily and Lauren and the kids and us. 
The cousins had a wonderful time playing. There was pizza and there was a piƱata and there were key lime pies- one for August and one for the rest of us. The boy wanted to do what Aunt May so often does on her birthday which is to ask for the same. That picture looks like no one was there watching him blow out his candles but I assure you that from the other perspective, we were cheering him on. 


You can figure out what was going on in all of them. 

Eight years old, that boy is. I can't believe it. While we were eating our pizza we all went around the circle and told what we like most about August and almost everyone mentioned that we love how he is who he is and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. As Aunt Lily said, "That's very rare, August."
And it is. 

We love him so. 

And now Mr. Moon and I are home, both of us glad to be. I spent most of the day making sweet and sour pepper relish. 

The food processor and I chopped about five gazillion peppers, a head of cabbage, two large onions, and six apples. I sterilized jars and lids, salted and let the vegetables sit for two hours, drained it all, cooked them with a vinegar and sugar brine, jarred it up, canned it in a boiling water bath, and it all resulted in three quarts of the relish which I felt was an insultingly small amount of product for the work and ingredients involved. 

But that's the way it goes. I hope it's good. 

Thank all of you for your suggestions regarding leg cramps. Trust me- Mr. Moon has used and does use all of the things from pickle juice to Thera-Cramp to Hyland's cramp pills to Gator Aid to...well. All of it. This is a problem he's had his entire life and it's mostly due to the circulation situation in his legs which has never been great. It's a familial trait. His best defense is working out to keep that circulation going and he does that faithfully along with all the other things. Lily and Jessie also get leg cramps. 
Why does it always seem that our kids get the worst parts of our genetics? Nearsightedness, leg cramps, anxiety, allergies- just to name a few that we've passed on. 
But there's also tallness (not from me, obviously), a good sense of humor, and a decent level of intelligence. 
It will be interesting to see what the grandchildren seem to have gotten from the different sides of the family. Some of it I can definitely already see. Some of it will become more apparent with age. Isn't it all a beautiful and curious mystery? 

Happy birthday, darling August. I am so glad you were born. I can't imagine a world without you in it. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. MerMer Moon


  1. What a wonderful birthday party for August! Happy Birthday young have a wonderful family and are so lucky! That Key lime pie looks heavenly as does the homemade relish. Yum. Leg cramps. Yee Gods! I never had them until I hit my 60's. Sweet Jesus! I've had to get out of bed and walk the damn things off (best I could). I now take Magnesium per my doc's recommendation. That really does help me. Rest up from the big birthday bash! A martini (or 2) never hurts!
    Paranormal John

    1. Yes. Next thing we're going to try is straight-on Magnesium. Glen has to get up and walk and stretch those hamstrings. It's horrible. I've had a few leg cramps and honestly, I don't know how he stands it.
      August is a special jewel and I mean that in the very best way possible. I love my family so much for the way we all not only accept each other in all of our glories and fallibility's. We cherish difference.

  2. Happy Birthday August. Just keep on being yourself.

  3. The children are the usual delight! Maggie’s curls are retuning ! Such a gorgeous child she is too. The very blue flower pot, wow, I would have that in a heart beat! You can relax now that the birthday blitz is over! You probably won’t but you could…

    1. Linda sue, iPad anonymity .

    2. They have two of those blue flower pots. They were sort of half-buried under an eave when they bought the house but they dragged them out and painted 'em.
      Maggie- oh, Linda Sue- if you knew her in real life, you would not believe that child. She is...well, as different in her way as August is in his.

  4. Oh that last picture is just beautiful! Well they all are of course, but you know what I mean about that last one!

  5. Treaders stole my comment! I love the pokeman pinata. You know, you raised some mighty fine parents who have given you some mighty grand grands!

    1. What is it about Pokemon and little boys? All my grandboys have gone through this and each has tried to educate me about them. Turns out it's impossible.
      I think my grandkids have the best parents in the world. But I am prejudiced.

  6. Happy Birthday to August! That's a lot of birthday parties! We have one today for my BIL who turned 75! and also for my youngest son who turned 37. I hope my party is as successful as yours have been! :)

    1. I think we are done with birthday parties for a little while. Phew. They sure do glom right up together, don't they? I hope your party is a great one!

  7. August is definitely unique. and an example of kids knowing who they are from the get go. he's lucky to have parents and grandparents that encourage him to be who he is instead of trying to suppress or change him.

    1. I don't think it even occurs to August that he COULD change. He is absolutely who he is and always has been. I loved what his dad said when he was telling what he loved about August. The first thing he said was, "August, I love the way you dance."
      Vergil's a great one.

  8. Happy birthday to August! Best of all, he got a LAVA LAMP for his birthday! How cool is that?!?!

    1. I KNOW! And now they make them in all colors. This one is pink and purple and I swear, when it first lit up and started making tiny bubbles, it looked like a sunset over the Arizona desert. Or at least as I imagine one looks like. Sorta makes me want to do psychedelics again! "August- can I borrow your lava lamp?"

  9. I noticed the lava lamp, too, and wondered if he'd asked for it. Wouldn't be surprised. He's definitely his own person. Lovely party.
    You know how you can tell a fictional party from a real one? In fiction everyone's free to come!

    1. Oh yes- he definitely asked for that lava lamp. The boy knows what he wants. I have no idea where he learned about them or saw one. And yes, this was a very real party.

  10. Happy Birthday to that sweet growing boy August! He *is* his own person...and I love that about him. A lava lamp sounds perfect for him too! And...I notice in one pic just HOW tall Owen is getting...sheesh, a growth spurt ya think? My suspicion would be that he may even get to be as tall as his Boppy one day (soon!).
    Susan M

    1. Susan- Owen has been taller than me for quite some time. I don't know if he'll get to be as tall as his Boppy. His dad isn't very tall. But I can tell already that Owen has the Moon body. So- could be. Gibson will be taller than me by this time next year if not earlier.

  11. Happy birthday August, Lily and Vergil! Looks like a great time was had by all.

  12. Happy birthday, August! Beautiful boy --

  13. 37P
    HOW is August eight years old already??? Happy birthday precious boy.

  14. I am getting so far behind in my blog reading, it's not even funny. Please extend to August my sincere wishes that he have many happy returns of the day.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.