Sunday, April 9, 2023

No Easter In Lloyd This Year

Well, that's done. I pretty much hate the damn thing now. So many of the hours I spent on it were hours of being in pain. I'll finally admit that whatever's going on with me has been painful. Yesterday it got pretty bad and I finally took some ibuprofen which helped a lot and then before bed I took a pain pill from the stash in the freezer from prescriptions we've been given but never used. Even when I broke my ribs I didn't feel like they did much better than the ibuprofen but I felt the need last night. 

And I slept. 

I had alerted the kids last night that there was a good chance I wasn't going to be throwing a party and when I woke up I knew for sure that wasn't happening. Mr. Moon, bless his heart, took the ham and some pulled pork I'd made and the pie and other things over to Jessie's who stepped in and stepped up and offered her house for the celebration. Everyone rushed around and came up with different foods to bring and it all looks so much better than anything I could have done. 

The grands hunted Easter eggs. 

And so it went. It's been a gray and chilly day, quiet here in Lloyd. 

I will be calling the doctor tomorrow. Whatever I am going through needs to be figured out. It could IBS which I realize is a catch-phrase for any and all of the intestinal things no one can really diagnose but it could be something else. We shall see. It's not going to be fun, I know that. So of course I am anxious but what is there to do but what must be done? Meanwhile, I am not in pain, just a tiny bit of discomfort, but I sure don't feel good. 

We shall see what tomorrow brings. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. We'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best. I'm glad it's eased up a bit now.

  2. Oh, Mary, I am so sorry! I can think of a hundred things. some of which I know about. I am wishing you a productive trip to the doctor. Many thanks to your family for stepping up, but they are simply being the kind people you raised them to be. Get well.

  3. Glad that you are going to the doctor. You just had your appendix out so can't be that but I wonder if it could be related.

  4. If you have to raid the freezer for meds then a trip to the doctor is definitely in order.
    Fingers crossed for a quick diagnosis and an easy treatment plan.

  5. Good luck. I hope your Dr. visit provides answers.

  6. Here's hoping you get answers to what ails you and you feel better soon.

  7. The food looks amazing! That cheesecake with all the fruit!
    I really do hope the Doctor can find what's wrong and fix it.

  8. Just on case, please have your doctor check for Legionnaires Disease, which presents similar to pneumonia but also with diarrhoea and aches etc.
    Have you been handling bagged potting mixes and mulch? This is a common place for people to catch it from.

  9. Oh Mary, I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully your Dr will easily get to the diagnosis as to what is ailing you. I have had several bouts of gastritis in the past few years which makes me sick and is quite painful. I now have to watch what I eat and drink and take Pepcid. The joys of aging. My dear Paxton just spent 6 days in the hospital, 4 in ICU, with a serious case of DKA. It is amazing to me how quickly the human body can go down but equally amazing as to how quickly it will repair and come back again. I sure hope you are on the mend and feeling better real soon. Take care, dear Mary. I am holding you in my heart.
    Love, Angie D

  10. I hope that you can get an appointment very soon. If I needed to see my doc the best I could hope for would be a phone conversation in about 3 weeks! Look after yourself and do what your Dr. tells you!!

  11. Absolutely go to the Doc...or Urgent Care, do you have one nearby?
    Sometimes just going and being cared for starts the healing.
    BTW, mind those warnings about peat moss and mulch. Other mycobacteria lurk in that stuff too.
    Is that a hummingbird cake?

  12. I hope you can get in to see the doctor today or at least an emergency clinic. fingers crossed it is easily remedied.

  13. I'm glad you're calling the doctor. Yes, it's worth checking it out, especially since it could be something easily treated. Please keep us posted.

  14. Hope you feel better real soon, Mary.

  15. I hope all goes well with the doctor and that you feel better soon!

  16. Hi dear, so sorry for the pain you feel, wishing you good health.

  17. I hope you feel better soon:)
    Take care =)

  18. So sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, Mary. Serious enough for a doctor visit indeed if you missed your Easter celebration. Sending all the healing blessings. 0xx0 N2

  19. If YOU go see a doctor willingly....... it is a thing of concern. Thinking of you and hoping for good news
    Susan M

  20. Wishing you effective diagnosis and treatment as well as complete healing.

  21. Sorry - came to this a little late and read your other post update above. Thinking of you and wishing you well from here in Wales - best wishes from the bike shed

  22. This pain sounds a bit like what my mother used to deal with, diverticulitis, which would often resolve on its own, but glad you are having it checked out. Beautiful egg hunting grandkids.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.