Friday, August 20, 2010

Haiku My Heart, Good Enough To Eat, Even When He's Bad

Boy in cabinet
Kneeling in casserole dish
I shall eat him now.

Owen led me a merry chase last night. He has learned to fight sleep with all his heart and mind and strong little body and he is, like I say, a drunk on too much coffee when he's like this.

I gave him a bath, which he always loves, and then sat him up on his changing table and shot a few seconds of him doing his imitation of a laser beam fight in outer space. He was not giving up any of his cuteness. He was too determined to keep the party going and when I say "party" I mean proving that Grandmother will do anything for him that he wants. Anything.
Yogurt? Pineapple? Read a book? Play ball? Chase him around the house?
Sure. Whatever.
Luckily for me, Jason's surgery did not last very long. He and Lily came home with a very small bottle of about six bone chips the doctor had removed from Jason's foot. Jason settled on the couch with his foot up and Lily went to get him a pain pill.
"You want juice, milk, or water?" she asked him.
"Beer," he said.
"You can't do that," she said.
"Oh, give the boy a beer," I told her. Yes. I am a nurse.
She sighed in resignation and got a beer out of the refrigerator and a pill out of the bottle.
"Your daddy's going to get effed-up," she told Owen.

I giggled and kissed them all and came home.

And now I have made a haiku out of the evening and if you want to read more haikus or if you want to make one of your own, join this little party (and when I say "party" I mean scraping all the cake away from the frosting and savoring the sweetness in your mouth) at Recuerda mi Corazon with our dear Rebecca.


  1. I love this somewhat personal snapshot into your life. Thank you for sharing. My four Grandchildren, (and their Mother, my daughter), live with us. I now all too well that I'll do anything for them, times four! Keeps us busy, don't it?

    Very nice haiku and video. Yopu have a very pleasant voice, by the way.


  2. Glad Jason is okay. That photo of Owen in the casserole dish is priceless.

    Love you. Have a great weekend!

  3. That child sounds like a baby bird! It is ironic that they get that last burst of pure adrenaline before they pass out. Nature is weird.

    Glad J is on the mend. Pone chips sound painful! yesh!

    Happy Friday.
    m PS Save me one of those chubby legs! yummy! (Owen's that is)

  4. Mama, when you get a chance, can you send me that video via email? thank you.

  5. While the video played, Bella the dog came running to investigate and Austin said tickle-tickle and tried to get Owen on the screen. :)

  6. We've now watched it several times and he laughs and says "check baby." And then "he's screamin'" and he laughs.

  7. "Dad, come here. Check baby."

    good entertainment this morning :)

  8. So cute! Love the story and the "your daddy's going to get effed up tonight!" Still laughing at that!

    My dog and bird seemed to enjoy Owen's voice!

  9. that haiku made me laugh out loud...i miss the little days...

  10. Hey Ms. Moon! Thanks so much for inviting me to join. I'm so glad you liked my haiku.

  11. Hey, next time we have a potluck here in St. Augustine will you bring that yummy-looking casserole???

    That little guy is too cute for words ~ I love that you show all aspects of him and not just the ones when he's being "good"!

  12. Laughing now. Such a morsel in that casserole dish. Such a delectable haiku.

    "I shall eat him now."

    I also love your haiku invitation:

    "scraping all the cake away from the frosting and savoring the sweetness in your mouth"

    You have a way with words...

  13. Spadoman- Thank-you. And four? How do you do it? Really. How?

    Ms. Bastard- He's a nut, that boy. My monkey fish. I love you, Ms. Beloved!

    Ms. Fleur- I know. But yes, I want to nosh those thighs.

    DTG- I tried. I have to figure out youtube. I suppose I can. A lot of obvious idiots do.
    Love you...Mama

    Stephanie- Ha! Glad we could entertain the family so well.

    Delphyne- I figure that after getting bone chips removed from your foot, you deserve to get effed up.

    jean- It's a hoot.

    Jeannie- Well, I did love your haiku. It's perfect.

    lulumarie- He's starting to become quite opinionated in his old age.

    Leslie- I thank you!

  14. He sounds like a little chirpy bird. How precious.

  15. little mischief man
    full of piss and vinegar
    but such pure sweetness

  16. Hahaha - I so love this. What a delightful little soul. My own little grandson will be three next week and I can relate to each and every word you wrote.

    The haiku and the picture (and the experience!) are priceless.


  17. The haiku grabbed me.

    As did your comment on my blog. Ina May is one of my heroines. I gobbled up her Spiritual Midwifery back in 2000 when pregnant with my first child. I met her in person once, shaking in my knees.

    I birthed all my babies at home, including twins, they were full term (40 weeks + 3 days). They weighed 9 lbs 1 oz and 7 lbs 14 oz. Any woman who says she can't do it (birth at home, birth naturally), I usually fill their ears and then some.

    The support, love, friendship I found in my midwife (now retired) was a sanctuary, an empowerment, one that I pray my own 2 daughters will someday find. My midwife, and the wholeness she saw in me, changed my life.


  18. Rebecca- A BIG chirpy bird!

    Meri- You are RIGHT! I love that haiku. Thank-you.

    paper-n-soul- I'm glad you liked.

    Terressa- I need to spend some time at your place. I met Ina May several times and each time I trembled.
    You should read my post about how the midwives should be allowed to figure out the world's problems. You were blessed to have found such a wonderful one.

    deb did it- And that is how I feel about Owen.

  19. Great photo of Owen in the casserole dish.

  20. Oh Ms. Moon I love how you enable!

  21. yum. yum.

    baby, i am thinking you can both dish it out!!!

    i am HOME and i have MISSED YOU!


  22. Syd- I thought it was pretty precious.

    NOLA- Enable? Me?

    Magical Mystery Teacher- Delectable. Yes.

    Dianne- Probably too cute. You are right.

    rebecca- Oooh. Yes. I think we can all dish it out if needed. I missed you TOO! Love.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.