All right. How many of us watched the Charles Gibson interviews with Sarah Palin?
I did. I stayed up until eleven o'clock to do so and I was so vocally involved that I kept waking up Mr. Moon who was in his chair, pre-sleeping, as he calls it.
Sarah would say something and I'd hoot or groan or scream out a baffled Whaaaa???
First off, let me say that if the women of American look at this woman and think to themselves, "Why, she's just like me," then they are beyond delusional. Did you see that house of hers? And just how many American women have a sea plane tied to the dock behind their beautiful house? And how many American women hunt wolves from just such a plane in winter? Oh, that must be so much fun, killing wolves from a plane. Golly.
I was surprised at how little slack Mr. Gibson gave Ms. Palin in the interviews. When she'd respond to a question with an inappropriate answer that really had nothing to do with what he'd asked, he'd just ask it again. And again. Until it was obvious that she had no idea what she was talking about and that everything she was saying was nothing but parroted, warmed-up tripe, force-fed to her by a team of tutors hoping to make her sound reasonably educated on things that a vice president might actually need to know.
He called her on her Bridge To Nowhere lie, he called her on her earmarks lie, he called her on Troopergate and on foreign policy. He asked her if she'd ever met a head of state and how much traveling in the world she's done. He asked her a lot of questions that she obviously had no answer for although she managed to spout off something to each and every one, most of the answers making no sense in relation to the question that had been asked.
And anyone who watched those interviews and thinks that this little gal sure has a lot of the ball is either (a) ignorant, or (b) fooling themselves.
I think my favorite part was when she stated that the great thing about her experience as being the governor of Alaska (for 20 whole months!) is that Alaska is just like a microcosm of the U.S.
Oh right. Alaska is just like Illinois and California and Florida and Alabama and Mississippi.
Without the inner cities, overpopulation, immigration issues and people who aren't white.
Although I did hear that Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska. That may or may not be true.
It just seems to me so absurd that her biggest asset, according to her, is that she doesn't have any experience because that means she'll be able to get the job done there in Washington and bust up that good ol' boy network.
Which, according to what I hear, is headed by John McCain.
It's all double-talk, bullshit, and code-speak.
And if that's what the American voters want, then let 'em have it.
And in other interview news, if you want to spend a few moments watching Palin's running mate being grilled by some ladies who obviously will not tolerate double-talk, bullshit and code-speak, watch the women from The View have at McCain.
I almost felt sorry for the old dude.
But then I didn't.
If you can't take the heat, get out of the damn kitchen. Or at least quit throwing those big fat whopper mooseburgers on the grill.
Which brings to mind the question I've had since Palin's speech at the RNC. If she fired the executive chef at the Governor's home, who the hell is cooking her family's meals?
Oh. Yeah. She's just like all us other American women so I guess she just orders pizza every night. And when she's at home in that big beautiful house that she charges the the people of Alaska to stay in when she's there, I suppose it gets delivered by sea plane.
See? She's just like us.
That was a well-written bashing. I watched the View clips, and he didn't have one good response, in my opinion of course. I liked the part where he said Roe vs. Wade was a bad decision. Hah, yeah I can't wait until he's my President and is making decisions for me.
ReplyDeleteOh. Wait. Was that a bashing?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I guess it was. And don't even say that McCain might be president. Really, if that happens, we're all moving to another country. Start learning Spanish so you can translate for me, okay honey?
Ok I didn't see the Charlie Gibson interview, but I've seen enough to know that when it comes to women's rights she is not RIGHT! She is WAY TO SCARY FOR MY TASTE!!!!
ReplyDeleteMs. moon, I do so wish you would say what you mean and stop beating about the Bush! So let's get right down to it. Sarah Palin is a vapid, shallow, dangerous, harsh and dishonest Evangelical mouthpiece who clearly has no regard for the truth, our natural resources, women's rights (unless it involves limiting them), and would be a threat to our national security if she were ever involved in a real crisis that included the possibility for armed conflict as she would obviously shoot first and lie later. Ms. Moon, you are right on the money, honey!
ReplyDeleteNow...how can we get you published somewhere mainstream?
Your thoughts echo the thoughts of many outraged in our country by Sarah Palin's nomination. I'm wondering when this will catch on? If ever? And when it does, will it be too late? I hope not. Thanks for speaking up.
Oh... this post made me laugh and laugh. I love how politicians try to trot out the whole "I'm just like you!" cliches.
ReplyDeleteI missed the interview...but I think I'm glad because I'm sorry but was that a BEAR CARCASS on her couch? Meh.
MOB- that was a "stock" picture. There were no bears in evidence in the interviews with Charlie Gibson.
ReplyDeleteI guess she's not THAT crazy.
Billy asked me to make him a "Hot for Palin" shirt. I've made some crazy shirts, but I just can't do that.
ReplyDeleteYeah, if anyone thinks she's on the ball they should look into dropping the meth from their diet.
ReplyDeleteI like the term "pre-sleeping", I've always done it, but now have a term.
ReplyDeleteAnd Palin, yeah, this country is "pre-sleeping" if it falls for that smug brat.
Amen sister! Ha! That lady way freaks me out! Well said. All of it. ALL OF IT!
ReplyDeleteps: thanks's for the View link. I just went and watched all the segments. It was great, but I wish they had bashed him even more. WAY MORE. ah well.
Mr. Moon who was in his chair, pre-sleeping, as he calls it.
ReplyDeletePre-sleeping, I love it. Tell Mr Moon I have stolen his phrase for future usage
Mrs Fat Lad however will probably not appreciate a new terminology for my love of sleep however
Fat Lad
Excellent 'review' - couldn't agree with you more, and you
ReplyDeletewere totally accurate regarding
all the meth labs.
Worse, I'm scared after watching
that convention with the drill,drill crap, and the booing,
and then hearing they raised l0 million the next day after SHE
This country is in the tank because
of Bush's administration, and McCain agrees with 90-95% of what
he has done.
Scary, very scary - and getting this kind of info out there is
very important to know the FACTS,
Thanks Ms.Moon.
Glad I stopped here, and I'll be back.
Her house is big b/c it's the Governor's house. She really did come from an ordinary middle class fam.
ReplyDeleteI came to this conversation belatedly, desperately hoping to find assurance that I am not the delusional one. This woman terrifies me. She makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. She is as phony as they come, and she and her first dude need to be sent packing, back to Alaska, back to an ice floe if there are any left. I cannot stand the sight of her or bear to hear her name. The bashing wasn't harsh enough but it was still satisfying.