Thursday, July 10, 2008

Random, Unimportant Bits. Brown Paper Bag Day, For Sure

I find it funny that so many men bloggers use the dark (often black) background for their blogs. It reminds me of perusing the videos in the olden days at the video store. If a film had a dark-colored case, as apposed to a light one, it was most definitely a man movie.

I think John McCain is too old to be president. I myself, at the advanced age of almost 54, know for sure that my brain is NOT what it used to be. It would be okay if McCain USED to be Einstein, but I don't think he was.

Some days crazy just ain't funny at all.

Even yoga teachers sometimes need back surgery.

Sometimes yoga teachers need back surgery and are thus out of commission when their students need them most.

It's difficult to make myself do yoga on my own. But not impossible.

I think that if asked, one should tell one's doctor that one has an allergy to Codeine because in my opinion, Codeine is an inferior drug and if you need pain relief and say you're allergic to Codeine, you'll get something better.
I say this even though I haven't had an opportunity to get pain meds in years and years and years.
I still think it's true.

The writing in "men's" magazines is so far superior to that in "women's" magazines that it's astounding as well as embarrassing. And it makes me pissed off.
My theory is that men save all their energy for writing by never changing out the empty roll of toilet paper for the full one which is one foot away.

The writing in the Oxford American Magazine (which works equally well for men as for women) is just plain astounding. Mostly.

Getting a subscription for a magazine is one of the best-values, money-wise, in the entire world.

Beware of establishments where they can take a photograph of your aura and sell you products which will help your chi be less obstructed. Seriously. If you must frequent them for some reason, get your business done and get out as soon as possible to avoid any aura or chi-related damage.

I'm thinking my chi may be obstructed.

And that if you took a picture of my aura you wouldn't want to look at it.

Mop your house with this: water, a little bit of white vinegar, and a dash of Murphy's Oil soap.
You won't be sorry. Besides making your house smell lovely and clean, I think it may have chi-unobstruction properties.

I'd get a tattoo but I can't get drunk enough to do it without passing out.

It's not fear of pain, either. It's fear of regret.

Click on the picture of the paper bag above and you can read about who painted it.
Yes! Painted it!

If I could paint really well, I doubt I'd paint pictures of paper bags.

We'll never know, though, will we?

The thing I'm best at in yoga?
Tree pose. Without a doubt. I can stand in tree pose for days. I'm pretty sure.

I need to get busy.

You probably do too.

Namaste, y'all, and feel free to offer me whatever you've got in your brown paper bag today. It could be like a swap meet.

Or swamp meat.

I don't know.

Whatever. Whichever.

It's all cool unless you let that chi get kinked up because man, if you do, you've got a hell of a mess on your hands. So be careful. Drink lots of water. I think that can help.


  1. Been down to Crystal Connection today, have we?

    And that is really funny about men using the dark background. It's true, too, I use it myself on my dys blog.

  2. You figured it out!
    And not ALL men use the dark background but many do. And you would HAVE to for the dys blog.

  3. Yeah, a bright, shiny background would just seem off.

  4. That was a good blog. Easy to read. It worked like our minds work. Just flowing and telling. Hehe

  5. Just some random reactions to your randomness and an unimportant bit to share of my own:

    1. I clean my wood floors with vinegar and water as well, but perhaps will try a tad bit the Murphy's with it.

    2. Your comment about the toilet paper roll and men saving energy made me laugh.

    3. While riding last evening, I thought the air smelled more like Colorado than Nebraska to me. I found that odd.

  6. Ahhhhhh...Ms.Mooon - it's been a long time since I've had a chance to read your amazing thoughts - and I do love reading what you write - I shall have a hayday in catching up, certainly, positively, absolutely.

    In case you didn't know...I'm a Lego geek now...well, it's not a stretch, is it? To think of me selling toys?

    Oh, and we have a blog, but it's not very exciting, but, it's there! :-D


    Tracy (as in Dale)

  7. Oh, I must also comment on this blog that I read of yours! I fully concur that John McCain is much too old to be President and also was most likely never on the level as Einstein. If he was, I doubt he'd be in Politics.

    I also fully agree about mens magazines...I find myself reading my Esquire ("hoity-toity") magazine cover to cover out of pure enjoyment of the articles! Incredible! Even Playboy has better articles than the likes of Vogue!

  8. Tracy- wow! Great to hear from you! By the way- Esquire's my favorite too.
    Nicol- Nebraska and Colorado smell differently? I never thought about this. You have provoked thought!
    Jessie- some days we are more flowy than others, eh?

  9. Ms. Moon~ I know. It sounds weird, doesn't it? But I associate and remember so much by smell. Last night it had just rained, the temps were decent, humidity was down a bit and it smelled and felt Colorado-ish. Probably the group I was with didn't notice. I can't really explain the difference in smell from Colorado and Nebraska, but to me there's a difference.

    OK, here's how I can explain it. You know how when you go in someone's house and it has a certain odor? Not necessarily bad or good, just that it smells like them and their stuff? That's what it's like, I guess.

    I know...odd. :-)

  10. My chi is very badly messed up lately and that's why I'm not commenting much. I don't want to spread it around. But your paper bag blog was perfect becaause I could make sense of it in spite of my bad chi. :) Did you see my Juancho today?

  11. o dear. i have a black background...but i think its so my sensitive eyes can actually look at my blog, lol.

    thanks for posting - i really enjoy your blog!

    hope this finds you happy and well

    x kittie x

  12. Nicol, I know exactly what you mean and I can certainly identify a big difference when we get close to the coast or are in the deep piney woods but I just never thought about how different states would actually smell differently but of course they're bound to.

    Lo- I'm sorry to hear about your chi. Perhaps I could send you some crystals that could help with that problem? And yes, I had lunch with your boy on Wednesday. He seems quite fit and looked very handsome in his blue guayabera. Did I spell that right?

    Hepkittie- OH! Thank you for visiting! I shall go visit you. And yes, I am happy and well. Today.

  13. Oh yes, Ms. Moon, that pine smell is distinct, isn't it? And, sorry about your chi, Lopo. Take care.

  14. So,funny and so smart. You tie it all together in the end, and man (woman?) thats a cool thing.
    Nice one Sister Moon.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.