Monday, July 7, 2008

Flying My Freak Flag

Some days I am so awash with happy chemicals- all of them natural and self-produced, I assure you- that very little annoys me. Things are as the should be. The small things are the small things and I know it and I don't sweat them. It's all good.

On other days, however, when for whatever reason (and none that I can put my finger on) the chemicals flowing through my body are not made of sparkles and fairy dust but something more along the lines of oh, the black, sludgy stuff that sticks in the bottom of an oil barrel before it's refined.

But not as valuable.

And on those days, EVERYTHING annoys me, especially when people say things like "Don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff," and, my especial favorite, "It's all good."

First off, it's definitely NOT all good, and besides that, it's the small stuff that'll make you crazy.

Or make me crazy, anyway.

Every thing is making me crazy today. Even myself.

No, especially myself. Because I know that nothing is different today than it ever is. The dogs poop in the house when it's raining, drug companies are marketing cholesterol drugs to eight-year olds, the stock market keeps tanking, and darn it, my clothes that I started hanging on the line at seven-thirty this morning got soaking wet in the rain (which I am still unbelievably grateful for) because I went to town to do some work for my husband, requiring me to take them all down, haul their heavy asses in and put them BACK in the washing machine to spin and then put in the dryer.

Oh, big deal you big whiny baby.

But even if I am a big, whiny baby (and I am) things are still just fucked up every where.

I don't trust Obama. Okay? He's already going back on his word about things that may not seem real important, but sort of are. The financing thing? Whatever. But saying he'll support federal money going to faith-based initiatives is pissing me off. Can we please try to separate church and state? Huh? Or what about his reversal on the bill that would offer retroactive immunity to communications companies for letting the government use them to spy on our very own citizens without their knowledge?

Isn't that sort of big?

Or is that the small stuff?

McCain is saying that the surge worked. Yippie! And that he'll get rid of the deficit by guaranteeing victory in Iraq and Afganistan. Is this man on drugs?

If he isn't, he should be.

It goes on and on. And of course it's going on and on all the time and sometimes I can just ignore it and go blissfully on down the path of sweetness and light and some days, I just want to crawl in bed and pull the covers up and read Archie comic books with a flashlight.

Or cry myself to sleep.

All I know is, is that the guy down the road whom I have admired from afar for so long for having the bravery to display three flags every day- the American flag, the Florida state flag and the rainbow gay pride flag- is now down to ONE flag. And that would be the gay pride one.

Honey, I'd like to say to him, I know how you feel. Sometimes you gotta show what you know. You have to be who you are. You have to put away the symbols of the things you aren't real sure about and fly the symbols of the ones you are.

If I flew a flag today, it would probably have a vulture on it because that's what I feel like today- some old bad, ugly bird just waiting for the next thing to die so I can go pick at it.

Anyone know where I can get one of those babies? A tasteful flag with a vulture on it?

I'm sure my neighbors would appreciate that.

If they weren't sweating the small stuff, at least.


  1. I started to respond politically, but fuck it- it's all good- so I erased it.

  2. Come on, Juancho. Take me to school here! I want to LOVE that man! With all my heart and soul.
    Tell me why I should.

  3. OK: rant begins here.

    About this faith-based thing. The higher ideal of service to your neighbor is promoted in churches, and congregations tend to act on those principles. They often act in inappropriate or ineffective ways, but they also often do great work. The dirty secret us "libs" carry is that most of us do not volunteer, and we are not organized or inclined to do the work to be able to "serve."

    If you want a mobilzed force for social change, you look to church folks.

    They show up.

  4. I will definitely give it to you that churches do volunteer. That, I will agree with.

  5. hmmm..I have to join you in the 8 year old drug-puppy rant. What.the.heck???(Preceded by this whole Gardisil crap...but I can't even spell it so I will stop now)
    As to the rest.. eat cake. that's always my solution. Because you know what? somedays that is the only decision i can actualy make and carry through on. (unless its a realy bad day and i can't even decide what Kiiiind of cake to indulge in)
    Somedays you just have to hang on and wait. And write. And wait some more.
    So let's just go sit on the porch and have some cake and wait awhile, shall we?
    OH! But Wait! There's more...let's start on etsy shop and sell those vulture flags!!!!! ;)

  6. I can't eat cake every day. I hate it when I can't wear my jeans and cake-eating is sure and certain death for jeans-wearing.
    You eat my cake for me. Then tell me about it.
    I will just sit on the porch and weep quietly.

  7. I don't trust Obama my gut...and my friends who love him think I'm the freak... ::sigh:: Guess I just don't hop on those trains that are bound for glory (don't trust 'em - I always think they'll end up at a concentration camp...and, I'm usually right...)

  8. Those "Small Stuff" comments are always referring to a size assessment of other people's stuff.

    It's like getting cut off in traffic by a guy with a "Practice random acts of kindness" bumper sticker. (Which actually happened to me.)

  9. I got cut off and passed in a dangerous manner by a SUV with a "I brake for butterflies" bumpersticker.

  10. Bravo. You are a contender for the ranting hall of fame! And that's something coming from an Italian. Seriously!
    xo pf


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.