Thursday, March 27, 2008

Am I Insane Yet?

So instead of cleaning the house or making food for this shower on Sunday, I decided that the best use of my time this week would be to strip and refinish a dresser I've been meaning to get around to for about...oh, thirty years or so.
Does this qualify me for meds?
Hey! I've got two more days. Come on. I can do this.
And the dresser's refinished!
Mission accomplished, that's what I say.


  1. Avoidance works for me -- especially if it got the dresser refinished!! ;) Good job! :)

  2. Well, it was a very small dresser. Seriously.

  3. It is a wee dresser, but I bet it looks nice now. Instead of cleaning my house completely for the party, I spent the past two nights cutting stencils and spray painting a big banner. So there you go.

  4. That's just called "procrastination coming due".

  5. Yep, Jon, you are right. And DTG- the dresser really doesn't look that much better than it did before. Seriously. But I did it, and there you have it.
    Now. On to cleaning.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.