Monday, September 12, 2022

Now We Wait

So I planted the garden today. Mr. Moon had made me such well-delineated and cleared rows to plant in that it really wasn't hard although the heat just about killed me. I had to keep stopping and coming in the house to cool down. I just cannot take it the way I used to. BUT, before the day was done, I had planted carrots, mustard greens, collard greens, arugula, a kale mix, two different types of lettuce mixes, turnips, chard, broccoli, and the artichokes. 
I wonder what will and what will not come up. I also wonder if this is the year I will finally gird my loins and thin the rows the way I should. 

Yeah, probably not. 

And now I'm tired. Worn out. I've got nothing to report, no real news, good or bad. It's all just life today. Another day I've lived on the planet, another day closer to the day I won't be living on the planet. As much as I think I have been quite aware that one day I will stop living and really don't seem to be too concerned about that, it is shocking when I stop and think about the fact that if I get ten more good years it'll be something. Ten years goes by like a dream now, just whooosh, gone. And like most of us, probably, I hope that my death will be like that too- just a flash and then gone. Not even enough time to grasp what's happening. 
I should be so fortunate.

Anyway, here's a picture of Lucky whom I am 99% sure is a rooster. 

He hasn't crowed yet nor has he laid an egg so...

The other day when I went to let him and Grace out of the hen house, he sang a song several times that was pretty fancy. There were seven of the same notes, all in a row, and then three different ones. He repeated this, as I said, a few times, always exactly the same. I was quite impressed. I sang it to myself a few times and should have come in and figured it out on the piano. I could title that song, "Requiem for Liberace," whom I am quite certain is the father. 

Thunder is rumbling in the distance but I don't think we're going to get any rain which would have been so welcome to water in my seeds and get that process off to a good start. I'll water if it doesn't rain tomorrow. 

The red roses planted in the garden are still blooming. I'm not sure they ever really stop. I took this picture today while I was out kneeling in the dirt, getting ant bit and mosquito bit, and counting out tiny seeds to press into the ground, my faith at least as great as a the size of the mustard seeds, the proof of which is that I planted them. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. So these are winter vegetables you're planting? Much as you get a winter I would imagine. I hope Lucky sings his song again and you can get it down and create that requiem. A fitting tribute.

    1. Yes indeed. Those are our winter vegetables. They are fairly impervious to frost and light freezes which is about as much as we usually get.

  2. I got my winter seeds in the mail but so far I haven't felt up to planting them. Maybe after work tomorrow, since it's supposed to be cooler with lower humidity. It's probably not a food idea to wait much longer.

    1. good, not food.

    2. Or a food idea either, I guess. Looking forward to seeing what you plant in your winter garden.

  3. I hear you on the idea of more years behind you than in front.. And I'm impressed you got all that planting done. In the heat, too.
    Do roosters have to learn to crow? I wonder if he's surprised at the sounds he's making.

    1. Roosters do not have to learn to crow. They do, however, have to practice. When they first start they sound a lot like gargling teenaged boys whose voices are breaking. And I think they are surprised at themselves. What Lucky did the other day didn't sound like a beginning crow though.

  4. That garden and that rooster both are mighty handsome. I hope Lucky perfects his song and the garden comes up as well.

    1. Thank you, Joanne. I am hoping for both of those things too!

  5. Lucky looks like a rooster to me, with his neck raised high to watch over his flock (of one). I did some planting myself today, tomatoes, dill and sunflowers. We'll see how that goes. Everything is in pots.

    1. Yes- that long neck. He's certainly got that going on. I need to quit planting so much. Not variety but length of rows. I WAY over plant. If everything came up that I planted, we could feel Lloyd.

  6. I'm so envious of your garden - although I'll pass on the heat!

  7. All that rain we got and now I have to go out and start watering. Maybe Lucky's song is an attempt at crowing. My neighbor got the ground ready for his garden but I don't think he's planted yet.

    1. Getting it ready is the hard part but you have to follow through. We got a little rain last night so I didn't water today.

  8. Hope you get some steady rain today since your garden is ready for it! I would enjoy hearing Lucky sing - maybe you can record it for us!?

  9. I'm planting my winter garden too. Hahahahahaha! The days and nights are much cooler now, thank goodness and everything is wrapping up in the garden. I've been collecting seeds for next year and I have a counter full of tomatoes that are slowly turning red.

    I'm so glad that you still have two chickens. How have they escaped the predator?

    1. Gosh. It seems like one second you're waiting for the snow to clear and the next second your garden is in full production and bloom-mode, and then the next it's getting cold! Your growing season is fast and furious!

    2. Oh- and we have been closing the little sliding door into the hen house where the chickens roost at night. It leads into the run and coop but the raccoons are obviously able to get into the coop door.

  10. I have thoughts like that about mortality sometimes. I guess it's just part of getting older. I figure I might have 20 more years if I'm lucky, but it could easily be less! Good on you for getting the garden planted! Lucky is a handsome lad.

    1. We never know, do we? We just don't know.
      Lucky is a good-looking bird.

  11. Lucky looks totally like a rooster to me! maybe he's a late crower.


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