Friday, August 12, 2022

Well. Some News That Even I Did Not Expect

 I am learning a little more every day about how to use this fancy new camera on my phone. It is really so easy. The detail astounds me. 

It is all rather miraculous to me. The camera lens sees details I cannot and then, with a photo, shares them with me. 

Here's a blossom from one of the field peas. 

And this was just a quick shot taken on the fly from my walk this morning. 

The walk was miserable, to tell you the truth. I had to force myself to get my miles in. With every step my mind was telling me, "Go home! Go home! Go home!" 
And eventually, I did. I hung the laundry out and then had to scramble to get it in before we had a little rain later on this afternoon. 

The sweetest package showed up in the mail today. Another box from Linda Sue, who at this point, is probably Magnolia's godmother. Magnolia adores Linda Sue who has sent her so many beautiful doll costumes and doll accoutrement that Maggie sees her as a personal friend. One day she asked Lily if she knew Linda Sue. Lily told her that no, she did not and that she didn't think that even I had met her, but only knew her from being online. 
"No, Mom," Magnolia June said. "Linda Sue is REAL." 
And speaking of real, look what came today. 

This is a Swedish doll who is so true to life that when I opened up her box and unwrapped her I said, "Welcome, darling!" And kissed her perfect little lips. Her body is soft and huggable. She is absolutely a perfect little human and I think she will become Maggie's best friend. 
If, that is, I hand her over. 
I will! I will! I just...need to make her some clothes first. Maybe. Something. 
And now I'm motivated to go to Monticello and buy that other baby who needs a home so badly. I am planning on going tomorrow. She will definitely be mine if I can get her because she is too fragile for child play and I don't think that Maggie would feel about her the way I do. 

Well, Mr. Moon set the trap last night with a piece of fried chicken and he caught the black feral cat that panthers around the yard here frequently. I told my husband that it was probably the best night the cat has had in ages. He was in a secure and safe place and he ate every single morsel of chicken, including the bones. And then this afternoon, without any bait in it at all, another stray kitty got in and set the trap off. I am assuming that the heavenly odor of the chicken that Panther Cat ate last night was enough to tempt the little cat. And don't worry- the trap does not hurt the animal in the least. 
Why do I think that the fox is not going to fall for this? But maybe it will. 
I did suggest to Glen that we just start feeding the fox in order to make our hens and roosters less attractive to it. Why go to all the trouble to chase and kill a live chicken when humans are leaving dog food for you? 
Mr. Moon pondered this and said, "I've never heard of anyone doing that as a solution."
"Doesn't mean it wouldn't work," I said. 
I don't think he believes me. 
The friend of ours who toted the trap in the back of his truck the other day buys two hundred pounds of dog food a WEEK to feed the raccoons in his yard. He swears he does it because it makes his wife happy. To my mind, that is far more extreme than feeding one fox. Although come to think of it, that dog food would end up feeding all of the animals in the surrounding area. 

All right. Shit's about to happen. Trump is being investigated for violating the Espionage Act of 1917. I have nothing to say about this because really, nothing more needs to be said. 
Right this second, at least. Plenty more will obviously be said but for now, that's enough. 
I haven't read the warrant yet but I sure will. 

Happy Friday, y'all. I raise my martini glass to the image of the Orange One in an Orange Jumpsuit. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. What will happen to the feral cats?

    1. They just got released. They make their home around here. They are too feral, I think, to be pets.

  2. You and your new phone are getting some beautiful flower shots ... I had no idea okra had such a stunning blossom!
    The dolly is beautiful, too!
    Oh, yes ... Thing 45 is in deep doo-doo! LOL

    1. Isn't okra a pretty plant?
      And the doll is so beautiful. I love her. I hope Maggie does too!
      I do not see how Trump can get out of this one.

  3. Those photos are stunning, such definition. Yes, get the doll. For you. she's not a toy, she's an icon.

  4. well, stunning doll Linda Sue sent...just stunning (as are most of her dolls AND the clothing to accompany). Maggie will be in heaven. i am also curious as to what the outcome of the cat catching was......knocking on neighbors doors? release? Keep feeding them (and fox too)? I do think feeding 200 lbs. per week of dogfood to raccoons is *extreme*...... I don't feel encouraging any stray to come into your yard is a good thing......but hey, what do I know?
    Happy Martini Friday
    Susan M

    1. PS this, of course, does NOT apply to Linda Sue and her raccoon *family*. LOL!
      Susan M

    2. The feral cats were just released. I don't think they belong to anyone but I'm sure my neighbor feeds them.
      I don't think that Glen is going to agree to just feeding the fox. It's not a well thought-out plan, anyway.

  5. Raising my glass with you! I love Lynda Carter’s tweet on the topic:
    “Florida man stunned to find that laws apply to him, too.”

    1. Haha! I doubt Trump believes yet that they do. Hopefully, he soon will though.

  6. Being an Aussie I watch from afar with bewilderment. To this day I can't understand why one so loathed and inept became your president. I hope he gets his just desserts.

    1. I could go on for hours and hours about why I think Trump got elected and none of it says anything good about Americans.

  7. Your camera phone takes astonishing photos! Mine does not. Your phone must be the best on the market! Even the fine whiskers on the rose bud/stem WOW! I feel so much better about feeding the raccoons on the deck now, thank you ! That guy must have hundreds, thousands, to go through that much dog food (they prefer cat food you might tell him)
    Lisi is glad to be in the loving arms of our Magnolia June and yours...and Glen's. So much nicer than sitting on our landing with no one to pay with.
    Cheers!!! LOVE

    1. Actually, it is not the best phone on the market. There are "better" more expensive ones but I think this one is pretty dang fine. It's an iPhone 13 Pro. There is a Pro Max. I believe that one can control the universe.
      I think that the guy who buys the dog food for raccoons got an inheritance which is how he can buy all that chow. That's one way to spend it! He and his wife have no children so...why not?
      Lisi is already very happy, I think. Right now she is in a dolly bed with some new friends. Jessie met her today and loved her. The boys were not as impressed.

  8. The last time I had pictures that good I had a Nikon. Long time ago; 24ASA film. That's a great little camera you have.
    I sure hope you get the fox and get it over with.

    1. I flipped over to the news feed before bed, and the leading item is the orange one is under investigation for Espionage Act violations.

    2. Yes! Espionage Act violations. More is coming out all of the time.
      We never could have imagined having a camera like this in our phones, could we? I mean- we couldn't imagine phones like that. I still remember the little black Brownie cameras.

  9. At least the suit will match his hair,,,

  10. That is just the sweetest doll! Does she have a name? I'm sure Maggie will name her something suitable. Linda Sue is a lovely person.
    The flower details in the photos are remarkable. The crinkling of the petals on the roses, the spiral centre of the sunflower! my first digital camera captured macros like that, but the newer cameras let me down sometimes. Usually with colour. Anything purple comes out blue, anything red comes out more pink or slightly orange.

    1. Linda Sue is a precious. That is all there is to it.
      Who knew that roses had crinkly petals? And those little lines on the field pea blossom, like directional instructions for the bees. I think the colors are excellent too.

  11. 200 lbs of dog food A WEEK for the wild creatures!!! Surely the more food he buys the more the "visitors'" numbers will rise exponentially! Yikes! And you're right that doll is absolutely beautiful. How kind is Lady Margaret!

    1. I know. I know. I could not/would not feed the wild animals like that. And of course every raccoon and other critter in the county is eventually going to be in their yard.
      Lady Margaret is a gift!

  12. Ok, I need that phone. Those pictures are amazing.

    I have to say even I was shocked he had top secret SCI documents in his possession. How does one even get those out of the secure room much less to MAL. I read that these documents are so important that the FBI is dusting each page for fingerprints to see who has handled them. Surely he can't wiggle out of this.

    1. Right? I can't figure that out either. And I think that the more shit that comes out, the more shocked we're going to be and that is saying a lot. I didn't think anything about that degenerate idiot could surprise me at this point. Hold my beer!

  13. Well, maybe it IS time for an iPhone upgrade! That bug in the top photo is kind of scary-looking. A wasp or hornet, I think?

    Bravo to Linda Sue for brightening Maggie's day (again)!

    I hate to be a naysayer, but I don't think feeding the fox will dissuade it from killing the chickens. That instinct will always be there. Are we sure the cats haven't been responsible for some of the deaths?

    1. Oh, Steve. You would love this phone. I am not kidding you. Do it! You and Dave march right down to the local Apple store and get you some phones!
      I'm not sure what that insect is. I should look it up. It certainly does look like a stinging critter though.
      I don't think those cats could bring down and eat an entire adult chicken. But you're right, feeding the fox would probably not help.

  14. Those flower photos are amazing! I am impressed!
    I am looking forward to the day when we don't have to read about the former pres. ever again!

    1. I have to tell you that I am taking a sort of perverted delight in reading about this latest scandal. It's just too bizarre.

  15. Wow, those pictures are amazing, almost enough to make me go over to the I phone dark side. :) Cross your fingers, we may yet be fitting that jackass for an orange jumpsuit!

    1. Once you get an iPhone, you'll wonder why you waited. Well, maybe.
      As for orange jumpsuits- do you suppose his will be bespoke?

  16. It's amazing what the new phone cameras can do. I've stopped dragging my big camera around because the phone is so easy to keep with me and takes wonderful photos.
    I want to say that feeding wild animals is a bad idea but I also think that it would keep your chickens alive. What happened to the two cats that got trapped?

    1. I haven't used a "real" camera in years. It would still work better for some things like shots of the moon. The iPhone camera is shit for that.
      Feeding wild animals IS a bad idea. The two cats were immediately released. They are "neighborhood" strays.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.