Monday, October 17, 2011


It was a damn fine day with my damn fine grandson.
He invented a yoga pose called the "Mingo" which involves standing on one leg like a flamingo.
He took a nap with me. He figured out how to make reins for his horse. He got as dirty as dirty can be. He shared a carrot with the mule.
There was a lot more. Everything. We did everything.

Just a damn fine day.


  1. Gosh, he's looking like a big boy!

    Handsome, indeed.

  2. He is a damn fine boy as Mr. Lawrence would say.

    I saw Lily today and it was damn fine to see her smiling face.


  3. I can totally see the man he's going to become...

  4. Handsome...for sure! Sounds like a fine damn day to me : )

  5. Darn handsome cowpoke you have there!

  6. What a lucky little cowboy---I don't know how many daycare facilities allow the naked rolling in the dirt kind of essential play. You wouldn't even want them to. That's a family thing! Now, you ARE going to get him a pony when he's three, aren't you? I mean, he looks like such a natural in that hat...

  7. He is just growing up way too fast. What a handsome little cowboy you have there.

  8. Next thing you know, he'll be teaching the "mingle".
    What a little cowboy dude!

  9. Although I would have thought it impossible, he just gets cuter and cuter. Where did the cowboy hat come from?

    You are a damn fine grandmother.

  10. I like hearing that you've had a fine day.

  11. Ohhh, it's true, you have to get a damn pony!

    Aw, you're going to love it :)

    Does Mingo involve flapping, by any chance? Most excellent.

  12. I vaguely remember when I could do the Mingo for ages at a time --

  13. He is looking like a real cowboy. Go Owen.

  14. I love the photo. He's a doll. I also wish I had his energy!

  15. The Mingo is your favorite pose. That's how I picture you when we were growing up - standing on one leg with the phone tucked in your shoulder, stirring a pot and tending to a baby.

  16. DTG- Well, Owen's pose is different. He was leaned forward with both hands on the tongue of the trailer with one leg raised as high as possible in the air. But yes, you are right- I had my own Mingo and still practice it daily, with a baby or without.
    I love you so.

  17. It's crazy how long you can stand like that.

  18. such a debonair cowboy!

    i also love that image of you in DTG's comment above. Doesn't surprise me at all.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.